GFP Newsletter - 11/13/2018

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Reality is a mystery, it is not a question to be asked. It is a mystery to be lived, a mystery to be experienced, a mystery to be loved, a mystery to be dissolved in, to be drowned in.

I am answering you, not to answer but to simply destroy the question. I am not a teacher.

The teacher teaches you; the master does not teach you, he helps you unlearn.


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Status Quo?

During this unprecedented time of change, you may feel as if every decision you make is wrong.  It feels as if you are doing everything right; the decision feels good to your heart and mind, it resonates with your body and beliefs but, the reactions coming from the world sometimes tell a different story.  The Universe would like to remind you that, regardless of what you choose, it is okay! (Smiling) You are moving from a time when directions were chosen by the group consciousness into the gentler and softer self-caring mode.  This is by no means a turn to ‘selfishness’, that is the old way.  Your Earth plane is shifting to a more loving and peaceful space.  You will begin to draw and be drawn to those who have made the same decisions and, in concentrating those beautiful thoughts, it will radiate out in ways you cannot imagine.  The status quo is fading and bringing in a new reality. ~ Creator

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13 Nov Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 13, 2018

There is incredible power in declaring, “Today I choose a different way” if you become aware you are replaying an old pattern. It does not matter if you do not know what the new way is, it is your choice to try something new that will open up new avenues. It is never too late to change even the oldest habits, Dear Ones, in fact, that is exactly what leads to your healing, expansion, and wonderful new discoveries. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Did you know private sessions with Shelley and Gabriel are available? One hour appointments include energy healing and are $140 USD. They can be so helpful in gaining a fresh sense of clarity, especially during times of energetic intensity. To book just email Shelley at They’d love to connect with you!

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When you Love

God said:

Beloved, let’s come back to some of the good old-fashioned childhood sayings that speak well of life on Earth.

GFP Newsletter - 11/12/2018

will's picture

Wondering is not questioning, it is feeling mystified by existence. Questioning is an effort to demystify existence; it is an effort not to accept the mystery of life. Hence we reduce every mystery to a question. The question means the mystery is only a problem to be solved, and once solved, there will be no mystery.

My effort in answering you is not to demystify existence but to mystify it more. Hence my contradictions. I cannot be consistent, I am not answering you. I cannot be consistent, because I am not here to make you more knowledgeable. If I am consistent, you will have a body of knowledge -- very satisfying to the mind, nourishing, strengthening, gratifying.

I am deliberately inconsistent, contradictory, so that you cannot make any body of knowledge out of me. So if one day you start gathering something, another day I take it away. I don't allow you to gather anything. Sooner or later, you are bound to be awakened to the fact that something totally different is transpiring here. It is not that I am giving you some dogma to be believed in, some philosophy to be lived by, no, not at all. I am utterly destructive, I am taking everything away from you.



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In my life, I have given myself to my life in learning what Happiness and joy are. I have also had the "sucking up the saw dust" on the blood stained floor. I prefer Happiness and joy, so I asked LOVE, "Why can't I always be happy always?" LOVE SAID TO ME "LOL!" LOL
Yep, got that write NOW.


Is there anything else but LOVE? LOL

There is a glow in my HEART = Earth getting brighter than ever before. The Amazing is the gift to be shared, completely. ALL IS GRANTED IN THE GIFT OF THE ALL, DIVINELY PRESENT AND GIVEN UNCONDITIONALLY.


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Take a deep breath….now release.  And another….and release.  You have stepped into another brief resting phase before the next shift arrives, so take full advantage.  Take care of your body, be mindful of your self-care…you will need it.  Rest, feed yourself nourishing foods and spend time in nature.  This will help you cleanse the residual energies from the previous changes and renew your body for the next.  It may feel as if the path is getting steeper and, in some ways, it is.  Whenever you feel overwhelmed, just know The Universe has your back.  You were born with the strength to do this and you can! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Monday November 12, 2018

If you wish to manifest something in your life, what is the essence of what it will offer you? For example, if you would like to manifest money, why?  The real reason for the money might be to experience more freedom, ease, or fun.

Once you identify what it is you would truly like to experience more of, stop and see how it already exists in your life. Find the ways you already have that essence, even if it is the littlest bit. You may be surprised to realize that you already have quite a lot of what it is you desire!  This is a wonderful discovery for it shows you that you already have the ability to manifest it.

Next, express heartfelt gratitude for what it is you already have, even if it is the tiniest amount of what you would like more of. By doing so, you are anchoring and nurturing its existence it in your life. This is a very direct form of manifestation, and something that is easy to turn into a daily practice.

Gratitude helps you practice more presence, which is staying in the now moment where your true power is. Your days are always much more pleasant, and far more empowered, when you can recognize and grow the blessings that are already there, if only you have the eyes to see. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Caught Up in the Light of God

God said:

Beloved, I might call Earth a terrace to sit on at any time of day or morning or evening or even in the middle of the night. Despite whatever loneliness you may get caught up in, never are you and I even a shadow’s worth of distance apart. This Identity of Oneness is made for One or another. Oneness claims this Unified Oneness to One heart's content.

I would not have it any other way, nor would this that may be seen as you when you come down to it, why wouldn't Oneness declare its Oneness? Don’t waste a moment’s thrice of a distance from even one random thought of imagined distance from Oneness.

GFP Newsletter - 11/11/2018

will's picture

So the first thing to be remembered is: all questions are silly, and all answers are too.

Then you will be a little puzzled -- why do I go on answering your questions? If you look deep down into my answers you will see that they are not answers. They don't nourish your mind, they destroy your mind, they shatter you. They are meant to be shocks. The purpose of my answering is to hammer your mind -- it is hammering, it is not answering.



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