~Space Weather Update~ INCOMING CME: A CME from sunspot AR1429 is nearing Earth.

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WEEKEND SOLAR FLARE: Sunspot AR1429 is still erupting this weekend. On Saturday, March 10th, it produced a powerful M8-class flare that almost crossed the threshold into X-territory. During the flare, New Mexico amateur astronomer Thomas Ashcraft recorded a series of radio bursts at 21 and 28 MHz:


Dynamic spectrum courtesy Wes Greenman, Alachua County, Florida

The roaring sounds you just heard are caused by shock waves plowing through the sun's atmosphere in the aftermath of the explosion. "There is incredible complexity in the waveforms," notes Ashcraft. "This is a recording of one of the most turbulent events in all of Nature!"


In addition, the explosion propelled yet another CME toward Earth. According to a forecast track prepared by analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the cloud will hit our planet's magnetosphere on March 12th around 1800 UT, possibly sparking a new round of geomagnetic storms.


~The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update, Update~

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Father God and I Got back earlier from our nature trip. We got to enjoy the trees and many walks in the Sunshine! We will resume these Daily Updates beginning tomorrow as we are in another Big Alignment and adjustment Period. WE have lots going on, and many happy events that are unfolding for all of Humanity.


Our Other event that we are looking into is on facebook. Our Profile has been blocked from us, this includes all of those connections with all of Our groups. This is the second time that this has occurred. WE are working to resolve this as quickly as possible, if we can. If You are on Fb, and are not connected to the Media page, we highly recommend connecting in via this way. As We can Continue to Post to our Media Page. The rest of our staff are able to post.





We Love You, Love Mother and Father God and the GFP Staff


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O God Aton of Light, Creator of the human races, King of Wisdom and the One Source of all, we rejoice that your Spirit lives within us.

We forgive ourselves and our fellow men for our complacency in America in allowing this great nation to be over-run with evil. We ask your Spirit within us to forgive us. Many times we have done nothing, while Satan's workers in their attempt to rule the world have taken away the unalienable freedoms you gave to us.


We ask now for the Hosts of Heaven to come and stand against the evil forces. We ask that your Spirit awaken our Earth Shan people to Truth, and that they shall pray for this nation. We ask that all people shall begin right-living according to the Laws of God and Creation. May each individual be empowered to make a strong stand against the "lies" and darkness?


By working with the creative Power of God Aton within us, we believe that America can once again be a shining Light of Truth to all the world. We believe that this nation can be a people of right-living. We believe that this has already begun.

Greg Giles ~ Your New System Is Being Prepped At This Time For Its Unveiling

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Greg Giles ~ Your New System Is Being Prepped At This Time For Its Unveiling


Ascension Earth 2012 |

Power will be had by the people when everyone begins to come together under the new system. Rallying from the brink of financial disaster, humanity will rise to heights not seen on this planet since before your known recorded history. Everyone will be free from the shackles of financial hardship and be able to finally focus their attention on other areas of their lives. Continuing into the months ahead, humanity’s newly accrued wealth will permit a blossoming of new projects and programs designed to restore your planet to her natural pristine beauty and perfect functioning. Under these new conditions, the collective vibration of humanity will soar, and this will forge your wings necessary for your ascension into the higher realms. This is the plan.



Lia's picture

What A Winter!


But first, some whining…


Photo By Will Harader


On January 1, 2012 I felt and was affected by another upsurge and big push from Team Dark (the non-physical, non-human Beings and their human puppets). It was mildly depressing and I wasn’t prepared for it, which I should have been, but because we’re so close now my heart gaze is entirely fixed on the finish line and humanity evolving beyond the vibrational reach and influence of Team Dark. I realize I may occasionally jump the gun with certain old familiar polarized 3D issues and belief systems such as the controlled need for money, the controlled need for gasoline, war etc., but this is because I know what’s possible and coming and want all of us to be there sooner rather than later. To reach the next rung on the ladder, you’ve got to be willing to release your grasp on the one your currently holding on to.



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