GFP Newsletter - 7/9/2020

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The philosophers are good at categorizing things, the scientists are good at categorizing things. Their whole effort is how to categorize, how to put everything in a particular category -- this is this, that is that -- and they go on and on. They are not in search of the organic unity of life, they are not in search of the ultimate principle of life that runs in the trees and the mountains and the stars and the animals and the birds and men and women. They are not in search of that unifying factor. That unifying factor is what religions have called the truth, what Buddha has called NIRVANA, what Jesus has called the kingdom of God.


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Love Will Always Make It Better

Since your Earth plane is experiencing quite a bit of change, any information relayed to you by The Universe may seem a bit anti-climactic. (Smiling) With that being said, it is time to prepare for yet another wave in this tsunami of growth.  Those beginning to walk their paths may still be prone to projection and denial because they know nothing else.  Be patient, be kind, demonstrate compassion, remember you were once where they are now and, most importantly, send Unconditional Love!  The journey may not always be easy, but love will always make it better. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday July 9, 2020

When you dismiss the energetic existence of your dream as being less than its physical form you immediately restrict the unfoldment of it. Love your dreams! Acknowledge them in whatever form they are in and nurture them from there. There is so much joy available for you when you stop resisting what is and start celebrating it instead. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 7/8/2020

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You will have to look in a different direction. That direction I call Zen, that direction I call awakening -- not theorizing, philosophizing, but becoming silent; not becoming more knowledgeable but dropping all knowledge, discarding it, so that you can be empty, utterly empty. In emptiness there is clarity, there is cleanliness, there is purity, there is innocence, a childlike wonder and awe. And those are the moments of love and wisdom growing in you; they grow together. Knowledge and logic grow together. Wisdom and love grow together.


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Participation Required

The greatest gifts come from the most difficult situations and questions. Difficult situations present themselves as a reminder of what you do not want to be, act, react or live. Difficult questions present themselves as a reminder that ALL thoughts can change in a moment. But, it takes is your participation. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday July 8, 2020

If you have an awareness of something you desire, whether it has come to you in a dream or through meditation, the human reaction is to start to wonder when it will show up. You see it as being something the future will bring.

What we wish for you to understand is that if you have connected with it, it already exists. You are already in relationship with it. And that change of perspective is how you grow and anchor that experience into your physical reality – by honouring its presence in your life now, rather than seeing it as something outside of yourself that will come to you at some future, unknown point.

Your acceptance of the fact that it already exists, even if it is in energetic form, is what aligns you into a deepening of the experience and grows it into tangible, physical form. This is what keeps you in the joy of its unfoldment into creation rather than the frustration of seeing it as perpetually coming and never quite arriving.

All great manifestations are born as energy first (as above, so below) and your relationship with any creation starts with your very first idea of it. The shift into conscious creation will come when you begin to acknowledge and celebrate your dream’s true existence from that moment of discovery and enjoy it all the way into form. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 7/7/2020

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Knowledge is all borrowed, rubbish; you have gathered it from others. Wisdom is the explosion of your own consciousness. Wisdom is intrinsic; it does not come from the outside, it explodes within you and spreads towards the outer world. It is like light radiating: you share it, you don't accumulate it.

Knowledge has to be begged for, wisdom has to be shared. They are totally different dimensions.


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Happy To Oblige

How are you going to approach your existence on Earth? As always, The Universe gives you the opportunity to exercise your free will. You can either embrace and take in all you can from stretching, growing and moving forward or stop just short of your bliss. Either way, The Universe is most happy to oblige. ~ Creator

GFP Newsletter - 7/6/2020

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Love and logic never meet, cannot meet. Logic means the outward journey, love means the inward journey. Logic means dissection, love means finding the organic unity. Logic thinks in terms of the many, the multiple.

In fact, scientists should stop calling the universe "universe," they should call it "multiverse." "Universe" is a poetic name given by lovers; universe means one, "uni."

According to science it is not a universe, it is many, it is a multiverse. Only lovers know the unity, thinkers cannot know unity.

And in the unity of the whole one finds love and one finds wisdom. Wisdom is the shadow of love; wherever there is love there is wisdom. When love is alive there is dance, there is song, there is beauty; those are all the qualities of wisdom.



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