~ The Third Initiatory Gateway of Light‏ ~ by Anrita Melchizedek

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03-03-2012 ~ The Third Initiatory Gateway of Light‏



~ The Third Initiatory Gateway of Light‏ ~


by Galactic Love Reporter Anrita Melchizedek


03-03-2012 ~ Introduction to the third initiatory Gateway of Light





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On March the 3rd 2012, we enter into the third initiatory Gateway of Light through the Overlighting of the fifth ray of concrete knowledge; a beautiful orange ray of Light, amplified  through the planet Mars at its closed approach to earth, its face fully illuminated by the Sun. Fiery Mars takes us into a greater level of empowerment and expression of the Higher Mind through the Divine Masculine archetype, and assists us as we experience this third initiation, esoterically referred to as The Transfiguration. 

hose With Leadership Responsibility Feel Tremendous Confusion In Many Ways by Rith Ryden

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Ruth Ryden ~ Those With Leadership Responsibility Feel Tremendous Confusion In Many Ways


The Masters of Light | March 1 2012

MASTERS: “Dear readers, this is a time of tremendous upsets all over the world, as you are well aware. Leaders killing their own populations, religious furor going out of control, millions of dollars being spent trying to buy power in the U.S., and similar confused actions in many other countries. Your Sun is also going through some ambient contortions, sending strong flares that are producing weather phenomena around the earth.

Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ 1 March 2012

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Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast ~ 1 March 2012


March begins with a deep connection into the communication of the Universe in which you live, breathe and create.  Your connection is enhanced as you look beyond the physical manifestation of what-is, as you feel beyond the emotional manifestation of fear and think beyond the mental manifestation of expectation. 

Angela Peregoff ~ The Holographic Body Of Light And Matter The Morning Blessing

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Angela Peregoff ~ The Holographic Body Of Light And Matter


The Morning Blessing | March 1 2012

How about a layman’s look into the holographic body of light and matter which we are today?

We are a part of all that is: our consciousness sprang out of the Silence which is known as the void or vacuum in Quantum Physics.


This first sprouting of consciousness comes out of the Silence as waves, a frequency of light. The photons of light travel till they hit something, then change from a wave to a particle and an antiparticle.


These particles cluster together and start to form the atoms of our body, the positive particles to the centre forming the nucleus and the negative antiparticles forming the electrons.


These groups of atoms cluster together to form our molecules; the molecules cluster to form the cells and DNA. The cells cluster to form the organs and bones etc., and all the parts together form the whole person.


A different perspective on messages from Beyond by Kore

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A different perspective on messages from Beyond


I am just starting to read/listen to the channels of Blossom Goodchild and I am very delighted with the channels from White Cloud through her.


With this video I'd like to go back in time and enlight the moment that 'the world' was falling over the message Blossom gave in 2008. Like always a large problem in human experience is the limitation of 'expectation'. Blossom tried to explain this but it was difficult, most people weren't ready for that then. Human thinking forms an image on impulses. Hearing and Listening are very different perceptions. Listening means hearing with our heart and soul, it is listening with the ears of all we truly are. Just hearing gives empty words and expections to be like that litturally. That perception is kind of a problem when we make these human expectations to be the same as interdimensional 'communicating'. This was a problem back then, although we growed a lot since then.

Magenta Pixie interviews Daniel Maclean

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Magenta Pixie interviews Daniel Nenesso Maclean on subjects such as psychic, intuitive connection, childhood experiences, sexuality, 21st December 2012, Ascension, embracing your power, nutrition and breatharianism.




Video mentioned - Breatharian couple
Lilou Mace Interview: Breatharian Couple, Parents of a Breatharian Child -- Akahi & Camila

David Wolfe www.davidwolfe.com

~March 1st Update from Blossom Goodchild~

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Good evening to you. I am hoping it is ok to hook up with you right now as I am ‘in the mood’!

Sincere greetings of joy to you and all who partake in the understanding of these words that we bring through. It has only been, and will ever only be of the Highest intention that we come through to assist those on your planet who are determined to accomplish the plan that was made away back in a time that you think you have forgotten. Yet we say to you … memories are part of who you are. You developed opportunities to bring forth the recall of what once was… and it shall not be before too long when all such encounters shall reunite with that which was once a part of your every day knowing.


As you move ahead in these quickening days … you will come across wonders of excitement that shall have your heads in a whirl. We say to you to remain with both feet on the ground. This is of importance … because, oh so very easily could it be that you may stick your head in the clouds and not wish to return. Yet you are very much required to fulfil these precious moments in a manner that is befitting the Lights that you are.



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As I am reading the energies, I am also seeing and feeling the mass consciousness, and the turbulences in their response to the incoming mighty cosmic waves of light.


Right now we are sitting in a pressure cooker and as far as I can see, this will not subside and get easy and even for quite a while. Everything is in tumult, that which is not seeking and attuning to this light, which and who is not striving to be love and willing to let go the convictions, attitudes and behaviors, that hold on to the old world that neglects the Divine Law.



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