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There have been so many times when you have forgotten the beauty of you!  Your kindness and compassion, your empathy and love, the way you treat others with respect…all gifts from The Universe that you have taken and made your own.  Your growth now is going to be all about how you feel about and treat yourself.  Remember, dear child, what you show and give others is a direct reflection of what exists within. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 3, 2019

Miracles are divine manifestations beyond what you could ever imagine being possible. They can occur at any time, all that is required is an openness to receive them and a willingness to make room for them in your life.  The more you can release the urge to control your manifestations and constrain what you think is possible (and thus, what you are willing to receive), the more you can be surprised and delighted by a universe that knows and wishes to deliver to you the highest outcomes you are not even aware of. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Can Chickens Swim?

by Julian Rose

“To get from the passenger seat to the driving seat is a momentous act”

Need I say it, extraordinary things are going on all over this World, and it turns out that having to resort to a survival formula in order to cope with them, is not necessarily the best way forward. In fact, the impending sense of chaos is having the unlikely effect of making people who usually ignore whatever is going on around them – sit-up and start asking a few questions.

A few years ago, my neighbour, faced by a third consecutive year of floods encroaching on her kitchen garden, was mostly concerned whether her hens would escape unharmed; but now she is asking why it is that the floods keep happening. That is a big change. A change from worrying whether her chickens can swim, to questioning why it is that her chickens should ever be forced to face such a predicament in the first place.

GFP Newsletter - 4/2/2019

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Inactivity is negative, receptivity is positive. They both look alike, they look very similar. You will need very penetrating eyes to see the difference between the inactive and the receptive. The receptive is a welcome, it is an awaiting, it has a prayer in it. Receptivity is a host, receptivity is a womb. Inactivity is simply dullness, death, hopelessness. There is nothing to wait for, nothing to expect, nothing is ever going to happen. It is falling into lethargy, it is falling into a kind of indifference. And indifference and lethargy are poisons.

But the same thing that becomes indifference can become detachment, and then it has a totally different flavor. Indifference looks like detachment, but it is not; indifference is simply no interest. Detachment is not absence of interest -- detachment is absolute interest, tremendous interest, but still with the capacity of non-clinging. Enjoy the moment while it is there and when the moment starts disappearing, as everything is bound to disappear, let it go. That is detachment.


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Acceptance & Support

When you open yourself and really listen to another’s truth, you open yourself to love unconditionally. This does not mean their truth needs to become yours, that you need to dis-avow what you think, feel and believe…it means that you are secure enough and love yourself enough to hear others without judgement or condemnation.  Giving acceptance and support to each other is a great gift indeed! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Tuesday April 2, 2019

As you shift from doing to being, you may release many things from your life. This is in preparation for the cocooning phase. It is creating the sacred space for your transformation to occur.  Once you have had the time to discover and settle into the full acceptance of your true essence you will emerge again, adding into your life what matches your new state of being, and move forward into the next phase of your incarnation in a far more empowered and congruent way. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 4/1/2019

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But remember, let me repeat it again, there is no other reality, there is only one reality.

But the one reality can be seen in two ways: with sleepy eyes, dreamy eyes, eyes full of dust, and then what you see is distorted; and the same reality can be seen without sleep, without dreaming eyes, without dust. Then whatsoever you see is the truth -- and truth liberates.


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Stand Up And Be Heard!

Dearest one, it is not constructive to continue dodging the heavy, challenging, gut-wrenching stuff forever. Eventually, it will come up in ways you are not expecting.  This, in turn, may leave you surprised and very uncomfortable in that particular moment. Stand up and listen, then stand up for the voiceless. If you were/are one of the voiceless, it is time to be heard! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday April 1, 2019

If you have been feeling overwhelmed, it is a wonderful opportunity to step back and simplify your life. What are you hanging on to out of habit that is expired and ready to go? What are you taking on that isn’t yours that others can easily step in and take over? How can you simplify your diet to foods that are natural, vibrant, and nutritious? How can you make room for the enjoyment of life’s simple pleasures?

Many of you have become distracted by the busyness that can come from being influenced by societal norms. Enlightening human beings are realizing more and more that quiet and simplicity in their lives are essential in order to connect and create the peace their soul craves. Making space for greater stillness allows you to better connect with your own needs, inner knowingness, and guidance.

One of the greatest transitions you will ever make will be the shift from doing to being, and seeing each as equally valuable and necessary depending upon which phase of the evolutionary process you are in. Once you move into the acceptance of the importance and incredible power of your beingness, what you begin to create will be a beautiful match to who you really are and what you wish to experience because you will be emanating your purest, most beautiful energetic vibration, and that, Dear Ones, is embodiment. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


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