Family Album

Images uploaded from our Family


shima's picture


Saturn in Saggitarius

This is the symbol of jailed in energy, when we feel like burning inside and not finding a way how to express ourself.

Or in situations we feel others are opressing us, it does not matter.

It is a time we have to face facts and make a new plan how to get out of this

situation. Can we sit it out, or have we a way to escape through the back door, or toilet window? Or just cancel a contract, tell our opressors thats it?

We are forced into making a decision, braking our jail bars,

or slipping through them.....either way it is not a good time..

Often it can be a time to contemplate and forget the bars and go inside of us to find the freedom in us and a tremendous space to feel free and independent from the outside world.


shima's picture


Saturn in Leo

We are asked to become fitting channels for the new energy coming in.

Well what that means is that we have to find a proper and effective way to use the new power, which wants to come through us.

The dosis and the pressure of it have to fit in case to be effective.

If you have low water pressure in your house, the water will drip only in the first floor bathroom....the same with us humans,

if you do not have a proper way to open up to the new energy, it will useless.

So lets all go through a check up to see if we have any leaks,

or are plugged up with some old behavior patterns, clean them out

and fix the leaks and all should work perfect,

if you find your unique way of letting yourself be charged and changed.

Open up and ajust.

Milky Way News, a light Astro/Tarot Forecast from 13th April 13

shima's picture


Aries energy everywhere and lightening strikes are leading us out of the darkness and pushing us into our new direction.

We face a colourful rainbow in front of us and we are asked to dare to make the first step on it!

With new goal and letting go of the past we can say “yes” to our new projects and start out fresh, on a higher level of being ourselves.

Whow it is a ride and the world around us is shining in crystal clear vibrations.

Our souls and hearts want to tune into Gaia´s love song share and dare!

Get yourself a colour bath!

Milky Way News, a light Astro/Tarot Forecast from 13th April 13

shima's picture

The Devil

This card represents our material life on earth with all the desires and wishes we confront ourselves with.

In short words its about sex, drugs and rock and roll!

These things can get us into trouble, because they are things we want to have badly and we all fall into these traps sooner or later!

It is a good thing when we can see them coming!

Or we had a similar experience before,

but if you hit the trap again, it is better to take it with humor!

Don´t get into a guilt or shame trip, reset yourself and tell yourself,

next time you will watch out!

When we do some good shadow work, we might be able to root out some old behavior patterns. The best time is now to stop smoking or drinking!

If not we will get a big kick and might get sick, to face our problems...time to let go and put old traps out of the way.

Milky Way News, a light Astro/Tarot Forecast

shima's picture


Well, here comes the sun again and we are happy that we made it out of a dark and cold timespan. Its almost that we forgot to be happy...what is it!

So reconnect to your happiness and dig it out in your subconsiousness and "re dress" in a happy outfit and join the dance of life.

Let´s face the sunshine again and heal our wounds of the dark in the fresh air of spring. Going out to join with friends and party! After a long time of inside work, we might want to pull it out and show our progress to others and share experiences. We all need each other to celebrate our future, which we manifested inside each one of us.

We are powerful divine creators, yes we can change!

The Universal Collaboration: Journal

Danlock Stryder's picture




Today and every other day, you will continue to feel the deepest love and gratitude for all that has brought you here.


You will continue to love on infinite levels, depths and heights with truth and clarity.


You will remain safe, full of light, shining brighter every moment.


So now the time has come when the true abundance of health, wealth, wisdom and power can be appreciated on a fuller level.

Dolphin Help Save Dog from Drowning

Filo HArt's picture

Dolphins Help Save Dog from Drowning!

On Marco Island, Florida a group of dolphins came to the aid of a lost Dog that had fallen into a canal and couldn't get out. The dolphins made so much noise, it attracted the attention of people living nearby, who then rescued the dog. The Dog was believed to have spent 15 hours in the canal water before he was pulled out by fire personnel and reunited with his owner.


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