Moon in Leo
Today, the main highlight in the Stars is Mercury moving into Aries (6:44pm PST). Before this change of energy in our mind-process and communication, the Moon Goddess in Leo did square Venus in Taurus (6:19am PST) and made a trine to Uranus in Aries (6:57am PST), sleeping into void to leave center stage to Mercury. Those alignments reminds us that time and time again, the voice which speaks from the Heart can win any battles. Leo can sometimes have a sense of entitlement and Taurus a sense of stubbornness. Put those two in a square and watch for power struggles! The way is through remembering that nothing belongs to you, everything is temporary my Dear Ones, and a sense of gratitude for what you have along with a feeling of sharing with others, will prove to create balance and harmony. Have you ever found yourself in a beautiful place, but with no one to share it with? Everything feels, tastes, smells, and so on…better when shared with another.
After weeks of initiations in Pisces Mercury now moves into Aries. All that transpired through this Piscean cycle can now be fully integrated in our I AM presence. Mercury in Pisces might have created confusion, mishaps in appointments, or location; you thought you were meeting someone at a certain place only to find out, it wasn’t where you went! I am sure you have had your share of those. This always reminds us that everything happens for a reason even when we cannot “logically” understand why and the Divine is always at work even if invisible to the untrained eyes… Mercury in Pisces was very much like the “dreamspace” but awake. Now in Aries, clarity is restored and it is time to integrate the compassionate lessons in our communication and understanding of this 3D, keeping the link strong between dimensions. Indeed, our human dimension is not the only one…
Did you get the main message of Mercury in Pisces? We are ONE! What you see in others is within you. In Aries, it now says I AM. I AM all that there is and ever will be. It is about re-defining our perception within the spectrum of our oneness. Aries rules the head. I invite you to bow your head to your Heart in a meditative and prayerful way, stay there for a moment each day, before you go about your day and at the end of your day, and bow to your magnificence, bow to the magnificence of Mother Gaia, of Mother Goddess and ALL of her Creation in all dimensions! In this place of reverence and gratitude, you will be an inspiration to others to remember there way back to their Heart and Soul Wisdom. Wishing you a blessed Moon-day!
Click on link below to join the Lunar Eclipse and Gong Transmission Remote Event with Gaia Earth Star
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To schedule an in person or Skype Soul Reading, kindly visit
I am activating couple Goddess rose quartz Crystal Skull along with other Crystal Skulls at Cathedral Rock Goddess Vortex this week. If you would like to receive one attuned to your unique Soul Purpose, kindly email
Watch my video forecast for the “Pisces New Moon Solar Eclipse – Living your Dream”. Enjoy and feel free to like and share!
Pleiadian Meditations channeled by Gaia Earth Star:
To schedule your private soul retreat in Sedona kindly email
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Tune into your own astrological chart with “Wisdom of the Stars” Astrology series channeled course:
Mother Goddess Blessings
Gaia Earth Star
High Priestess of Avalon
Soul Astrologer, Pleiadian Channel and Spiritual Guide