Family Album

Images uploaded from our Family

"Greetings, Guardians of Mother Earth. THIS IS A CALL People, Flood Mother Earth, Unci Maka, with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE."

hollyirenecardoza's picture

"O'śi-yo, Greetings,

Guardians of Mother Earth.


People, Flood Mother Earth, Unci Maka, with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.

On March 31, UNIFIED with our Brothers and Sisters of the Four Directions and UNIFIED with Grandfather Chief Blue Hand, Tunkasila Nape To Itancan ~ Archangel Michael ~ UNIFIED, we flood Our Sweet MOTHER EARTH with LOVE.

"There is no greater energy than love," Grandmother Wolf.

Love, Light, Peace, UNITY, Harmony, Truth, Freedom, Trust, Faith, Compassion, Grace and Gratitude,

Grandmother SilverStar

O sa da dv
Mitákuyé Oyasiŋ"

Re: Greg's Blog - Compassion vs. Competition

MaAlaea's picture


Compassion Vs. Competition


Well, sometimes we just have to laugh a little! Such commotion within the Light Team. Well, sooo, for those of you who may still be on the fence of understanding, we offer this message with our intention to simply find your own Truth. 

Channelers, especially on planet earth, even today can and will receive messages only as accurate as the cup is chiseled. It is always this way... there are many ways to describe a drum. Place a drum in the center of a circle of people and ask each one to write what they see... each will be very different!  Like the story of the blind men and the elephant, below. There is no one at this time who can see the complete picture of all that is happening!  Otherwise what would be the point of looking toward any ascension?? You would have all knowledge, already.


We see another blessing (since everything is still in "lesson" format on earth....

and this is, the Universe wants and needs human light beings to be as clear

as possible, having worked on themselves to get rid of jealousy, competition, judgment, etc.

Source is "hardest" on those who claim to know... just how it is.

Though this type of interaction that has recently taken place each being

is asked to release even the last little bit of anything which blocks the light.

What we see in Greg, is a being who is sincere, having integrity, maintains sweet composure

and continues on with his work, which he knows is exactly how he is to "perform."

Galactic Ceremony in Your Honor - Part 1 of 2

MaAlaea's picture

New note from Uncle Joe at bottom!


Official Meeting and Greeting in

Galactic Honoring Ceremony!


Part 1 of 2


Arrival into the Family of Light


At some point, early on, during the introductory phase of your arrival to your new family of light there will be a very special ceremony in your honor!  It is my great pleasure to guide you into this magical activity of the stars!


Prior to the great activity of the Honoring Ceremony, and  from the first moment of entry into the realm of the galactic brothers and sisters, you will be assigned a Guide. This individual will hold the responibilities of providing your comfort and insuring your happiness.  Many others will also be attentive. Whatever your needs will be will be given to you without hesitation or questions on their part.  You will be given a grand tour so you become familiar with your new surroundings.


Galactic Ceremony in Your Honor - Part 1

MaAlaea's picture


Official Meeting and Greeting in

Galactic Honoring Ceremony!


Part 1 of 2



Arrival into the Family of Light


At some point, early on, during the introductory phase of your arrival to your new family of light there will be a very special ceremony in your honor!  It is my great pleasure to guide you into this magical activity of the stars!


Prior to the great activity of the Honoring Ceremony, and  from the first moment of entry into the realm of the galactic brothers and sisters, you will be assigned a Guide. This individual will hold the responibilities of providing your comfort and insuring your happiness.  Many others will also be attentive. Whatever your needs will be will be given to you without hesitation or questions on their part.  You will be given a grand tour so you become familiar with your new surroundings.


13:20 Calendar, (03.29.12): I Say! Naturally It’s All About the Sun Today. Straight-Up!

hollyirenecardoza's picture

13:20 Calendar, (03.29.12):  I Say!  Naturally It’s All About the Sun Today.  Straight-Up!

"The Sun is Our GREATEST MESSENGER here."
-Chief Golden Light Eagle, Loren Zephier

“Come On, Y’all! Raise the Vibration!”

Earthstar Peace Calendar:
♥ 11:11 (Word of Love)~Day: Jupiter-Whale, Indigo True-Vision Star, Essence of Truth


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