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Great Good in the World

God said:

Beloved, there is a Great Good in the world, if I do say so Myself, Who speaks every day and night from within you again and again. You do want this, don’t you? You desire that I talk to you more and more? You want to catch the words I whisper to you from the depths and heights and subtlety of what I say. I do speak sweetly, although I do not speak solely sweet nothings. I am solid of purpose. You like it when your ear is pressed to My Words. All aboard. Let’s find out.

Of course, this that you refer to as you is open to sweet talk, yet I extend the strength beyond sweetness alone. I love lightness with you, yet, of course, there is also a higher setting according to what you are open to hear what comes along with all of Me and, therefore, you – more than you may imagine.

We have known each other for more than eons. Oneness is well-known now.

GFP Newsletter - 10/18/2018

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It is always good to know where you are, because then progress becomes very easy. If you imagine to yourself that you are somewhere else, where you are not, no progress is possible.


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You Can Do It!

Right now there is so much noise and so much chaos going on that it might be hard to hear what direction you should be going.  There are only been a few times in the course of human history where things have become as ‘distorted’ as they are now.  Please do not let this keep you from your goals!  You have worked for and have earned the right to stand where you are now and the work is to continue, dear one.  Today, take a moment to stop, breathe and listen…allow the voice of The Universe to guide and support you in your journey toward love and peace.  You are equal to the challenge and you can do it! ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 18, 2018

There may be some people who are simply not in a vibrational range that allows them to see you in your truth. Do not let that make you second guess yourself. In fact, it can be a wonderful opportunity for you to self explore and get even deeper clarity about who you really are and shine even brighter, understanding that what is most important is that you know your own worth, and truth, and express yourself from there. You get to choose whether you wish to use the experience to give your power away or empower yourself into greater knowingness and self expression. When seen through these eyes, you can recognize it as a gift to find your way back to yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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Surviving Astonishment

God said:

Beloved, We are so strongly attracted to Oneness because of the truth of One’s Beingness that thou and I represent. I do My utmost to assure you of this amazing Oneness that exists. Be assured that you and I singularly and definitively exist as One beautiful Oneness.

There are no two of Us. Never was. Twoness does not exist. Oneness alone exists. One Heart is not the same as two hearts drawn together. Be One Heart that recognizes Its One Self so dearly. No One is to pull the One Heart of Oneness apart.

How amazing this Oneness Is. It is phenomenal. It is worth writing home about. Oneness is worth everything, and Oneness, once and for all, is all there is. Oneness exists as the whole kit and kaboodle. There is nothing more wonderful than Oneness – no indeed.

All the world’s treasures and money in the King’s Treasury cannot light a candle to Oneness. Absolutely, there is nothing so grand as Oneness. Please accept Oneness as the existential truth in the world.

GFP Newsletter - 10/17/2018

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First put yourself in a right state of being, then whatever path you follow will be right, because the paths are not outside. We are not talking about highways and superhighways.

The path is inwards.


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Just Be!

There is quite a bit of talk surrounding your Earth plane’s jump from 3D to 5D.  Even though the concept is thrilling it is, in the end, just a label. (Smiling)

You have always had the amazing power within you to create.

You have always had the ability to change your world.

You have always had the choice, no label required.

Instead of attaching a name tag to your lapel and using it to create division and separateness by stating where you feel you are, just be the loving person you have always been!  It is the best thing you can do in this moment. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 17, 2018

When it comes to creating, if what you wish to experience is not coming together for you, we suggest you stop and examine your beliefs about it. Do you think it will be hard?  Impossible? Do you only see it happening one way?  What statements are your mantras about it? Do they match what you wish to create?

Stop and think how you can expand it. Can you cast your net wider? Look at your project. Are there specifics that can be loosened up? Can you surrender it into its perfect expression of self rather than insisting it show up a specific way?

If you are struggling with this, we suggest you connect with a master manifesting guide by simply asking to connect with one. Trust this guide’s expertise and allow it to take the reins and lead you to the perfect match for you.

The greatest way you limit yourself in your manifestation attempts is by settling for things that are too small, or by only being open to potentials you can imagine. The bottom line is your greatest creations exist outside the bounds of what you have already experienced. That is because the mind works with what it has already knows. Your soul wishes to continually expand beyond what you have already done.

You are ascending human beings on an ascending planet. You are the pioneers, so allow yourselves to play in the energies of the great beyond, to stay open to new wondrous potentials, to embrace miracles and magic, and to find fun and excitement in the entire process. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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The Life You Live

God said:

Beloved, today you may feel that something is coming around the corner for you. You don’t exactly know what, yet you feel it’s on its way straight to you. You can hardly wait. It’s something you clearly welcome. In fact, you run to your computer in case a blessed email has already arrived.

You are aware that an easy-going hands-off approach to life generally is more effective than an insistent one.

GFP Newsletter - 10/16/2018

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There is a great statement of Jalaluddin Rumi, a Sufi mystic. One of his disciples asked him, "Are we going to paradise?" Jalaluddin laughed and said, "I cannot say that we are going to paradise, but wherever we are going, there will be paradise. It all depends on us - what we make out of our being, out of our creativity, out of our love, out of our consciousness."



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