Sweltering conditions break records in southern Wheatbelt and south-east coast

Silver's picture

ABC, By: Jacob Kagi, 12/18/2013

The sweltering conditions experienced by much of the southern Wheatbelt and south-east coast has broken several records, according to the Bureau of Meteorology. Newdegate, Lake Grace, Ravensthorpe and Esperance are among the towns to have broken records during the heatwave over recent days, while the Wheatbelt town of Hyden has been one of the worst affected, suffering four straight days of 41 degrees or higher.


Esperance set the most notable record yesterday, breaking its previous mark for the hottest ever December day. It recorded a top of 45.3 degrees at 1.23pm, beating the previous mark of 44.9 degrees set on December 29, 2009. It was an astonishing 24.8 degrees above the town's maximum temperature just five days earlier. Newdegate and Lake Grace both recorded three consecutive December days with maximum temperatures above 40 degrees from Saturday to Monday, for the first time.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com.au

