Welcome to The Angel News Network
Bringing the Wisdom and Teachings of the Divine Realms to Humanity
In continuing our mission to lend support and guidance to you on your pathway we now share our weekly message with you. These messages come through spiritual channels associated with The Angel News Network that we feel may enrich our audience.
This is part one of a wonderful message that came to us on March 23rd, 2013 from Archangel Michael channeled by Jeff Fasano. In it Michael asks us, how open are we to receive from another? How open are we to receive when others are giving to us? How open are we to move into We Consciousness?
We Consciousness Workshop
May 2013
This year 2013 is the year where we fully entrain ourselves to We Consciousness. As many of you know on 12/21/12 a gateway opened to a new golden age, the age of We Consciousness.
This was a significant point in our evolutionary process on this earthly plain, so we have decided to bring a workshop to you based on a series of conversations we had with Archangel Michael about We Consciousness.
On Thursday, May 9th 2013, we will facilitate a FREE Introduction to this seven week workshop that will begin on Thursday, May 16th 2013. If this resonates for you, you can go to the EVENTS section on our site by clicking on this link for all the information:
We Consciousnes Workshop http://www.theangelnewsnetwork.com/page36/events.h...
E Book Special
The six books in our library were created to bring universal wisdom from the higher realms to humanity. All the information in these books were communicated directly to us and the teachings are of great support as we move on our pathway through life. With this in mind, and at a time of great change in the world, we feel it is important that the teachings in these books be available to everyone. So we have created what we are calling our "E Book Special". If this interests you, please click on this link below that will take you to our special offer for all the info you need to purchase the ebooks of your choice: E Book Special http://www.theangelnewsnetwork.com/ebooks_specials...
If you would like to learn more about our books and purchase the paper copy of each book please click on this link for all the information you need: Our Books
Archangel Michael's 2013 Outlook is on our home page. You can read Michael's message and listen to it as well. This is an overview of what we can continue to expect throughout the year.
You can see all of this as well as everything we offer to you.
So Please visit our site: www.theangelnewsnetwork.com
Teachings of Archangel Michael
Channeled and Scribed by Jeff Fasano
Are You Open?
Part One
From the Archangelic Realm of Michael this is Michael and We come to you now as you are moving into the depth and breadth of your heart and opening to the grandness of self, the openness of self. We ask each and everyone of you, are you open in your heart space? Are you open to receiving what is transpiring in your life? Are you open to receive that which others are giving to you?
As you move on the pathway into we consciousness, We ask you, how open are you to move into we consciousness? Is your heart space open to receive love? Is you heart space open to receive others as they are on that pathway and giving what they are giving to the world?
We come to you to ask the question, are you open? How open are you? How open is your heart space? How open is your heart space to receive love from others? Upon receiving love where does judgment and shame of self come in? Many of you are now questioning how open you are to receive love?
Each and everyone one of you has experienced a myriad of modalities, many different types of personal processes and garnered concepts to move through the old entrainment of the nervous system. You have done this to see your conditioning and move through the old trauma to open to the feelings that arise as you move through the personal process.
You are now moving to the precipice of the life you say you want. Each and everyone of you has a life you say you want. You are living the life you want, and the reason you have undertaken the personal process is to move through that which has led you to live the life you have right now. So We ask you, what is the life you say you want because you are ready to have this life? It is important you refine and define the life you say you want. You have come to this moment in time. The reason why you have entertained the processes that others have given to you where transformation can take place, where inspiration can take place, where motivation can take place is because many of you see the life you are having now and realize change is imminent and must take place.
The only way that change can take place is if you are open in your heart space to create that change. If you are open in your heart you can receive what you need to receive to create the change in your life so you can move and have the life you say you want. The only way you can have the life you say you want is if you open up the depth and breadth of your heart to begin to receive love to create a more intimate aspect of your life with yourself and others. This is done in transparency and authenticity. The only way transparency and authenticity can come to fruition in your life is when you open your heart to receive love.
So We ask you, are you ready to receive love? Are you ready to receive others? Are you ready to be the champion of you and with the openness of your heart space, champion others and see their greatness? If you are judging and shaming those outside of you, always thinking that you know everything in your defense, always thinking that you have the answer, ask yourself, how open am I to receive another's greatness?
An aspect of the life you say you want is to give your greatness to the world. So We ask you this question, are you open to receive another's greatness? If you are moving on the pathway to give your talents and gifts to the world with the intention that others will receive them, are you open to receive the talents and gifts of others? Or, do you stand in the blind spot of the defense thinking that you have all the answers, thinking that you know everything? When in your blind spot, are you thinking that everything revolves around the wounded little child?
We come to you at this most important time to make you aware of this. We ask you, are you open to receive from others? It is your intention as you walk on the path into the unknown with your talents and gifts as the new age spiritual way shower and light worker, that others receive your message as you give your message that is part of your purpose and mission in your soul fragment's divine plan. So We ask you once again, how open are you to receive from another?
As you move on your pathway resonating and vibrating at a certain resonance and connecting with others that are resonating and vibrating at a specific resonance that is similar and akin to yours, are you open to receive them? Or do you create a barrier of separation and isolation? Are you truly looking to move into community, harmony and equality? So We ask you, where, when in the blind spot of your defense, may there be a barrier that you set up based upon your defense pattern? Is there a barrier that you set up with others? Might it be the wall that holds you in place and shutting off your heart space at that certain point to keep you isolated and separated?
As you come to us and We come to you at this wonderful and most glorious time, We ask you, how open are you? Can you move past the barrier that is in your unconscious mind? In the unconscious mind through the conditioning of the ego defense that fights to the death to keep the old in place, where are you still keeping the old habits, patterns and rituals in place that create the barrier in your heart space? The barrier is not in your mental body. The mental body through the conditioning of the old defense, creates the barrier in your heart space. Is this barrier still present?
In order to move into full transparency and authenticity, can you be authentic to realize that you are still creating a barrier in your heart space for protection that creates isolation and separation? Where may you still be protecting yourself? This is the line of defense of protection in your heart space that protects you, the wounded little child from the wrath of mom and dad. Thus the wrath of others who you may think are coming towards you. This is actually a part of the conditioning in the mind, the unconscious mind. It all resides in your mind. It is now about seeing what you are creating from your unconscious mind that sets up the barrier in your heart space.
So We ask you, are you open to receive what others are bringing to you? And through discernment deciding what is important for you to receive and what isn't? Yet, receiving what is necessary because in that moment in time if in fact you are entraining yourself to another's modality, you are there to receive what you need to receive. Be aware when the barrier comes up, whatever that may be for you.
So We ask you, how open are you to receive love?
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The Angel News Network