Every child has to follow so many things, so many people, that by the time he has grown up, become adult, it is too late - the personality has taken over, and the individuality is forgotten.
Surabhi, let the individuality die. It is not individuality that you have been thinking of, up to now, as your individuality - let it die. It is simply personality; and when it has died, without leaving any trace behind, you will find yourself. For the first time you will meet yourself, and that meeting becomes the beginning of spiritual growth.
It is not your imagination. The personality may be telling you, "It is all imagination." I don't believe in imagination. I destroy all kinds of imaginations so that you can know your consciousness without any dreams, without any projections, without any imaginations - just pure awareness. And that pure awareness is the door to the divine.
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Friday, March 23, 2018 - 10:44 - Depending upon Happenstance - Heavenletters
Friday, March 23, 2018 - 00:00