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Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 10, 2021

You may have a situation that has some unknowns and you aren’t sure to proceed. Your mind, in its desire to micro-manage and control, may urge you to take action. If you feel deeper, you may discover another quieter, calmer intuition that encourages you to wait until you have more information. That calmer voice is your inner wise one and it will never, ever steer you wrong.

If you use your awareness, you will be able to tell the difference between the two. You will also very clearly feel which one is more empowered, because the mind often feels quite frantic while the heart is the soul centre you take wise action from.

There are no special skills required to connect with your inner wise one, as it is a part of you. All you must do is give yourself the time and space to acknowledge that knowingness and to listen to its subtle guidance. It is not loud and flashy but that is exactly how you know it is the voice of your empowered self. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 2/9/2021

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Trust existence. This is the only thing worthwhile for those who are interested in becoming enlightened.

Trust existence that whatever is needed, for whatever you are worthy, it will be given to you. You need not even ask for it. Only the unworthy ask; only the undeserving desire.

The deserving remain silent; the worthy never demand, but when it happens they are full of gratitude. They wait, they allow the spring to come at its own pace, and when the flowers start blossoming they enjoy the fragrance with tremendous prayer in their hearts, of gratitude.


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Forgive Yourself

The Universe never has and never will punish you for anything you have or have not done.  That is not the way it works, my love!  Please understand…The Universe has always loved you and no amount of self-punishment can undo that love.  Begin by forgiving yourself.  Once that wheel starts turning, it will free up your energy and the forgiveness you have been longing for will appear. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 9, 2021

The candle does not worry about protecting itself from the darkness. It knows that its own luminosity is the only thing it needs to be the light and honour its purpose. It is the same for you, Dear Ones. All you have ever needed to do is embrace your beingness and allow the beautiful, luminosity of your soul to lead your way forward. Anything that is not supportive of that will naturally be dispelled or transformed through the effectiveness of your own light. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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The Indivisibility of Life

by Julian Rose

‘Know Thyself’

On a tombstone in an English churchyard is the following inscription “Here lies John Bailey. The fact that he died does not guarantee that he lived”.

And that is surely the point. ‘To Live’ is the dynamic expression of existence; not being stuck in some soulless routine permanently in fear of stepping out of line with a sterile status quo.

The art of living involves the assertion of freedom, creativity and empathy with and for fellow humans and all living beings. It is our deepest self expression of an organic sense of purpose. The will to live is expressed through the flow of that warm inner feeling called ‘love of life’.

GFP Newsletter - 2/8/2021

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Enlightenment will be coming, just you have to learn waiting for it. Hurry will not help. Hurry is going to hinder. The only thing that is a hindrance is hurry.

The moment you are in a hurry you are never here; you are looking far ahead. You are running. And for enlightenment you have to be still and silent and in this moment -- utterly still, because this whole pilgrimage is from here to here.

For centuries people have been hurrying, and missing. I teach you a totally different approach: of being here, without any hurry -- the whole eternity is there. And don't be a beggar: the moment you are ready and ripe, enlightenment will happen.

Trust existence.


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Do It For You

Who have you been?  Who are you now?  Who do you wish to be?  Now that you have been fully immersed in this great change, these are critical questions The Universe is requesting you examine.  Do not do it for The Universe or the people around you, do it for you!  An infinite number of choices and directions are being offered, it is now up to you to choose what is in your highest and best.  If you are in doubt, you can ask, and the answer will always be given with love! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 8, 2021

Some of you may have a very strong belief in angels or God but still feel somewhat separate from them. You know they exist, you just aren’t sure that they are listening or aren’t too busy to help you.

If this is the case, we invite you to simply start connecting with your soul. You understand you are always connected to your soul. You know your soul has a plan for this incarnation, and knows the highest outcomes for you. So we recommend that if you are feeling stuck or lost, you simply say, “Ok soul, you take the lead. Show me where we want to go. Show me the next steps on our journey.” You know your soul is invested in your wellness and success, so you may find it easier to work with and trust that resource.

But here is the wonderful thing. Your soul is part of all that is, a beautiful and beloved aspect of Source. It is all part of a greater, glorious whole that is completely available to you. In your mind you may find it easier to speak to the manager than the CEO, but the reality is everyone’s door is always open for you. It doesn’t matter what aspect you connect with, all that matters is that you find the higher guidance you are comfortable working with and that you know you never, ever, have to go it alone. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Shelley’s note: Please remember I will taking time off in March, so if you have been thinking you’d like to have a private session with me soon, now would be the time to book. Thanks!

GFP Newsletter - 2/7/2021

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I would love that the older people be not just old but also wise, not just in age but also in understanding, not only horizontally old but also vertically old... not only growing old but growing up also.

A society where old people are still behaving like young fools is not a society worth calling cultured or civilized. Old people should behave like enlightened people -- not only behave, they should be enlightened. They should become a light to those who are still young and under biological infatuations, natural bondages. They have gone beyond; they can become guiding stars.



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