K Index 7 for Saturday. Human DNA ...

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Commentary from the Galactic Free Press: what was known to be dangerous for Human DNA is no more. As Humanity has graduated from illusion to Reality, any Sun activity has become another Help for both Gaia And Humanity. DNA is being Activated and not damaged!

Enjoy your Ride... more to come!

EARTH ALLIES REPORT 9.3.12... What is really wrong with Vatican?... What is right with religions?...ups...just came in: GREEK DEBT IN DEFAULT... YIPPEE...

AnaShyNa's picture

Galactic Love Reporter Predrag/Saint Germain


BREAKING NEWS: Greece Default Is Official; Insurance Payouts Triggered 9.3.12 3:18 AM SET



Today’s report started slowly, with some usual news like pope resigning on 12th of April , 2012 or Anonymous hacked in Vatican site yesterday, or  Vatican end up on list of countries accused for laundering money.... Usual light readings, you know...


As I was slowly rolling through some other news when this one pops on my radar from American Kabuki... Thank you dear Brother, your diligence and service to Truth is so tremendous.... Love you for who you are...


BREAKING NEWS: Greece Default Is Official; Insurance Payouts Triggered 9.3.12 3:18 AM SET

AnaShyNa's picture


Greece Default Is Official; Insurance Payouts Triggered

Published: Friday, 9 Mar 2012 | 3:18 PM ET By: CNBC.com



A group representing dealers in credit default swaps decided Friday that Greek's bond swap constitutes a "credit event" that entitles holders of Greek credit default swaps to compensation.


The Parthenon in Greece
Scott E. Barbour | Getty Images


The "yes" vote by the International Swaps and Derivatives Association triggers roughly $3.2 billion in CDS, which are insurance policies that pay out if a bond issuer defaults. That amount is actually much smaller than many had feared.

The decision was widely expected, and stocks were slightly down after the announcement.

Greece pushed through a bond swap deal on Friday, forcing  bond holders to take a significant "haircut" on the return of their money. The swap was approved by about 84 percent of the holders, and Greece is moving to activate a rule forcing the rest of the bondholders to go along with the deal.

The triggering of that rule, known as the Collective Action Clause, is what prompted the ISDA to decide that Greece has created a "credit event."

Visionkeeper ~ Flying Under The Solar Flares

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Visionkeeper ~ Flying Under The Solar Flares
Posted on March 9, 2012 by GLR Gillian
Well I don’t know about you, but these solar flares are whipping up the energies and it’s mixing with the full moon, wow! Forget sleeping. I’d be interested in knowing what others are experiencing. Please go up to the Comparing Notes page if you feel like sharing. I hope everyone has found a way to deal with these energy bursts. They can ignite emotions and switch your moods in a heart beat so be aware. Knowing the possible reasons for why you are feeling the way you are feeling helps a great deal in dealing with these emotions.


AnaShyNa's picture





We are Here... Yes, You are Here... We are New Global Transitory Government, came from pure Light and with Lot of Love to share with Humanity...


Meetings are not mandatory, yet very informative for ones who feel the urge, who sense that they belong to something much grander than their own individualized  state of mind...


Please, join US if you know that this present state of existence on Gaia is not in interest of US all... Please Join US if you KNOW that there is greatest abuse of Mother Earth and all the resources...
Please, join us if you Know in your heart there is enough for every and each one of US, and that you KNOW how to spread this abundance with ALL...


~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~9~12 ~ The Speed of Love is Unstoppable ~ Everybody Ready to Shift ~

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 ~The Galactic Free Press Daily Update~ 3~9~12 ~ The Speed of Love is Unstoppable ~

Everybody Ready to Shift ~


~Time is collapsing as part of the old energy that is being released and wiped out, from Now on only NOW exists. Pack your ego luggage and through it out of the window… no more need for it, its time is over. Humanity IS FREE NOW ~


~Divine Time schedule has arrived, nothing left to hold on unless you want to make your journey to a roller coaster.


Shift is Now as Real as Humanity itself, the only thing you can choose is wheather to jump onboard or to stay where you are. LOVE’s not stopping anymore, LOVE has listened to Humanity’s call and set EveryOne Free in Love NOW. ~



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