The Pleiadian Light through Hannah Beaconsfield

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The Pleiadian Light through Hannah Beaconsfield



February 29, 2012


Reaching the year 2012 is a power point for your mass consciousness. It was revealed in your antiquity and carried through your ages as a focal point for change.


The dissemination of this information, in your most recent history, through your ubiquitous electronic communications, has created an energy gestalt around this point greatly augmenting its power in support of the predicted transformation.


Arriving at this year in your world’s progress, has released this accumulated energy with an explosive force that will speed the integration of the new reality patterns into your world consciousness more swiftly than the already hyper accelerated time flow you are experiencing.


Socrates Berlin ~ James Murdoch Steps Down At New International ~ 29 February 2012

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Socrates Berlin ~ James Murdoch Steps Down At New International ~ 29 February 2012


James Murdoch is to step down as executive chairman of News International, it was announced today.

Parent company News Corporation said in a statement the move would allow him to focus on expanding the company’s international TV businesses.


Mr Murdoch has faced intense scrutiny in the wake of the News of the World phone hacking scandal.

The company said Mr Murdoch, who is its deputy chief operating officer, was stepping down from the role in NI, which is its UK publishing unit, following his relocation to the company’s headquarters in New York.

Visionkeeper ~ Stay Alert!

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Visionkeeper ~ Stay Alert!

One World Rising | February 29 2012


As a general rule I try to stay positive because I firmly believe in the premise that our thoughts create our reality. Because of this belief I do not like to dwell in fearful areas such as what the dark ones may do next to bring everything down. To think in those terms is to give those thoughts your energy thereby giving them strength. By the same token, I also believe wholeheartedly that we must remain aware and awake to what is taking place in this country and not shut out that reality. Be aware but do not dwell in fear is what I am saying. As I mentioned yesterday knowledge is power.



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