About Your Ascension - I AM MAITREYA - by Lady Master Venus

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This message was received on the morning of 27th February 2012


"There are many of you who are making much progress with your ascension. I am indebted to you for your efforts which have given you untold gems of mystery and love and that is enough to bring you forward to the point of ascension, and for some, beyond. Ascension is not a goal but a moveable process whereby even the Ascended Masters grow with every heartbeat. Once you have ' Ascended ' you do not stop there by any means. And ascension is different for each and every one of you, but there are things which help us see our ascension more clearly and shine a light upon our path, markers if you will. Some of these are :


Lia's picture


 27 February 2012 Goddesslove

LAUGHTER is a powerful tool. It has been given as a gift only to humans. No one has heard plants or animals laugh at any time. Laughter is infectious and when someone sees you laugh they are also motivated to laugh, and when they laugh their stress level is reduced, and you have given them a gift of wellbeing in their life.


Laughter provides great physical and emotional release. Laughter is a higher state of consciousness, and when one is able to hold that state of being, the person becomes lighter, and can vibrate in a place of absolute well being.

~Lightworker responds to The Latest Montague Keen Message~The Light consists of Unconditional Love.~

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~Lightworker responds to The Latest Montague Keen Message~

~The Light consists of Unconditional Love.~


Fractal By Will Harader






I want to first say that I appreciate your messages Montague, however I must say that I completely disagree with a statement that you made today in your most recent message: “There will be no place for their kind in the Light.”  That is a pretty low consciousness laden statement.


John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ Letting Go And Allowing Is What Makes It Possible To Reach An Inner Place Of Peace ~

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John Smallman ~ Jesus ~ Letting Go And Allowing Is What Makes It Possible To Reach An Inner Place Of Peace ~ 27 February 2012


It is difficult for you to understand the levels within yourselves to which you can ascend while you are still embodied.  Your religions and cultures have taught you that knowledge of the spiritual realms is only available to the most highly evolved ones among you, and that very many years need to be spent in meditation, prayer, and ascetic practices to reach a level that will bring you the experience of peace and love of which your enlightened teachers have told you.  However, this is not the case.  Anyone can reach inwards and attain the experience of the knowledge of God.  The reason that so few do is because you are mostly caught up in the distractions of the illusion to which your bodies seem to direct so much of your attention.


Your bodies were designed as limiting factors to convince you that the physical environment that you experience through them is the one and only reality that exists.  If your bodies (that represent you while you are experiencing life in the illusion) are unable to be aware of something through those bodily senses then “hey presto” that something does not exist.  Over the last few decades some of your scientists have become aware that this is most definitely not true.  And of course in ages past this truth was accepted even though not many had direct knowledge of it.

The White Hats Call For Joint International Criminal Investigation: America Demands Its $15 Trillion Dollars Back!

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White Hats Report 37 ~ 27 February 2012


The White Hats Call For Joint International Criminal Investigation: America Demands Its $15 Trillion Dollars Back!

If you have been following the news, The White Hats have called for Leadership in America to stand up and be counted.  In fact, we would have expected our current President to stand up for America.  We only asked for one person to stand up for America, for 308 millions Americans, the ole’ girl in the New York harbor, the tattered ole’ flag and the fine men and women that serve or have served our Country proudly – just one person that has the Heart of a Lion, willing to walk with a genuine swagger and the intestinal fortitude to deal with very corrupt people and very corrupt situations.


Amazingly, no one person has had the guts to answer the call, to call it like it is, to recognize and to expose the criminality and stand steadfast for truth, honesty and integrity as a human being and for America’s moral fiber to have a significant voice in the rapidly changing world we live in.



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