Family Album

Images uploaded from our Family

Jonathan Livingston Seagull...I presume.

Reane's picture

He didn't want to be like the other seagulls...scavage around all day looking and fighting for food...his family and friends scoffed at him and told him that he needed to be like all the rest of the gulls.  HE wanted to fly...FLY LIKE NO OTHER...soaring higher and higher.  Many of his attempts were painful crashes...but he knew he could do it...and he stayed his course.  No one believed it could be done...but he knew it inside of himself.  A song from the movie...


     Lost...on a painted sky

     Where the clouds are hung for the poets eye

     You may find Him...If you may find Him

     There...on a distant shore

     By the wings of dreams    

     Through an open door

     You may know Him

     If you may.....



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