GFP Newsletter - 3/31/2019

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Awakening does not need time; not even a split second is needed for it to happen. It is only a question of a tremendous desire arising in you, of such a quality of intensity that you become afire with it. In that fire, the old is gone and the new has arrived. The old was never there in the first place, you only believed in it. And the new has always been the case, you had only forgotten it.

I declare to you that this is the only world there is, and this is the only life there is. Don't start thinking of some other life somewhere after death, beyond the seven skies, in heaven. Those are all just mind dreams, mind trips, new ways to fall asleep again.

Hence my insistence that no sannyasin has to leave the world, because leaving the world is part of a project, part of a dream of reaching to the other world. And because there is none, all your efforts will be in vain. You are not to go to the monasteries or to the Himalayas; you are not to escape from here. You have to become awakened here.


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Take some time today for introspection.  For some, it may be a bit challenging to go within and see what is causing discomfort.  For others, it may be a clear path.  One of the joys of being human is being able to reach the parts that are not often touched and see them for what they really are.  Each one is a moment in your timeline that deserves respect and care.  Those moments are truly you! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday March 31, 2019

Dear Ones, quite simply put, your love, attention, nurturing, and guidance for yourself is what allows you to be able to consistently show up as the love, acceptance, and compassion for others.  If you are out of patience with others it is a sure sign that it is time to tend to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Shelley’s note: Today is the 15th anniversary of Trinity Esoterics!  Can you believe it?  I thank you all for being so loving and supportive of our work, and for giving me the opportunity, every single day, to work in my passion and purpose.  None of it is possible without you!  I can’t wait to see what we will co-create over the next fifteen years!  xo

GFP Newsletter - 3/30/2019

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Man is in paradise. The garden of Eden has never been left, nobody can expel you from it. But you can fall asleep, and you can start dreaming a thousand and one things. Then those dreams become your reality, and the reality fades far away, becomes unreal.

You need not go anywhere. Meditation is neither a journey in space nor a journey in time, but an instantaneous awakening. If you can be silent now, this is the other shore. If you can allow the mind to cease, not to function, this is the other shore.


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You Can!

Dearest one; you may find yourself walking in two worlds. The intended world of peace, love and respect for all things is around you, building and becoming stronger every day. However, the ongoing world of derision, fear and lack of empathy still surrounds your everyday activities. It can be challenging and, sometimes, very tiring to navigate both.

I will let you in on a little secret…you have the strength, knowledge, fortitude and grace to stand exactly where you are, unswayed from your vision and truth to keep working toward the ultimate goal. The Universe knows you can do this…you can! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Saturday March 30, 2019

Just as there was absolutely no knowledge required by you in order to grow within the womb and be born, so it is with your ascension process. There is an innate intelligence that leads the way that is beyond your conscious mind.

Knowledge is a wonderful thing and we encourage you to continue to question and learn and expand your beautiful minds if it brings you joy to do so. But please know the most helpful thing you can do for your own comfort through the ascension journey is to stay in surrender and flow with complete faith and trust in the natural unfoldment of the process because ultimately it is something that is navigated through instinct and the guidance of your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 3/29/2019

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It is not a question of reaching somewhere else, it is a question of awakening here and now. It is never there, it is always here; it is never then, it is always now. This moment contains the totality of reality.


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What Next?

Congratulations!  You have moved through yet another challenging moment in the ongoing great shift!  You may be feeling a little battered and beaten, a lot tired with a touch of emotional exhaustion.  That, my darling, is what happens when you do exceptionally good work!  Today, take some time and reflect on what you have learned/received, disseminate the information you received and discover how best to put it to use; The Universe will be right there with you, coming up with a ‘game plan’ on how to advance to the next level with safety and comfort.  I am more than a little excited for what is coming next…are you?! ~ Creator


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