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Daily Message ~ Saturday December 15, 2018

Dear Ones, every single day, every single moment, love is a choice. It is completely available to you to choose whenever you like but you will find that when you nurture your alignment with Source and practice self love it is more natural and easier to be the flow of love for others.

Do not stress yourself out over love! If you have a moment that is not loving, simply redirect. Choose again. And the more you remember to choose love, to give and to receive love, the more you establish the habit of love because it feels so good. It will become your default choice in no time, and your life will reflect that in all you experience.

Love is, simply put, your most beautiful means of self expression and how you allow your truest essence to shine. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Like the Sun in the Sky

God said:

Beloved, I say that I love, and love is all I know. Rather, love is all I AM. This is also true for you, yet you may bypass love. Stick with love. You are meant for love, and this is it! Your ticket in life says love and love alone. Your purpose in life is love. Love alone. Naught but love. Your path is love.

You ARE love. Your DNA is encoded in love. You are for naught but love. There are no two ways about it. Love Alone.

Love to be alive. Choose simplicity.

GFP Newsletter - 12/14/2018

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Your belief or your disbelief is not going to make any difference to the truth. Truth is truth, whether you believe or you disbelieve.

But if you believe in something it starts appearing as true to you at least. That's what the meaning of belief is: belief means to believe in something as true -- you know that you don't know, you know that the truth is unknown to you, but in your ignorance you start believing, because belief is cheap.

To discover truth is arduous, it needs a long pilgrimage. It needs a great emptying of the mind, it needs a great cleansing of the heart. It needs a certain innocence, a rebirth: you have to become a child again.

Only very few people have ever dared to discover truth. And it is risky, because it may not console you; it has no obligation to console you. It is risky: it may shatter all that you have known before, and you will have to rearrange your whole life. It is dangerous: it may destroy all your illusions, it may shatter all your dreams. It is really going through fire; it is going to burn you as you are, it is going to kill you as you are.


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As the new shift begins…remember that compassion is not limited to those you feel ‘deserve it’.  It is for everyone!  The Universe does not pick and choose who gets Unconditional Love and support; even those ‘throwing large stones’, sending ripples that will spread far longer than you will be alive and affect the mass consciousness.  It is imperative to stay centered in your heart and know positive change always follows what most believe to be distasteful situations.  This is the work you came to accomplish, this is the time to begin using all you have learned, this this the now you have been waiting for! (Smiling) ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Friday December 14, 2018

What would you be like today if no one had ever said a disparaging thing against you? Feel into that for a moment. How much have those opinions and projections dimmed your light and affected your confidence and self esteem? If you could imagine them not being there, how much more flow would you have in your life?

We understand it can be uncomfortable to feel such things, but it is in the acknowledgment of these energies that healing can occur. Next we wish for you to ask the question, was this person qualified to judge you? Did they know your soul path? Your purpose? Your beauty? Your truth? Did they see how precious your innocence and sensitivity was? Were they living life expressions you would aspire to?  Dear Ones, we can guarantee if someone was in the habit of judging you they were not qualified to do so for a being with the ability to see you in your truth would have no interest in the energy of judgment and would instead only see you with acceptance, encouragement, and unconditional love.

So now that we have identified that you have been treated unfairly by a person or people who could not see you accurately, we see that it had no validity. That is the first step of healing and release. Now you can truly get down to the business of shifting that old energy that simply did not apply up and out.

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Our Covenant

God said:

Beloved, be beholden to this day that connects Us as One. The day isn’t beholden to you even as today is at your feet. A day is to lead you. A days sets itself before you. What will you do with this day that is before you? There is something in this day that you are to make beautiful.

GFP Newsletter - 12/13/2018

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Sambuddho, that's what has been happening down the ages. That is the way of autohypnosis. John Lilly is absolutely wrong. "What the mind believes," he says, "is true...." It is not. It only appears true.

And he says "... or it becomes true." It never becomes true by being believed, but it starts appearing true. Yes, for the believer it becomes true, although it is not true, because belief begins in ignorance. Belief cannot create truth; truth is already the case.



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My life is all about being. I am a lesson to myself for me to learn. As I learn, my life is made rich. In the richness I can share what I have learned. Thus, I am blessed by sharing what I have learned and anyone I share with is also Blessed by the sharing.

Sometimes the lesson is difficult and not easily learned. I have a hard head some times, it takes a few attempts to learn the lesson and sometimes a lifetime to get the lesson. Lol


Those who love share the BLESSINGS with all, UNCEASINGLY.

The only failure that ever can happen is when one stops Learning. That is a sure failure. One becomes a robot and grows no more for the pathways to the brain are set. It is like going around the mountain while thinks one is climbing it



The greatest gift one can give oneself is the lesson learned.
Be Happy you can still learn. The real lesson is YOU.
Well, NOW IS shared, LOVE IS GIVEN.
Yep, I just gave a blessing away to everyone freely, and their assignment too

I am a simple SCRIBE, the Thoughts come and I write them down. I have done what I was given to share. The sharing the giving of the Thoughts.

I love to share, blessingly.

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There is a gentle murmuring in the air, like a crowd waiting for a large event to start.  You have taken your rest time, let your whole self ‘de-stress’ and, now, the pause.  There is a collective holding of breath before the beginning…your Earth plane is waiting for what is to come.  Can you feel it?  The thrill, anticipation and a little anxiousness to get going is around you now.  Humankind is on the verge of the next great leap forward.  Enjoy this time, my darling one! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday December 13, 2018

Dear Ones, you are in a potent corridor of energy leading up to your solstice. While much of this year has been about reviewing and releasing, these energies are supporting creation and how you would like to express yourself moving forward. With your wisdom we urge you to take advantage of the assistance these energies can offer you. What do you wish to create moving forward? More importantly how do you wish to BE?

One of the beautiful aspects of solstice energy is that it locks in all the progress you have made since the previous solstice event. It is a save point, if you will. What this means is if there is some change you wish to make in your life if you embody it now the energy of the solstice will energetically anchor that energy for you. This is an ideal time to make a change, incorporate new habits or routines, or to finally start an activity that you have always felt drawn to but haven’t had the time to try. It is the taking of the action that makes it part of your beingness, which will then be energetically supported and saved into your energetics.

You might consider the December solstice your energetic New Year. Any resolutions you would like to make will be far more successful by harnessing the power of the solstice to embody them now, rather than waiting until the new year when you will be busy shifting into the energies of the new year (and we might add that 2019 will be markedly different than 2018 so it will be a big shift).


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