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Daily Message ~ Tuesday February 2, 2021

Where do you allow your alignment to receive? Does it require great work and effort before you allow yourself to move into the alignment of receiving? Do you believe you have to sacrifice and wait and then if you are good enough and patient enough you will receive?

Dear Ones, your alignment is your alignment. You can shift into it whenever you want. You can find it through surrender, faith, flow, and trust. You can find it through meditation, or prayer, or walking in nature. You can find it through synchronicities. You can find it through your beingness or through incredibly hard effort. Your alignment is really about deciding when you think you have done enough to be worthy enough to receive.

What if we told you there was nothing you need to do in order to be worthy? Your worthiness is inherent. If you allow that truth to settle into your consciousness, you will find that your alignment through your beingness is even more powerful than using vast effort to try to prove your worthiness, because it is emanating your vibrational truth and from there all things are possible. What can you do today to shift into easier ways of finding your alignment and being willing to receive? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 2/1/2021

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The poets, the scientists, the musicians and other creators have a double personality, a split personality, some kind of schizophrenia. One part of them goes on creating, and one part lags far behind.

The mystic is the only person in existence who is not schizophrenic, who is unique and one, organically one, undivided. His life and his words have the same flavor.


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Fear Or Faith

Fear and faith are unable to exist together.  The Universe wants you to know that it has not and never will punish you for the decisions and choices you have made.  That is a purely human concept.  If you spend your time living in fear there will be no room for faith…or love.  To fully embrace faith, you must release fear! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday February 1, 2021

Today we encourage you to get out of the habit of waiting for others to validate you, your choices, or your feelings. Your feelings about anything are validation enough. It is time to release the need for externals and to trust that you are more than capable to lead yourself and make your own wise and empowered decisions. You are the true expert on you.

So how do you know if you are holding yourself back because you are concerned over what people might think or say? Ask yourself what choices or decisions you would make if you didn’t know a single soul on the planet. That will give you clarity on how much you may still be allowing others to affect your path and how true you are being to you. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 1/31/2021

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You become your ultimate flowering only when you are not. It is a strange fundamental law of existence, and there is no way to change it.

The more you are, the less you are. The less you are, the more you are.


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You Are A Star!

Come on in and take a seat…the film is about to begin.  Others have joined you for this momentous occasion; your friends, family, acquaintances and loved ones.  They are as excited as you are!  As you settle in and the opening credits roll, you realize this film is all about you and how you can change anything while it is in progress.  Do you like the story line?  No?  GREAT, you can change it any time you would like!  Do the lead actors resonate with you and your personal experience?  No?   Wonderful, you have the power to bring in whomever you choose!  This is YOUR story, your journey and you can alter it in any way you see fit.  And the best part…I am with you every step of the way, my shining star! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Sunday January 31, 2021

You are on the planet to have the full experience. That means allowing yourself to fully feel. Many of you, due to your energetic sensitivities, have developed a habit of trying to diminish how much you feel. A lot of focus has gone on the importance of feeling into your more challenging feelings as part of your healing journey. Today we wish to encourage you to fully feel the good feelings.

Next time someone gives you a compliment, accept it. Next time someone has gratitude for you, instead of glossing over it, still yourself and fully receive it. Next time someone offers you help, say yes and feel how nice it is to be assisted and supported. Next time someone expresses love for you, open your heart, stay present in that moment, acknowledge that connection, and let it all in. It is time for you to fully receive what is truly available for you and that means being willing to have the full experience of what is wonderful, too. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

GFP Newsletter - 1/30/2021

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Everybody in America is so busy trying, and nobody knows for what. Trying itself has become the goal; speed itself has become the destination.


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Waiting For You

Dearest child…like many others, you may find yourself at an odd in-between place.  Not asleep but, not 100% alert.  Not passive but not fully motivated to move forward on your chosen path.  Rest assured; all is well!  The Universe is always moving, planning, and anticipating so you can slow down and determine a different direction if you so choose.  Take a moment, decide what you genuinely want, and it will be waiting for you. ~ Creator


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