Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-10-2012...

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Galactic Earth Daily Truth Report 03-10-2012... not seen on the mainstreem media


by ANdReA




Sunspot 1429 Flares Again
A strong solar flare (as someone brilliantly called it toady: Celestial waves of gamma ~~) is currently in progress around Sunspot 1429 on Saturday afternoon. This flare is currently at M8.0+.

The flair became an M8.4

Sananda ~ Kansas Is About To Go Bye Bye

Lia's picture



My message for you this evening is one of great hope, one of great preparation, for you have prepared for eons for this time that is fast approaching. Many things are happening in the background that you may not yet be aware of, but you will shortly. These times are changing and many things are about to happen that will blow the roof off of most of the idealized lives that people are living at this time. They have no idea of some of the things that you are aware and even you my brothers and sisters do not yet know all of the enormity of what is about to occur, what is about to happen to the human race and to the planet herself. You have little idea at this time just how grand this plan is and how you each have been a part of this plan for so long and now you are coming to the culmination, to the finish line you might say.


If people ask, “What is this event BIG HUG 2012 about?” you can say:

Lia's picture

If people ask, “what is this event BIG HUG 2012 about?” you can say:

Don't you wonder:
Where will we be at the end of 2012? What are we going to experience?
This is closely related to what we will create this year.

It is well known that our emotions and intentions are the driving force behind activities, but did you know also that the heart has a very large electromagnetic field that is much larger than the brain?


~The manuscript of survival ~ part 101~ Keep Marching forward~

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The manuscript of survival ~ part 101

10 March 2012 - 11:45am |  aisha north

Today the sun shines down her beautiful gifts yet again, but for many of you, these gifts may not feel as beneficial as they really are. You see, these storms do indeed churn up so much dross you might still harbour inside, and to many, this will bring about many a negative mood during this period of intense bombardement. It might not feel like it at the moment, but all of this is only doing you a world of good – and we do mean that in a very literal sense.

American Kabuki – 236 Resignations From World Banks, Investment Houses, Money Funds – 10 March 2012

AnaShyNa's picture


American Kabuki – (Update 9 March) 236 Resignations From World Banks, Investment Houses, Money Funds – 10 March 2012

Updated 3/9/12 Huge amount of resignations today.

Special thanks to Gabriel at and to Sophie for the numerous additions for Septermber, October, January and February. There are also quite a few news ones for today.

I don’t mind if you re-blog this listing. Save yourself the wear and tear on your karma and do me the favor of including in your reposting. Thanks to all who have caught minor errors. Special thank to Gabriel at Facebook Global Mass Resignations for some resignations I did not find in my searches.

Visionkeeper ~ Preparation For The Journey ~ 10 March 2012

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Visionkeeper ~ Preparation For The Journey ~ 10 March 2012


(picture by


As things speed up around us and time seems to be closing in on us, I think we are being nudged quite strongly to do our work within and get prepared for what we have been waiting for. We have dawdled long enough and sat on the fence swinging our legs long enough, it is now time to clear ourselves or resign ourselves to the fact we have chosen to remain here in 3rd dimension and accept that. We are nearing the end of the time we have available to do the work we need to do within.


The Way of the Galactic Warrior - Enjoining the Old Ways and the New" - Introduction

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March 9, 2012
This is the beginning of instruction to be broadcast to humans throughout... for pleasure and delight of your meeting with us. We have planned for this for so long... we are delighted the time is near.
I am Uncle Joe... Star (grailheart) and I met recently and shared each other's love both telepathically and verbally in perhaps 45 minutes. She did not mistake my identity although even now it astonishes her as she smiles a lot. 
You may call me "Uncle" because that is a good name by which people learn. It is a name of someone you can trust... someone who is close to you, yet can help in areas of your life that perhaps no one else can... to us it is a name of familiar honor as it is also found among your earth tribes.

Sekhmet's "Yes I Can! 102" Exercise in the Crystal Tunnel and Sananda's Blessing

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Sekhmet's "Yes I Can! 102" Exercise in the Crystal Tunnel

and Sananda's Blessing


Ashtar on the Road Teleconference ~ March 6, 2012


"Well they got that one right didn't they?*  This is I, Sekhmet. We're trying to get the pitch right here. Alrighty Beloved Ones! Confirmation upon confirmation is coming in, and it is important to use your discernment now more than ever. It is very easy to get swept up in, shall we say, the disinformation, which some of the programs are running.



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