In honor of davy jones

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Davy Jones of The Monkees dies at 66

Daydream Believer.


Davy Jone of The Monkees has died of a heart attack,The Monkees which was put together in 1965 for the TV show of the same name. Their hits included "Daydream Believer," "Last Train to Clarksville," "I'm a Believer," and "Pleasant Valley Sunday." They also charted with the theme song from the show.
In 2008, Yahoo Music named him the top teen idol of all time.
After "The Monkees" disbanded in 1971, Jones sang solo as well as with various reincarnations of the group.

He also acted on stage and screen, with his most famous TV appearance as himself on "The Brady Bunch," in an episode where Marcia Brady was the president of his fan club and tried to get the singer to appear at her school dance. He also played Fagin in "Oliver!" on Broadway.
Recently, he played himself on an episode of "Sponge Bob Square Pants."

He released his final album in 2009


Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ A Short But Sweet God Message ~ 29 February 2012

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Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ A Short But Sweet God Message ~ 29 February 2012



[Hi God.] Hi Suzy, I hope you know how much I love you. [Aww, thank you God! I love you too!!] Keep your heart open Suzy. The portals are opening at an unprecedented amount. This is on track for the events needed for ascension.  Man is experiencing a quickening of time now and this is the portals converging with the timelines. This can be a little un-nerving to some. The best advice is to stay disconnected to 3-D reality when possible. Be an observer not a participant. Let the news filter through you but not in you. This is the greatest show in the cosmos and the audience is vast. Be in your heart. Smile at strangers, hum your sweet tunes. Might remember to raise your vibration with meditation often. The human family is on track and the celestial family is so happy to support you. Put all fear aside and enjoy the ride. /

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To the heads of spaces agencies in all countries around the world

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Re  Canada's space station commitment renewed CBC News Edmonton via Facebook 02/29/2012


To the heads of the space agencies in all countries around the world,


Humanity is in the midst of receiving the greatest light ever given to this planet. Millions are waking up right now who will say in a collective voice, and with so much love, that full disclosure of truth is what we want and what we have waited for. There are millions of people, right now, who will say full disclosure about the truth of our origins is your responsibility to give. This includes opening up, with love and forgetting of all past confidences and secrecies, about the truth of extra terrestrial life present, past and now. This is your responsibility - it is what you were brought to the light to do. Brave warriors around the world are speaking out testifying to the truth of their own experiences. Light-workers are waking up every moment. You have the most beautiful, wondrous opportunity to lead this miraculous, imminent and historical event now unfolding before our very eyes. This is your future. This is your mission, your most amazing choice to make right now. The world is watching. L O V E & L I G H T ! Dawn Ford ~ freelancing for the light

Medicines of Light: Protection and Healing from Radiation Poisoning, Neurotoxins, Bacteria and Viruses.$

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Medicines of Light:

Protection and Healing from Radiation Poisoning, Neurotoxins, Bacteria and Viruses.




A Hathor Planetary Message through Galactic Love Reporter  Tom Kenyon


With the earthquake in New Zealand, followed by the earthquake in Japan, it is clear that you have entered a more complex phase of the Chaotic Node.

We wish to impart a method for protection and healing from radiation poisoning as well as other physical conditions. We call this Medicines of Light.

2/29/2012 -- TORNADO alerts/watch -- OH, WV, KY, TN, MS, AL, SC, NC, VA, new england

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Tornado watch alerts issued for MULTIPLE states again today -- carrying over from yesterdays massive midwest severe weather outbreak. 

Alert zones have now been expanded to OH, KY, TN, MS, AL, OH, WV, VA, and NC.

Watch multiple new england states and southern states for severe weather (damaging winds and hail with POSSIBLE tornadoes)... PA, NY, DE, MD, CT, VT, RI, SC, GA, FL, LA, Washington DC, MA, NH, ME, NJ.


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