The Magic of a Divine Reunion

Desert Gypsy's picture

Ascension pioneers-2/24/2013,





What is the Magic of a Divine Reunion truly about?

We are in intense times of the transition into a new density called Ascension. For that reason, there are many here on this planet who have volunteered to assist with this planetary shift. There are also many Twin Flame couples (Divine counterparts), who are a part of this Divine decree. They have agreed to come to this plane of existence and show the way of the New with their own embodiment of Divine Love, to represent and model a new template of Being ... a new relationship paradigm for the New Earth. In Truth, every relationship is Divine in its nature, and Twin Flames are only showing this highest potential of a Divine Reunion through their own example ... to every Being that is currently embodied on this planet.

There is so much material out there on Twin Flames and what they are supposed to represent, but many are missing the most important component of a true Divine Reunion ... which is merging with our sacred Self and selfless service to others through the magic of our individual experience of Oneness and many initiations of Spirit that this initiation requires.

We are one of those couples who have agreed to come here to share their own Divine remembrance with others and show the way through their own Divine Reunion ... which includes all the challenges that are being experienced as a consequence of the intensity of spiritual growth, that a Twin Flame relationship requires for the embodiment of Divine Love ... our Source Essence. Through our own experiences, we wish to spread the highest Truth about Divine Reunions and show that it is possible to embody our highest aspect in this physical form and embodiment.

Within Divine Love, Polona & Jani

