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Let It Happen

As you assimilate the most recent changes, be gentle with yourself and others.  You are learning a new way to be in the world, and some may embrace this more quickly than others.  When you encounter resistance, take a moment and breathe.  When you are ready begin the deconstruction slowly, releasing each layer as you go.  When you arrive at the root, send it off with unconditional love then set the intention of something beautiful and pure taking its place.  The Universe has designed shifting to be be graceful, peaceful and easy…let it happen. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday July 13, 2020

Dear Ones, abundance is not something external to you. It is a state of being based on your willingness to move with the flow of both giving and receiving with faith and trust, seeing yourself as connected to all that is, acknowledging your own divine worthiness, and honouring your own ability to expand and create. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 7/12/2020

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The mind is unreal, hence it is not really a question of coming out of it, it is only a question of SEEING.


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Daily Message ~ Sunday July 12, 2020

Moving from resistance to non-resistance takes you to a neutral point. To shift to creation means you must then identify and surrender into the flow towards what your preferred essence is. The first step is to lovingly gather up the energy you were using to push against what was unwanted and then direct it into the nurturing and unfoldment of what your true preference is. All great change is done in this manner – by being willing to disengage with whatever energetic impass you may be in and then using your wisdom and clarity to navigate your way forward as an empowered co-creator of the new. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 7/11/2020

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The mind is your bottle, and the mind is not something that can be broken. It is not material; it is just a thought, an imagination, the same stuff as dreams are made of. You cannot destroy a dream, you cannot kill a dream, you cannot cut a dream with a sword, you cannot burn it with fire. You just have to be awake and the dream disappears. In fact, to say that the dream disappears is not right, but it was not there in the first place; it only appeared to be there.


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Stay Or Shift

You are standing on a precipice of personal change.  Do you continue traveling your current path or do you shift in a higher and better way?  Some change is easy, other times it can be challenging.  If The Universe has presented you with a particular situation, it is time to take a closer look within.  You can do this now, dear one, or later.  Free will has always been yours. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Saturday July 11, 2020

Flow is a state of non-resistance, of being in the heart, of fully accepting both stillness and movement, whichever is being supported at any given time. It is allowing your beingness to lead the way. It is replacing struggle with faith, trust, comfort, and support.

If you are uncomfortable, explore what you are resistant to. Is it the now moment? What if it is serving you in some way? Is it the future? The past? Yourself? How can you move into non-resistance, and then into acceptance?

Use your body as an indicator. You will feel a lot of tension in your body when you are in resistance. What allows that tension to diminish? Make it your mission to find ways that work for you. How can you get out of your mind and into your heart?

It may be finding an activity you like. It may be prayer. It may be meditation. It may be nature. It may be exploring or trying new things. Experiment.

GFP Newsletter - 7/10/2020

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You will not find any wisdom, any love in philosophy. Yes, you will find all kinds of beautiful answers, you will find all kinds of parrot-like information, facts, you will become very efficient in repeating them, in quoting them, but you will only be becoming a computer. That can be done better by a computer than by you.

Find out something within you which a computer cannot do and you will have found the right direction for your innermost being, for your freedom. That is the whole effort of Zen, that's what we are trying to do here.


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We Are One

In angry retort, a person may say, “Who do you think you are?!”  Well, I am you…you are me…we are one. To deny that fact and continue to view yourself as singular is the most common mistake you will make on your Earth-plane. Learn from the mistakes, know that everyone is your mirror and derive great joy from the thought that you have learned something new today. ~ Creator


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