GFP Newsletter - 2/16/2021

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The woman has to be respected, not only used. And slowly, slowly you will see that sex is the lowliest form of relationship. It will drop. Just go a little higher in your consciousness... But I don't want you to drop it with effort, deliberately, because then it will cling around you. Go into it. It is our destiny to pass through that fire test.

And once you have gone through it and come out of it into the clear, meditation becomes so easy that you don't have to do it. Just sit by the side of any tree and from all over a subtle showering of a new silence, of a virgin serenity, starts falling over you, just like rain, or just like flowers of madhukamini falling in thousands.


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Free Will

Dearest child…there have been a great many changes to your Earth plane over the past few months and you have handled them admirably!  But you may have also noticed there are some that have not dealt with them at all and that is okay. (Smiling) Even though you may want to, you cannot force, cajole or persuade them into seeing what you see.  You can ask that they receive unconditional love, guidance and the ability to change when they are ready.  That is the gift of free will. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 16, 2021

So many of you, in your desire to be diligent about the path you are walking, seek the advice of others. We honour you for wanting to make good choices.

If you are seeking advice it is important to always use your discernment as the expert of your own life expression. It may be helpful to ask yourself, is the advice I have received what is best for me or what would be best for the person giving it? Are they living a life that is in resonance with how I would like to live? Are they wise, mindful, and conscious? Is this person my energetic peer? Is their advice focused on the empowerment of everyone involved? Does it feel loving, supportive, and expansive?

Another thing that is helpful to ask yourself is, am I looking for guidance, confirmation, or permission? Guidance is what you seek when you really don’t know how to proceed for your highest result and can help you get clarity on what is the right match for you. Confirmation allows you to affirm your own wisdom and can help you embrace your forward movement more confidently. Permission is looking for validation from others because you are still concerned about what others will think.

GFP Newsletter - 2/15/2021

will's picture

This is the trouble: beauty is always skin-deep, and ugliness goes to the very bones. Go on digging to the bones, to the marrow, and you will find it... it is there.

Love is the alchemy to change that ugliness from within. And once it disappears from within, even an ordinary face, a homely face, starts shining with the bliss and joy of the beyond.


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A Time Of Change

It has been said before and bears repeating…

So much on your Earth-plane is changing so quickly that you may feel it is difficult to keep up. What was once comfortable, familiar and made you feel safe no longer exists. Why continue in your ‘old ways’, they will very soon be obsolete. This is the time of the new reality, this is your time, this is the time of change. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 15, 2021

You will always know when it’s time to move on from something because it will start to feel uncomfortable for you and require more and more patience to stay in those energies. You can always tell when something isn’t energetically supported for you anymore because the situation will start to take more and more effort from you just to maintain. This is because your energy is slowly but surely moving out of energetic alignment with it, withdrawing in preparation of connecting with the new. Most human beings don’t like change and this system is prepares you for it. Simply put, if you didn’t get uncomfortable many of you wouldn’t move at all!

What we want you to know is that you do not need to wait until you are incredibly uncomfortable to detach from one energy and to connect with the new. If you think of previous transitions you have made from one job to another, or one relationship to another, most of you knew the situation you left wasn’t working for a long time before you took action. Or perhaps you weren’t taking action at all even though you knew a situation wasn’t right so the universe, at the direction of your soul, created a sudden ending for you in order to get you to move forward.

GFP Newsletter - 2/14/2021

will's picture

Just as we don't discriminate between religions, we don't discriminate between nations, we don't discriminate between races, the final discrimination that has to be dropped is between men and women. They both are beautiful. If they become a little more alert, they are in fact two complementaries of one whole: man is half, just as the woman is half.

My effort, in spite of the whole world's condemnation of me, is to bring man and woman to a space where they can accept each other as their other part, as their other pole. I don't care about the condemnation of the world; it simply brings giggles to me. Who cares about idiots condemning you? -- they are not even worth any reply. But even if a small section of society starts respecting each other, there will be a tremendous revolution.


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Moments Like These

Gather and take stock of your skills…both newly learned and old favorites.  Over the next few days and weeks, it will be extremely beneficial to release any negatives to which you have been clinging.  The incoming wave of energy may shake things up a bit.  Being as clear possible will facilitate a smooth transition.  Remember, there is nothing to fear…you were created for moments like these! ~ Creator

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What Will You Have Left?

There is going to be a time, very soon, when you will have to start seeing yourself as others see you.  Take away the pretense, the societal programming and the false sense of security that ego often provides.  What will you have left?  A You, totally transparent, that is infinitely more interesting than anything you could have imagined or wanted for yourself. ~ Creator


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