~THREE DAYS OF DARKNESS ‘The Great Shift” by MASTER KIRAEL & Kahu Fred Sterling~

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‘The Great Shift” by MASTER KIRAEL & Kahu Fred Sterling~




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❤ KIRAEL: When I put this one in on the three days of darkness, I had no idea how thrilled everybody was going to be with it. I know they are thrilled. Everybody asks me-me poor medium gets asked this a little bit more than I do because he is on Earth a lot more than I am: When is the three days of darkness going to happen?

Well, let me put it to you as best as I can. The three days of dark darkness is something that, by the time it happens, you will all be so ready for it, you won’t be counting the days. You will be counting the love particles, because, you see, the three days of darkness is when the Earth plane enters into this huge belt of light, and the light is so intensified, there are so many particles that your sun star seems to be blotted out. You say, “Well, God help you, Master Kirael, aren’t we going to freeze to death without the sun?” I said, “Seems to be blotted out.”


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CME IMPACT: As predicted, a coronal mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field on Nov. 12th at approximately 0600 UT. The impact was weak, however, so it is not yet clear whether the event will produce significant geomagnetic storms or auroras. Stay tuned for updates. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


GRAND FILAMENT: A filament of magnetism more than 700,000 km long is curling around the sun's northeastern limb. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the vast structure during the early hours of Nov. 12th:

~Bearning Witness to the Light Infusion ~

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~Bearning Witness to the Light Infusion ~




It has been a very very long time since I spent most of the day in the bathtub. I truly bore witness to the greatest movement of Light I had ever seen. What I am going to share may not be in the exact order I had seen them, but truly, it doesn't matter.

I seen the movement of ther earth, of our mother. She was a unique little thing that is for sure. She put on her human suit for me, to give me an image to hold the visual. SHe was in her deep center, on her back, knees bent up to her chest, feet up in the air slightly and on her feet was a globe the of world. She started this movement with her feet that started the globe spinning around inside the walls of her core. She was also rotating as I continued to watch. She was spinning slowing in a circle clockwise slowly compared to the movement of the globe upon her feet. The globe itself, was large, bigger than a basketball, much bigger. It was spinning in every direction, nothing was missed by the feet of Gaia.

~11:11:11 gives birth to The New Body of Light ~

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If you have not read my first sharing of this morning it is listed here: The Shift of Time and Energy This sharing is really a continuation of that sharing. This one is about our human light field our biology of Light.

I shifted my inner vision to my physical body laying in the bathtub... experiencing, bearing witness to the grandest of Light Shows earth had ever experienced The grandest because it as done with intention. Human hearts beating and breathing Love together. Embedding the new (which is not really new at all) energy as the pulse of earth.

~Mother Cahokia Speaks of the Epiphany of the 13th Sun

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JKM 11-10-11 Mother Cahokia Speaks of the Epiphany of the 13th Sun
Judith at Cahokia Mounds at 11:44 pm and Sean at the Sanctuary at 10:44 pm PST


JKM  Mother Cahokia opens the doorways to the inner planes and the cosmic principle of the power of the 13th sun comes upon the Earth.


JKM 11-10-11 Mother Cahokia Speaks of the Epiphany of the 13th Sun
Judith at Cahokia Mounds at 11:44 pm and Sean at the Sanctuary at 10:44 pm PST
I am at Cahokia Mounds by the Gateway Conference Center in my room and Sean is in B. C.
We open to the Heart of Universal Oneness in the consciousness of Creation.
I am the womb of Cahokia. I am the ancient source of life at the center of the cosmos on the inner plane of this sacred temple.


You see before you the ones who came before. They carried the songs of the place in Creation, in the place of the Origin. They were called to this place in the universe to create the temple of light as a doorway of light, a doorway to the cosmos.



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A Website and A Global Electronic Newsletter

A Thought, A Way of Life,

ISSUE #153


Created, Channeled, Written, Published and copyrighted

With Love and dedication to the Light by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan



*** 11:11:11 GATEWAY

*** 11:11:11 PORTAL OF SELF





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Do you know how most people get jobs they love, Father~Mother God?

They first loved the job they had, and everyone noticed.

And I do mean everyone.
    The Universe


The same goes for most people, Father~Mother God, who get cars they love, homes they love, people they love, and bodies they love.



11~11~11~~GFP~special edition~You want the news from Everywhere? You got It~Divine Comedy~~

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~You want the news from Everywhere? You got It~



~Divine Comedy~


If You want to Understand Love, You've got to Show Up. We'll call this a Special Edition of Everywhere Showing Up Now. If You want to Be a God, You've got to Be Present. If You want to Be Love, You've got to Be Equally Present, Times Two = One. You know how Love Exists? Are You sure? If You weren't sure of Love, how could You Be Here? Are You Here? Godhood 101, give Yourself a high-five. You can kiss the Mirror too.


Notice how We meet together Here, just because We Choose To. Who before Me speaks the Love I Am? Give Me A Moment. I look like Myself because I want to. I look like Everything because I Am. When I discover Me, You find Yourself Equal to Me. Like a Mirror?


~11.11.11 Peace, Love & Unity~

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~11.11.11 Peace, Love & Unity
11 11 2011~







Well … my 11.11.11 began at midnight when I woke up with such incredible energy surging through me that I was even wondering about that book on spontaneous human combustion which I read when I was about 12 years old. :-)

Anyway … I got up and went downstairs ..looked out of the window and saw the beautiful full moon … Jupiter sparkling away …and then noticed the town clock which said exactly midnight … Happy 11.11.11 !!

It was interesting because I checked my emails and found a crystal skull channeling from Sherling ( the crystal skull from the Merlin energy vortex course which I went to last month) … in which it was said that those of us who are activating portals on the 11.11.11 were having our energy adjusted … ok .. I thought …`adjusted’ it is…

In the early hours I finally went back to sleep for a wee while.


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