Conscious Evolution - Preparing for Ascension 2012: Chapter 11 - The Circle

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You Are Enough!



What is it that prompts us to want to appear grander than we are?  Is it to save face, or some other non important goal that prompts us to pursue this?  Are the contortions required to change oneself, quite dramatically at times, really worth it?  Is it not sad that, while having been blessed with such a humble and yet glorious beginning, we then go out and change it to something less, just to please others?


Would God change into something to impress others? Highly unlikely!  So why do we do it?  God is already impressed with who we are.  After all, we are God’s creation.


God says to us, “Know this, and know this for certain – You Are Enough!” It is unnecessary to change what you are for another’s sake.  There is no legitimate reason to do so.  For those who feel they are not enough, God wants us to get to know our true self, our inner core, our complete Being, and to learn how great we already are.  Most of us have only caught a glimpse of our totality.  There remains much to be uncovered.


Let’s explore then, shall we?  Let’s discover who we really are, from the inside out, and show this to the world. We will all be impressed by this discovery and learning, “We Are Enough!” 





Chapter 11: The Circle


It seems uncanny that those who make the discoveries and then map out the new territory are themselves wounded heroes rising from their challenges and moving out into the world to share what they have gained.   They have much to teach us. They are an army of ground-breakers who have undertaken to bring forth the lessons of their specific journeys.  But how are the rest of us going to prepare for what’s ahead if we don’t have these adventurers to take us along and prepare us for our challenges ahead.


Only scouts, in previous times, were capable of uncovering upcoming hazards and then reporting to the column following behind. Winding their way through mountain passes, surrounded by unseen and unheard dangers, they would lie motionless for hours waiting to see when it was safe to move forth again. These scouts were the radicals, like-minded in some ways, but always ahead of the mainstream.  Their pleasure came in discovering the new and sharing that with the group following behind.  The leaders of each column waited to hear those reports before ushering their charges along. These leaders were the wise ones who took heed of the information and, in consultation with the scouts, translated it into terms the rest of the group could understand.


Scouts and group leaders had a unique purpose which ultimately made a beneficial contribution to the whole. The whole in turn relied on the leaders to guide them to the Promised Land.  These were weary travelers within the column who relied on scouts and leaders to guide them along.  They waited to be told what was to happen next.  And they followed, sometimes grumbling, but followed nevertheless.


Today’s generation of seekers and travelers are in for a big surprise.  No longer can they just rely upon the knowledge provided by scouts and leaders who interpreted the information coming in from the front.  This time the image of a growing community and its individuals is a circle, and in a circle everyone shares what they know to enrich the whole.

 The concept of the circle has deep historical roots, well before Christianity. The circle was the manner in which so-called primitive groups shared information with each other on an egalitarian basis.  There were no leaders per se, only shareholders who assisted in interpreting the tapestry of events and information confronting the group. 


The circle as a whole represents that unity that we are now seeking. We became lost when we allowed the column metaphor to dominate our thinking. That was the hierarchical system which implied a select few “knew”, and the rest had to follow on faith.  This is no longer acceptable.  Each of us has to resume the positions we once held as equal and responsible members.  Individuals must now gather in a circle and share what they know.  This makes a group larger and stronger than it a column made up of the same number of members.  It is a collaborative structure based on the premise that each of us has a unique gift to offer the whole. This is the case in all walks of life, including the circles of old.


Today’s small groups’ movement is an example of the return to the sharing circle, something North America’s Aboriginal peoples clearly understood.  Based on the premise of true equality and sharing for the common good, this emerging recognition of what was once common is a return to the old.  For how can we help each other if we are pre-empted in our efforts to share what we know? We don’t need a hierarchical system. What we need is our individual connection to the Divine.


Soon, we will all be able to hear that “Voice”, that “still small voice”, speaking to us from within.  And it is this very ability coupled with our unique understanding that will allow us to share as equals.  We will be speaking from the same vantage point, with God as our subject, instructing us on how to conduct ourselves in the present and future.


The power mongers of the world will not be pleased at this eventuality, as their privileged position will be usurped. They will have to descend into the “ranks” and become one of us, no better, and no worse, just one member of the group sharing what they know.  It will be a difficult time for them as it will be for all of us crossing that threshold into the Eternal.  God waiting there, embracing each of us as we scramble over the parapet to find ourselves in the Holy land of our own souls!


This will be difficult at first, but after a time it will become a routine part of the curriculum, so to speak, taught in schools and community gathering places all across the world.  The message will be heard by each one of us and direct us as to how to conduct ourselves as part of a unit.  Then we will have grown up.  We will have transformed ourselves into a legion of emissaries, here to do God’s work in the most efficient manner, here to design and build those vehicles required to take humanity into the wilds of the Universe, to learn about the great mysteries that exist there, to understand and describe what they are, and then to move on to the next mystery after that. 


Such an effort cannot be accomplished by a group of bedraggled stragglers marching solemnly in a single column.  We must work in unison for this great leap to take place.  Only in doing so, can this leap of faith into the new millennium, with its host of promises, actually be accomplished.


We are here on this threshold, friends.  This is where we are now and to what we are pointing just ahead.  Our next step awaits us. Let us see what that brings.



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