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~ Portal Opening May25th, 2013 which Cannot be Blocked or Closed! Love Wins

Lia's picture

Photo By Charles Doley


Quoted from Lisa Gawlas from the Reading with Mother and Father God "..They eventually were set up on the very edge of this black[LIGHT] hole within the dome of energy.  He being a black[ light] hole himself, her… OMG a full bloom rose energy (the highest vibration of love) completely outlined in golden threads of energy (gold being the highest vibration of spiritual energy.)


They indeed are divine counterparts to each other…. and what a pair indeed!!  The profoundness of this partnership….  humbling!!

In all that they do together, he takes, by virtue of Being the negative energies of all that crosses his sphere of energy, she transmutes it all into the highest vibration of love, he sends it outwards into new energy, new created fields of life." end of quote


~ Arm of God Reaching To Humanity~ Portal Opening day May 25th, 2013

Lia's picture

Photo Taken May 25th 2013 By Charles Doyle


 Quoted from Lisa Gawlas from a Reading with Mother and Father God " Granted they both work day and night helping all of humanity already Literally, in their fields of chosen work)… but there is soooooo much more happening.  Once again I had seen that lovely and large arm/hand of God presenting them both with a globe of blue and violet energy.  This was a presentation to them around the summer solstice.  Their service to humanity will be kicked up even more… and what is interesting is they felt like they had to jump into the earth.  I had to smile when they said they live on Mount Shasta, the amplification of “inner earth” activity!!


From the core of the earth, the new earth is made manifest." End of quote


 The following Is a video Filmed By the Earth Allies from Last years Ecplise On Mt Shasta Mountain with a Special Mediation Prayer for the end of duality On Planet Earth=Heart and for the Liberation of Humanity.



toonewewillreturn's picture

westgate point conception CA

contact 2

jeffreytcarl's picture

the ship , a ship,  my ship 

lets learn to fly together  listen to your guidance from within

contact by telepathy

jeffreytcarl's picture

 Hi  good people  this drawing of contact that i made 0n the 22 of April was a down load 

I've been brought to a quiet place in the Castkil moutains in New york where in the valley there  flows a beautiful creek/river  it's so open there I was looking into the sun,centering

then i turned so the sun was looking over my shoulder something instructed me to draw  don't think just draw  this drawing came out. then i laid back on to the rocks and sand and was imobelized for a short time my body wouldn,t move aftere that I was real groggy the rest of the day and another picture came out as though it was a picture of my ship 


shima's picture


Jupiter in Capricorn

Its happening everywhere, we change, even the rocks are moved and create a complete now outlook around us. We either swing with it, or we get hit!

It is a molding process, or we get chiseled out! Sand blasted is another way to form and sculptor the future. Anyway the wind of changes is blowing hard transforming us into new humans. What we can do is be flexible and movable

and make ajustments to our way of living here on this planet, finding new ways to deal with our trash and waste, so it does not hit us in the face, get our energy sources straight and be nicer to our environment and transform our thinking patterns. Become gentle and loving to our kids and animals! Lots to do!


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