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Another Way…

When you chose to arrive on your Earth plane, you knew there was going to be some work involved; being in a human body (with all its lovely idiosyncrasies), emotions, interactions of all kinds and, most importantly, the relationship with yourself.  80% of the time, you have plowed your way through it and have done quite well. (Smiling) As you move through your life, there may be bumps, judgments and projections that, for whatever reason, you have chosen to accept.

Today, you are being invited to take another look and decide what is really yours and what belongs to others.  Rather than responding with learned behaviors, forgo the ‘knee-jerk’ reaction and ask The Universe to show you what it is truly means.  A better understanding of an experience or situation will allow you to move past it with more than a little grace and ease.  This is something you have earned and deserve so use it!  Remember you are fully supported every step of the way. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday June 3, 2019

Being in a state of resistance is emanating a loud energetic no to everything. It can be difficult to shift from resistance to acceptance. What if you could shift from resistance to the idea of selectivity?

Being selective means agreeing to some inclusion which softens your resistance and opens you to some areas of expansion and forward movement. As you become more positively focused by choosing what you would like to include, you begin to be more present and comfortable, and from there gratitude will naturally occur. And just like that you will have shifted into the space that you can create and grow from.

Never be afraid to use stepping stones to help you get from one energetic place to another! We encourage you to try many different incremental approaches until you find the ones that are most effective and easiest for you to remember to use. This is all part of getting to know and guide yourself like never before which can be the most wonderful process of discovery! ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 6/2/2019

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This is only the beginning, this is just the spark. Soon the whole forest will be on fire, and this fire is going to spread all over the earth... because I am not fighting against Hindu fanaticism, I am not fighting against Mohammedan fanaticism, I am simply fighting against all kinds of fanaticism.

Socrates was only fighting against the lies that were prevalent in the small city of Athens; it was a very small place. Buddha was against the Hindu beliefs, Jesus was fighting the Judaic heritage. My fight is multidimensional: I am fighting with Jews, I am fighting with Hindus, I am fighting with Buddhists, I am fighting with Jainas, I am fighting with Mohammedans. My fight is not addressed to anybody in particular. Hence I am bound to create so many enemies, more than anybody has ever done.

But certainly I am also going to create just as many friends, more than anybody has ever done, because life keeps a balance. If you have so many enemies you will have as many friends, if you have so many friends you will have as many enemies. Life always keeps a balance, life never loses balance. So the more enemies there are, the more friends there will be.


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You will always be as strong as you believe yourself to be.  Allowing the thought, “I am strong”, does not mean The Universe will begin hammering you with situations and experiences that will overwhelm and challenge.  It simply means that you are changing your perspective and letting those around you know what has always been there.  You are in the process of re-discovering a part of yourself you may have forgotten. Strength will always mean different things to different people.  Find out what it is for you and know you can be strong. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday June 2, 2019

As you turn your focus on healing, many of you become stuck waiting for closure. We understand you wish to wrap up a phase or experience, but holding on for closure to come from someone can be a faulty practice. We will explain why.

Your healing is a self guided process. Waiting for closure to come from another is placing your healing in the hands of someone else. It is giving your power away.

Worse, it is placing your healing in the hands of a person who has already hurt you and proven they haven’t been able to see you in your truth and worth. So, now your healing becomes dependant upon another person’s healing and growth and there is no guarantee when or if that person will achieve what is necessary to offer you the acknowledgment you seek.

If someone has hurt you to the point where you need closure it is highly unlikely they have the wisdom or vantage point to give you what you need for healing. It is not that they have some secret wellspring of love and awareness that they have been withholding from you, it is more likely that they simply do not have it to give at this time in their incarnation. Looking for healing from them would be much like looking to a hot stove for comfort after you have burned yourself.

So what do you do?  Please understand you need nothing outside of yourself to get the closure you are seeking. The most beautiful wrapping up of an old issue or wound comes through your own self love and the recognition that you deserve much better. It is assuming the role of your own loving parent, guide, and best friend.

GFP Newsletter - 6/1/2019

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Socrates, what was his mistake? His mistake was that he was trying to tell the truth as it is. His mistake, his only mistake, was that he was not ready to compromise with the stupidities of the crowd. He lived in continuous controversy; he died because of those controversies.

Do you think Jesus lived a noncontroversial life? Then why was he crucified? A reward for a noncontroversial life? He lived continuously in controversy; it is bound to be so. So it was with Buddha, so it was with Bodhidharma, so it has always been, and it seems so it is always going to be.

Truth creates controversy, because it shocks people, it shatters their illusions. And they want to cling to their illusions; those illusions are very consoling, comfortable, convenient and cozy. They don't want to leave their dreams, they are not ready to drop their investments in all kinds of foolish projects -- and that's what truth requires of them.


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Time To Start

Your awakening and learning process has always been filtered through your life experiences but, rough beginnings do not always mean challenging growth or outcome.  Your amazing, infinite mind has the ability to change whatever you choose to focus on and free will opens it up to all the possibilities outside those experiences.  Do you wish things to be as they have always been, or will you make a conscious effort to move toward your better tomorrow?

The Universe understands that your existence is yours and will always support you along the way.  Now, dear one, it is time to start creating! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Saturday June 1, 2019

If you find you are wishing away your time or pushing through one unpleasant obligation to another, perhaps it is time to step back and reevaluate. Isn’t it time to create a life you want to savour? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 5/31/2019

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Truth happens to individuals, not to crowds. Have you ever heard of a crowd becoming enlightened? Truth happens to individuals -- a Tilopa, an Atisha, a Nanak, a Kabir, a Farid.

Truth happens to individuals. Be an individual if you really want truth to happen to you. Take all the risks that are needed to be an individual, and accept the challenges so that they can sharpen you, can give you brilliance and intelligence.

Truth is not a belief, it is utter intelligence. It is a flaring-up of the hidden sources of your life, it is an enlightening experience of your consciousness. But you will have to provide the right space for it to happen. And the right space is accepting yourself as you are.

Don't deny anything, don't become split, don't feel guilty. Rejoice! And I say to you again, rejoice as you are.



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