Family Album

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Coca Cola to review carcinogens!

grailheart magi's picture

Could't find the article on the Wall Street Journal Radio Report:


Coca Cola and Pepsi have decided to review the processing of the caramel color of their sodas which have been determined to be carcinogens.... 


Just the first step, folks.... I see where their products will eventually endi up being healthy!!


grailheart magi as heyoka today

13:20, (03.07.12): The way UP and OUT reflects colors and movement! Oooo! How FUN & BEAUTIFUL!

hollyirenecardoza's picture

The way UP and OUT reflects colors and movement!  Oooo!  How FUN & BEAUTIFUL! 

Art: “The Cincinnati Spiral Peace Mandala” designed by artist C. Pic Michel

“Come On, Y’all! Raise the Vibration!”

Earthstar Peace Calendar: Mercury-Hummingbird Day, Orange Sacral Star, Essence of Light

pink orb over Leduc Alberta March 6 2012

Anonymous's picture

This big plume appeared over our house yesterday followed by trail of light .... different colours include orange, purple, pink, blue appearing in tablet pics so far. There seems to be light trails coming out of the sun. Every day almost we see cloaked ships, plumes, shapes. Thank you. Love & Light !


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