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Standing By

If you have not already prepared, it is time.  Several consecutive waves are arriving to your Earth now; more than one message has relayed the importance of being prepared.  If this information has fallen by the wayside, rest assured, there is still time.

Keep in mind…the further along you move in the process, the deeper you will go.  The deeper you go, the darker things that have been hiding will be brought to the light.  You may choose to share these experiences and situations with others or choose to ‘go it alone’.  It is about whatever makes you most comfortable.  There has never been a ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ way to go about it.  There is ‘your way’ and it is absolutely wonderful and perfect! (Smiling) As always, The Universe is standing by for assistance and support as needed. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday June 6, 2019

There is a pervasive belief that if you are good enough you gain favour. If you are a good enough person, you will please God. If you work long and hard enough you will have abundance. If you are good enough, fortune will shine on you.

This is old conditioning, Dear Ones, and not valid at all. The problem with this thinking is twofold. First, it is keeping you in troubleshooting mode, always looking for all the ways you are not good enough. This creates a negative focus, which leads to low self esteem and a lack of self love and acceptance.

Second, it is trying to live up to standards that are undefined. What is good enough? When have you worked hard enough? This belief system keeps you trying to get somewhere but never quite arriving. It keeps you out of alignment and out of receiving the love, acceptance, and abundance that is your birthright.

The reason why all of this is faulty is because the basis of these old beliefs is conditional love. There has never been a time that you have had to gain the favour of anyone. As a beloved individuated aspect of Source, there has never been a time that you were not good enough. We love, accept, and celebrate you in your divine perfection, unconditionally, exactly as you are.

While we understand people use such thinking as a means of self improvement, how are you improving if you are never allowing yourselves to arrive? So many of you are beautiful beings of love and yet perceive yourselves as not being loving at all. We urge you to start to see yourself in your truth and beauty.

GFP Newsletter - 6/5/2019

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To live a life of compromise is worse than death. And to live a life of truth, even if it is for a single moment, is far more valuable than to live eternally in lies. To die for truth is far more valuable than to live in lies.


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When there is celebration conflict is impossible!

Changes of enormous significance are occurring worldwide as humanity moves increasingly positively toward awakening.  Some, political or geophysical, are being reported in the mainstream media, while others, of a far more positive nature, are being reported in less public spaces, and then shared person to person through the vast network of social media channels.  People worldwide are choosing to communicate person to person on spiritual matters arising for them personally, matters that they have found their faith-based or religious organizations do not or cannot address.

Humanity is evolving spiritually very rapidly indeed, and many of the old religious organizations are either unwilling or unable to assist their members in this amazing awakening process.  All the old systems – social, political, business, educational, and religious – will either evolve spiritually or become totally obsolete.

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Have I Heard This Before?

On occasion, it may seem as if you are receiving the same information again and again.  In some cases, you are. (Smiling) When you say to yourself, “Wasn’t this mentioned yesterday/last week/before?”, it is The Universe’s way of saying ‘Pay attention to this, it is important!”  You are being given another chance to fully understand the message or (especially after an intensive learning phase) it is being presented to another level of your Self.  Learning and growth involves all parts…brain, body and soul.  Regardless of where you are on your journey; practice self-care, keep your thoughts/actions positive and know The Universe supports you always. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday June 5, 2019

Someone recently asked, “What do you do if you have hurt another, apologized, but they still can’t get over it?” We would like to address that today.

As human beings, you are on the planet to have many experiences. Within this vast array of experiences, you will end up trying or doing things that you come to regret. This is normal and part of your growth process. It allows you to reevaluate, expand, and redirect yourself in a way that better matches your truth, your energetics, and how you wish to show up in the world.

If you have behaved in a way that you regret, please understand that the regret is an indicator of your desire for growth, change, and to shift into a better alignment. It is a sign that you are evolving. Having the introspection and awareness to recognize this is a wonderful thing. So please know your desire to do better or differently is truly something to celebrate.

If you, from a place of self awareness and self responsibility, sincerely apologize and another cannot accept that apology, you must allow them that choice. It may be that they need time to heal. It may be that they need to see that you are sincere and committed to change before they can feel safe with you again. It may be that they are not ready to let go of seeing themselves as a victim, or wanting to punish you. It may be that your soul contract with them has come to an end.

GFP Newsletter - 6/4/2019

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I will say only that which is true to me, whatsoever the consequence. If I am condemned for it or murdered for it, that's perfectly okay. But I am not going to compromise, not an iota. I have nothing to lose, so why compromise? I have nothing to gain, so why compromise?

All that could have happened has happened. Nothing can be taken away from me, because my treasure is of the inner. And nothing can be added to it, because my treasure is of the inner.

So I am going to live the way I want to live. I am going to live in my own spontaneity and authenticity. I am not here to fulfill anybody's expectations. I am not interested in being called a spiritual person or a saint either. I don't need any compliments from anybody, I don't want the crowd to worship me. All those stupid games are finished.


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…On Your Path

As you experience and integrate this new wave of energy, you may feel as if you have been knocked off balance with heightened emotions and situations catching you by surprise. Do not let this dissuade you from your path! You are human and experiencing human feelings is a part of the process. Take some time today and gather what you need to make the road little smoother, knowing that it will pass just as it should. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday June 4, 2019

There are so many supports in place to help you navigate changing energies. The sun will cleanse, heal, and nourish you. Salt is a wonderful cleansing element both for your body (submerge your body in salt water) and for your living space (sprinkle around your space and vacuum up and dispose after you intuitively feel it has done its job). The earth will ground and balance you.

The synergistic relationship between you and the natural elements around you has always been in place in order to assure your success. Embracing the supports that are there to serve you moves you through your own evolution with much greater comfort and ease. Sometimes the simplest methods are the most effective, and taking advantage of the loving support your environment wishes to provide you is actively choosing to be a wise and willing part of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 6/3/2019

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As Aesop said: "You can't please everyone. If you try, you lose yourself."

I cannot please everybody, and neither am I interested in pleasing everybody. I am not a politician; the politician tries to please everybody. I am here only to help those who really want to be helped. I am not interested in the mob, in the crowd. I am only interested in those sincere seekers who are ready to risk all -- all -- to attain themselves.



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