~ The Eclipse Energies Arriving for the next 72 Hours~

Lia's picture

Greetings Love Beings, We Just had a Powerful Eclipse and Full Moon IN Aries. Some ancient energy was released during this Event and  You can Anticipate to Feel the Powerful Affects from this For the Next 72 Hours. This provided a powerful punch to the programming and ego's on the Planet putting increased pressure for transformation. We will have to see How all of this Unfolds in the days and weeks Ahead with another Eclipse On November 3rd! You can Join the Earth Allies In these Powerful energies For Our Galactic Love Party! Our Craft will be beaming in Energy today through the 5d Room! Preparty Begins at 11:30am Pacific, Full Love Party Begins at at 1:30pm Pacific At this Link: http://tinychat.com/galacticpress

Also, We are Supported By All of You, In fact without all of Your Support We could Not Be IN service! If You Have not made a Donation this Month and the Galactic Free Press is Serving you in Love, Truth, and Joy Thank You for sharing. We now have 12 days to Make Our Goal   Goal 3000$   Total Received $1410.77  Thank You for sharing, caring and keeping us going. http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/donate

Love The Earth Allies

Table of Contents

Earth Allies Pop-Up Video Party ~ Today! 11:30 AM - 1:30 AM Pacific !


Join us for the

Earth Allies Pop-UP Video Party!


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~ Today's Divine Inspiration~ Our Earth Missions~ We are Blessed


~ LOVE REPORTER DIVINE STARSEED~ ~This Earth’s school is a reality show for the Universe and I am so honored to be here NOW, at this amazing times… Oh my dear brothers and sisters of the humanity, it is now time for us to make the right choice, to be the light and love that we are… My love has no limits, I am fulfilled… I can feel the whole Universe inside me… We are all blessed to be a part of this “mission earth”, so let us make it count… We truly are a tribe of many multidimensional colours… We are shining in pure LOVE ♥ ~



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Today's Message of the Real News~ The Highest and Best Outcome


Greetings Love Beings,




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Inspiration for the Day from Shanta Gabriel - October 19, 2013




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Pssst! You Won’t Ascend Without This! “One can only make the Ascension by expansion of the three-fold flame in the heart.”



October 19. 2013 Repost from Channeler: Julie Miller

Ashtar: “One can only make the Ascension by expansion of the three-fold flame in the heart.

We will explain the Three-fold Flame as easily as possible. There is not need for complicated explanations. Understanding your True Heart and the Three-Fold flame that is within you is important — Power, Wisdom, and Love.


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Gillian MacBeth-Louthan ~ 11:11 Trilith Phantom Crystals 2013 ~19 October 2013



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWithin the center of these beautiful Phantom crystals lives a portal of Creation, doorways of Light beckoning one to enter and See.  The pyramid power within each 11:11 Trilith Phantom is powerful and giving. It invites one to enter and sit under its apex to receive teachings of time undone.  It recognizes that you are an integral part of the cosmic equation. The phantom within the crystal is TRILITH of nature, which means a sacred place made out of stones, which allows prayers to be held.  It asks you to enter as a shaman into the dolman (earth lodge) connecting you to Earth’s Oversoul which allows you to see with clarity all that has been and all that is to be.


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You are on your way to experience those miracles which you are yourselves


 Archangel Raphael through Marc Gamma ~ 19.10.2013

[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

My beloved humans here on earth, this is I, the Archangel Raphael, speaking here. It’s time again to submit to you a another new message since there is quite a lot to report to you.


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The Creator Writings - Listening



The Creator Writings



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Klyuchevskoy volcano (Kamchatka): ash plumes to 20-30,000 ft altitude and extending more than 1000 km


Volcano Discovery Saturday Oct 19, 2013 09:05 AM | BY: T


The large ash plume from Klyuchevskoy drifting east over Kamchatka this morning (Terra satellite image)


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~ Anna Merkaba ~ Full Moon October 18 – 19 : Theme – Gestation – AA Michael


Dearly beloved children of light, we come to you once again in the preparation of the full moon that is about to open its gateway into your subconsciousness .

The theme of the upcoming portal is Gestation a period of gestation has indeed began for new consciousness, and we urge all of you to partake of the upcoming energies and fill your heart with the love and light that this portal brings its way.


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Documentary: Grounded

Video Link


By Dr. Mercola

The surface of the Earth holds subtle health-boosting energy. All we have to do is touch it and become truly alive. In the documentary film Grounded, you can see this amazing phenomenon transform the life of people who had been struggling with health issues like chronic pain, and one man who had been wheelchair-bound for decades is able to walk again.

Even plants are drastically impacted when they are taken away from the Earth’s natural energy. Yet, the act of grounding, or Earthing, as it’s sometimes called, isn’t really an unusual phenomenon at all. It’s actually a natural act that virtually every living creature does instinctively.



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Study Finds Hot Cocoa to Stave Off Alzheimer’s, Keep the Brain Healthy


It’s getting cold outside and a hot cup of cocoa goes great with a warm fire. But could that winter comfort drink be a solution to one of the biggest problems plaguing today’s elderly? A recent study published in Neurology suggest having two cups of hot cocoa each day could help prevent the cognitive decline associated with aging and Alzheimer’s disease.

Researchers from Harvard Medical School say hot cocoa works by increasing blood flow to the brain, particularly areas of the brain associated with memory and cognition. They believe it works by increasing something called neurovascular coupling, where blood flow actually changes in response to local brain activity.



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ET Intervention - Are The Distractions Distracting You?


Thanks to www.in5d.com for the article!

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Global revolutions. Government shutdowns. FEMA Camps. Banking Collapse. Chemtrails.  GMO's.  Amongst everything that is going on in this world, where are you placing your thoughts?


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The Oracle Report for Saturday, October 19 - Sunday, October 20, 2013


By: Oraclereport.com, 10/19/2013

Full Moon: illumination, realization, shadows


Moon: Taurus



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Bahraini forces clash with anti-regime protesters



Press TV - 10/16/13, IA/PR/HJL




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Another rare 'sea monster' lands in California: a 15-foot saber-toothed whale



CNN -  Updated 10/18/13, Michael Martinez




This time, it's a saber-toothed whale, better known to live in deep Alaskan waters than in the warm surf of tourist-choked Venice Beach in Los Angeles where it stranded Wednesday.



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Snowden Says He Took No Secret Files to Russia


NYtimes, By: James Risen, 10/17/2013


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124th Bulgarian Ant-Govt Protest Moves to National Stadium



Novinite - 10/16/13


124th Bulgarian Ant-Govt Protest Moves to National Stadium: 124th Bulgarian Ant-Govt Protest Moves to National Stadium


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Why A Swiss Proposal To Give Every Citizen $2,800 Each Month Is So Radical


By: Adam Taylor, 10/17/2013


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Brazil Petrobras workers on strike over Libra oilfield auction



BBC News - 10/17/13



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Aisha North ~ A History of Creation – part 5


By: Aisha North, 10/19/2013


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Heavenletter #4712 ~ Claim the Peace of God


By: Heavenletters.org, 10/19/2013

God said:


Wherever you are, whomever you are with, no matter what is going on, will you come from a place of peace deep within you? This place exists, beloveds, and it exists within you. Gravitate to this place. It is yours. It belongs to you. I gave it to you. It is yours forevermore.


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Romania Environmental Protests a Sign of Wider Discontent



WPR (World Politics Review) - 10/18/13, Andrew MacDowall





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Bangladesh garment factory workers detain boss until he pays bonus


Reuters - 10/14/13, Reporting By Serajul Quadir; Editing by Ron Popeski




Police said workers went to the Tuba Group factory on Saturday to demand payment of their bonus for the Eid al-Adha holiday in overwhelmingly Muslim Bangladesh.



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The Grand Illusion ~ Video With Commentary!

Video Link



The Grand Illusion is the seventh studio album by Styx, released on July 7, 1977. It launched the band to stardom, spawning the hit singles "Come Sail Away" and "Fooling Yourself", and selling over three million copies in the US.





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5MIN News October 19, 2013: JPL Diagram Details - Comet Trajectory & Debris Scenario

Video Link


Published on Oct 19, 2013


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~ John Smallman ~ Jesus- Your egos are like teenagers! 19 October


All are One, and daily this truth seeps into the conscious awareness of more and more of humanity, as you all – well the vast majority of you – move closer to your awakening.  It is a done deal, you are going to awaken, it is inevitable and nothing can prevent it, so focus on the inner peace and joy that you encounter when you go quietly inwards in relaxation, prayer, or meditation knowing that this is the divine Will for you all.  Doing just that is extremely healing for you and for all with whom you interact.  It is what you came on Earth to do, you can do it beautifully, and that is all that you need to do.  Truly it is very simple.  Focusing on your anxieties and fears is very counter-productive, although they do often seem extremely important as they demand an enormous amount of your attention; just continue practicing letting go of them except when you are dealing directly in the now moment with issues that cause them.
You were created in joy for joy, that is your natural state, and when you focus on what disturbs you or makes you unhappy you are effectively withdrawing from that state.  As you are well aware worrying changes nothing, it just adds to your stress and unhappiness.  Be loving, of yourselves and of others, whatever the situation and refrain from judgment.  If an error has been made forgive it, correct it if possible, and then move back into your peaceful inner space where you allow the thoughts of worry, judgment, and fear that arise to flow past you like the weather, without engaging with them.  It is a bit like going out in the rain, you dress appropriately, take an umbrella, and the rain ceases to be an issue.
Every day you are moving ever closer to the moment for which you have been praying and hoping, and your intent that it happen is bringing it towards you, and because you know that, it makes perfect sense to be joyful, cheerful, and upbeat. Remind yourselves, when you observe the pain and suffering of others in the outside world, that this will pass.  No one is undergoing something that at a deeper level of their being they did not agree to undergo.  If possible offer physical assistance or comfort to any in your vicinity who are in need, hold them in your hearts compassionately while lovingly intending for them, and for every other human apparently caught in painful or catastrophic situations, to pass quickly and easily through their suffering, and onwards towards their awakening.
Awakening, as every channeled message is telling you, is your purpose, and not yours alone, but the purpose of every human everywhere on Earth.  I cannot stress strongly enough that fact and the divine truth of the Oneness of all that exists.  The sense of separateness that you experience as humans is illusory, no matter how real it appears to you, and the more you involve yourselves daily in the mundane activities and thought processes that seem to be so essential for your earthly well-being the more difficult it is for you to access your quiet inner space where you are always connected to your Source.  It is from there that you can get a sense of that Oneness, of your connectedness to one another and to your Source that will uplift and inspire you, because that is how you access the field of divine Love in which you are eternally enveloped, and by which you are embraced.
Taking time out daily to go within and welcome the divine embrace in which you are enfolded is essential for your health, both physical and spiritual, because doing so brings into your conscious awareness the knowledge that you are spiritual beings whose real nature is Love.  And by opening your hearts to accept what is always being offered to you, you will feel that Love.  When you make a point of keeping that knowledge consciously in your awareness as you go about your daily activities and chores it enables you to operate from your true nature in all situations, even when you are under attack, and to respond with love and compassion regardless of any provocations that you experience.
Yes, of course your egos will continue to look for and immediately sense any attacks or provocations, warranted or unwarranted, directed at you, and encourage you to react to them forcefully to establish your boundaries by defending yourselves against them – and they nearly always appear unwarranted, do they not?  But when you are making contact regularly with your true nature through your periods of rest, relaxation, and meditation or prayer, you are constantly intensifying the power of Love that flows through you at all times, by removing any obstructions or restrictions to Its onward flow, increasing your awareness of It, and thus enabling you to respond to any attack or provocation with Love, despite the calls from your egos to go to war!
As humans your egos are always with you, but as you focus more intently and consciously on the Love that is your nature, that is your Life, you become increasingly aware that your egos are not very wise, that they lead you into situations that are not conducive to peace, and you then find it easier to ignore or bypass their “guidance,” and their demands for knee-jerk reactions.  Your egos are like teenagers, always powerfully expressing their rights, their individuality, and demanding instant gratification and satisfaction, or else!  That is rather a sweeping statement because obviously not all teenagers behave like that, in fact vast numbers do not, but it is a useful analogy to which most of you can relate, even the teenagers among you, and there are far more of those than you can imagine now that the New Age has arrived.
So once again the message is about Love, which is your eternal and divine nature, and how to engage with it by bringing It into your conscious awareness so that the engagement becomes constant instead of sporadic, uncertain, or fitful.  The point of life is to be fully aware at all times of your true nature, and when you are then that is what you will display and operate from, instead of from the confused and fearful mini-selves that your egos made for you and want you to believe in and spend your time protecting.
It does seem, when in your limited human state of consciousness, that to operate from Love instead of from your egos is to lay yourselves open to untold abuse and betrayal.  That you are making yourselves utterly vulnerable, defenseless, weak. But, as you will find, that is not the case!  When you are vulnerable because you are engaging with and operating from and through Love, you are invincible!  When you are attacked or betrayed it is your egos that are hurt, that suffer, not the real You, and as your hearts open in Love the true You becomes ever more present, the ego’s importance and influence declines, and what used to hurt or upset you no longer does, or only does so far less forcefully.
You are not your egos, you never have been, and you never will be.  They are like auto-pilots, and their purpose is to bring your attention to issues that need physical resolution in the moment – the stove is hot, don’t touch it! This is your turning! The traffic lights are red! – things that can cause your own or someone else’s body harm, and that is all.  But what has happened is that because of their efficiency at those tasks you have granted them autonomy over you, you have given your power to them, and they have neither the intelligence nor the wisdom to use it properly.
When you reclaim your power, by consciously taking it back from your egos and their knee-jerk responses, and then intend to live lovingly in every moment you will find peace and contentment such as you have never before experienced in your human lives.  You can only be hurt or offended if you choose to be.  The true You would never make that choice, and no more does God, because there is only eternal unconditional Love and acceptance, anything else is unreal.  Attack and provocation are of the illusion, not of Reality, and it is in the illusion, in the pain, suffering, confusion, and betrayal that are almost constant there that the ego has its existence, and so it defends it viciously.  Do not be deceived by this insane and almost imperceptible part of yourselves that appears totally real – and in others often seems large, powerful, and threatening to you – and which lives in constant fear while trying to convince you that its fears are real, even overwhelmingly real.
As you move more and more firmly, positively, and, of course, consciously into acceptance of the knowledge that you are pure Love and nothing else, that small terrified part of you, your ego, will be lovingly integrated and subsumed within You, and all fear will dissolve as You once more come to know Yourselves as One with each other and with God.
Your loving brother, Jesus.


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Is The U.S. Capitol An Esoteric Temple?

Video Link



GFP Note: We are presenting this video
for your awareness and enjoyment.
As always, please use your discernment.



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The Galactic Federation of LIGHT ~Blossom Goodchild~ 19 October


Welcome my friends. I have been wondering what today's conversation shall entail. Although, if I may … there are a couple of things I would like to address on behalf of some readers who have asked me to ask you about Comet Ison. Now I personally really know nothing much at all regarding where it is heading, so therefore have no idea where this conversation is heading either … Is that ok? Over to you if I may?


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The U.S. Capitol And The Temple In Man



William Henry ~ It's Time


Detail of Washington on a rainbow and surrounded by stars.
Photo: Wm. Henry


The United States Capitol, rising atop Capitol Hill in the monument city of Washington, D.C. may well be the most famous building in the world. 


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The Anunnaki Connection



GFP Note: We are presenting this for
your awareness and enjoyment.
As always, please use your discernment.


To watch the video, click the source link at the bottom of the story.


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Anonymous Plans Million Mask March on Washington DC To Protest – Well, Everything



Source: Silicon Angle - 10/10/13, John Casaretto




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UFO Crash in Peru

Video Link



Published on Oct 16, 2013





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Scientist Says ‘Yeti’ – Russian ‘Bigfoot’ – Is Real


GFP Note: DUH! Finally, scientists! They are Fifth Dimensional Beings and there have been sightings of them in Mt.Shasta and Appalachian Mountains too.


Oxford University’s Bryan Sykes is already well-known for his scientific research on human ancestry. But now professor Sykes says there is real evidence that the legendary “Yeti” – the Russian “Bigfoot” – is actually real.


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Peanut Bud-der Cookies!

Video Link



Uploaded on Feb 16, 2011 by Water Melon




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Partial Lunar Penumbral Eclipse From CO, USA 10/18/2013

Video Link


Published on Oct 18, 2013

Just The Very Tail End Of The Shadow From The Earth On The Moon :) Enjoy


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Gaia Portal Update~ Energetics of Gaia Near Completion for “hu-manity to Hue-manity” Transformation


19 Oct

gaia_energy15th Level sensitivities are now complete among Hue-Beings.

Connections with Higher Source and Higher Róles have been fully acknowledged and accepted.


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Milk Thistle Protects Against Chemotherapy Toxicity, Prevents Cancer



Mike Barrett, Natural Society
Waking Times


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Adama, and Your Lemurian Families, Your Time of Harvest


Hello to you Dear Ones. It is I Adama, here to speak to each of you.

I, and my fellow Lemurians, am here to speak to each of you of the ways of the heart and of this special time upon Planet Earth!

We are here in Lemuria holding the cords of love, to be implemented into your wonderful fields at this momentous time. Now is the time of harvest, the time of fall...


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The Aries Lunar Eclipse: Unexpected Timeline Shifts Transport us into the Void



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FAINT ECLIPSE OF THE HUNTER'S MOON: According to folklore tonight's full Moon is the Hunter's Moon. It gets its name from Native American hunters who once tracked their prey by autumn moonlight, stockpiling food for the winter ahead. This year's Hunter's Moon is special because it will pass through the outskirts of Earth's shadow, producing a dusky shading in the southern half of the Moon. The faint lunar eclipse will be visible to the naked eye during a 40 minute period beginning at 23:30 UT (7:30 EDT) on Oct. 18th. Sky watchers in Africa and Europe are favored with the best views. [details] [map]


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Telepathy – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn October 18, 2013






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Inspiration for the Day from Shanta Gabriel - October 18, 2013



The Angels of Light and Wisdom are working with you today. Be free in your thinking. Do not limit yourself.

All you need is intention and commitment. The flow of Universal Wisdom will come from that.


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~ Friday Family Movie Night, IN 5D~ Join Us Live!



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Message from the Earth Allies “The Fireworks from the Internal/~Eternal Spark” and More Info




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~A Message from the Earth Allies~ Peaceful Prayer for a Smooth Transition








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Hopi Elders’ Statement




images“You have been telling people
that this is the eleventh hour.
Now you must go back and tell people
that this is the hour!


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10.18.13 Full Aries Moon/Lunar Eclipse~Yowza!


A “Hit of the Day” from Judith


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Flying With Father God~ The Plane TRUTH



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Unity in Community: Taking Baby Steps



“Unity in Community”.

That was one of many catchphrases suggested during Thursday night’s roundtable discussion on Tinychat with Michael Genova, myself, and at one point about sixty others.


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Earthquake Report for 10/18/2013



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Suzanne Spooner: It is Time to Be Love


The Aguarius Paradigm Posted by Wes Annac Oct 18

heartThanks to Golden Age of Gaia.


A God & Gabriel Message Channeled by Suzanne Spooner of TAUK October 17, 2013


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Steve Rother ~ The Energy In The Room


Beacons Of Light  October 16 2013


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RISE UP ~[Official Video] When YOU are ready to rise, YOU'll rise up

Video Link


RISE UP - Official Video
When YOU are ready to rise, YOU'll rise up..

A collaborative effort of TragedyandHope and Activist, Author and Garret John Laporto of the viral sensation "The Wayseers Manifesto"

Footage Used:
Thanks to the creators of all of this fantastic footage. I recommend these films to everyone:
"Baraka" - http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0103767/
"NYC - Mindrelic Timelapse" http://vimeo.com/18554749
"Eye Macro" http://vimeo.com/14199249


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Henry Seltzer ~ A Full Moon Eclipse Of Illusive Realities


Astrograph  October 17 2013

Friday’s Aries Full Moon is also an eclipse, although we cannot necessarily see it. This means that this Full Moon is a stronger and more intense lunation, so that the symbolism of its planetary configurations will last for the next six months or so into the future.  And that very future is also far from certain, given the predominance of the outer planet alignments over this same period of time.


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This Herb Has 42x More Antioxidant Power Than Apples by The Alternative Daily


oreganoOregano, a fragrant and delicious herb that is frequently found in Mediterranean dishes, has been shown to have extremely high levels of antioxidants, as well as potent fungus-fighting potential.

One study, funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), tested a variety of herbs for their antioxidant activity. Mexican, Italian and Greek oregano were found to have the highest antioxidant levels of all of the herbs tested.


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Natural Head Lice Treatment with Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar by Nena Patrick


natural head lice treatment with coconut oil Natural Head Lice Treatment with Coconut Oil and Apple Cider VinegarGetting lice in the family is truly horrifying & if you don’t get rid of them ASAP, they will get into everything & literally take over. Not fun. The really important thing is to find an effective treatment that doesn't require putting harsh chemicals onto your head, which then get absorbed into your body. Yuck. So, here is a tried & tested effective remedy to wipe out those critters in one foul swoop!


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