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Daily Message ~ Thursday October 4, 2018

Dear Ones, you simply can’t step into your mastery if you don’t trust yourself. Self love is the precursor to self trust. When you truly start to love and care for yourself, you know you can trust yourself to make choices that are for your highest good. While self love starts the process, self love and self trust, when employed together, are the dynamic duo when it comes to stepping forward as the empowered leader of your life expression. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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True Paradise

God said:

Beloved, I, God, am gentle. A God of strength accommodates plenty of gentleness. A God of Strength and Goodness and Mercy has plenty of gentleness to spare for all. What would a God have to fear that he would have to be rough about?

God does not have to use a booming voice. Those who have the most vital messages to convey certainly require only the softest of voices. Powerful as I am, there is no reason for me to turn up the volume. Does anyone, least of all a God, believe He has to bellow in order to be heard?

GFP Newsletter - 10/3/2018

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Lao Tzu used to say, "Look at the trees, look at the rivers, look at the stars, and you will understand 'actionless action.'"

Certainly the river is flowing towards the ocean but you cannot call it action because there is no will forcing it to go towards the ocean. It is very easy-going - no hurry, no haste, not even the longing that it should reach, no competition with other rivers that perhaps they may reach ahead of it. It is simply going, singing and dancing its dance through the mountains, through the valleys, through the plains, not worried whether it reaches to the goal or not. Every moment is so beautiful and precious that, who cares about the tomorrow?


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Time To Upgrade

Along with the great changes you are experiencing now, it is also time to set new boundaries for yourself.  What you allowed before may have been okay for that moment…but now, it is important to remember that you have grown and learned many things.  An upgrade is in order. (Smiling) Allow yourself self-care time to explore what will (and will not) work for you now and adjust accordingly.  You are always worthy and deserving of preserving and enhancing your peace. ~ Creator

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Daily Message ~ Wednesday October 3, 2018

The enlightenment process is about stepping into your authentic power. At the core of that is trust – learning to trust yourself, your own mastery, your divine capability, and your role as the empowered expert of you and your own incarnation. There is much focus on the importance of self love but self trust is equally important and rarely spoken of.

It is the essential element that will allow you to step into your sovereignty and embrace being the empowered co-creator you truly are. So trust, Dear Ones. Trust in your growth, your wisdom, your authentic power, your role, the process, and your abilities, for that is the next natural step of your evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

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A Godwriting Moment

God said:

Beloved, in terms of Godwriting, you are the Listener. You are the Godlistener. You are present all right. You are viable. You do not speak for Me. You are not the stand-in for Me, nor are you a stand-out. I speak for Myself, and you sincerely write down what I say.

GFP Newsletter - 10/2/2018

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My whole teaching is how to be effortless. Even when you are doing something, you should not be the doer. Even when there is action, it should be almost non-action. It should come as a spontaneous flowering, not out of willpower.

But these are the diseases given to every human being by the whole past. Willpower has been taught to everybody as a great value. Every child is told to have willpower. And willpower is something against your spontaneity - then you cannot be at ease, restful. Do you think flowers have to do much to blossom? Are trees taking bold action to grow? There is no action at all.


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Leave It

Leave it behind.  You have carried it for quite some time, child.

Leave it behind.  It used to keep you safe and gave you a sense of being protected.

Leave it behind.  It has grown so heavy and cumbersome, carrying it with you has begun to hurt.

Leave it behind.  You will always remember, but you no longer need it.

Leave it behind.  It will lighten your step and give you a buoyancy you have never known.

Leave it behind.  You have nothing to fear any longer…you are safe, loved and protected.

Leave it behind.  You do not need it anymore.

Leave it behind…

~ Creator

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How Many Layers of Life Have You Counted as Yet?

God said:

Beloved, opportunity is before you. You may find yourself at the beginning of a new era. In fact, this seems to be inevitable. You grow. You grow anew. Consider that you blossom. Be glad you blossom. Be glad you have a new spurt of consciousness. You are ever-growing. Opportunities to be greater than you were yesterday are before you. Growth of consciousness is happening.

You are someone who progresses. The physical may appear the same. No matter, you are a traveler in life. No one from the outside fully knows the landscape you travel.

I know. And you are always learning. There are the arenas in which you travel a mile a minute. There is consciousness.


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