~ The Galactic Free Press ~2~27~12 Energy and Event Update~ Love is coming in Like a Lion, and the Truth is Spilling out~

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~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~27~12


 ~Bringing Humanity Home~
~Energy and Event Update~ Love is coming in Like a Lion, and the Truth is Spilling out~


~What we are Now Looking at as we head into March is a series of Events, that Will Bring those clinging to the old to their knees. This is So, that all of Humanity and the Real Beings inside, can Finally STAND UP and Reclaim Their Divine Birthright of Wholeness of Being, Joy, Abundance, True Peace, and Happiness.~



Greetings Love Beings~ In Like a Lion, as We Prepare for the March Energies and Events. Currently, Love is clearing out the illusions with an almost fierce Fire, like a loud roar going across the Planet. Can you Hear this and Feel this? Every moment Now, something is unfolding.


Kauilapele ~ David Wilcock Comment On Ben’s Latest Post (And A “Leowanta” Response To That)… (And My Response, Too!) ~ 27 February 2012

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Kauilapele ~ David Wilcock Comment On Ben’s Latest Post (And A “Leowanta” Response To That)… (And My Response, Too!) ~ 27 February 2012


Just found this here, at RMN. This comment by David Wilcock on Ben’s latest article adds some validation to what Ben is writing about.


Call up for mass meditation to protect our Love Reporters~ Those Standing Up in the Light~

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~Call up for mass meditation to protect our channelers [Love Reporters]~ Those Standing Up in the Light~




 Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~This was Originally Posted from The Extra Terrestiral Site.. 



We are asking all our Members and Readers to daily take 5 minutes and focus Love and Light, to Assist those, who are Standing Up Every Day in Service to the Light and Love on Planet Earth=Heart. Through this focused event, we Join Energies to Facilate and Quickly Bring in the Changes needed for the relief and Healing of Humanity~ Thank YOU! Love Mother and Father God and The GFP STaff


Dear soulmates,


Be The Peace You Carry In Your Soul by Molly McCord

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Be The Peace You Carry In Your Soul

- 20 February 2012 - 
by Galactic Love Reporter Molly McCord

"Peace is your natural rhythm and existence. It is the place you know as Home and the way you are accustomed to moving. Peace is the existence you are here to create because it is what you carry inside of you effortlessly. Peace is your birthright and it is your place of ultimate destiny, but only if you choose to be this energy intentionally. Often it is against human nature to respond with peace when one is attacked, embarrassed, upset, and moving through periods of darkness. But peace is always waiting for you when you are ready to detach, surrender, let go and come back to its eternal embrace.

Common Dreams Staff – Monsanto Wins Lawsuit While Food Justice Advocates “Occupy” Food System

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Common Dreams Staff – Monsanto Wins Lawsuit While Food Justice Advocates “Occupy” Food System

– 27 February 2012 -


(photo: Ian MacKenzie)


On a day that ‘Occupy’ groups, environmental and food justice organizations have called for a global day of action to resist corporate control of the food system, news comes that a federal judge has ruled in favor of seed giant Monsanto Co. in a lawsuit filed on behalf of 60 family farmers, seed businesses and organic agricultural organizations challenging the company’s seed patents.

Reuters reports:

Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ God & Gabriel ~ You Are No Longer Bound By Your Ego ~ 27 February 2012

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Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ God & Gabriel ~ You Are No Longer Bound By Your Ego ~ 27 February 2012


God & Gabriel

[Hello God & Gabriel.] Hello Suzy, we have a message we would like you to share with your readers. [I am happy to!]


We would like to relay to all reading this message that the aligning of the planets yesterday (2/26/12) was an opening of portals so that your frequencies and vibrations could institute the necessary planetary and personal changes for ascension. This is a universal decree and the alignment is now set to support you.


However you imagine your heart and mind opening, know that now you have access to love and joy in a most unprecedented amount. Life is now supported by a force-field of openness and assistance.

The intuitiveness that each of you possess is now rewired so that you can access your truth with greater ease. In your experience as a light-being, before you made the transition of an incarnate of third dimensional frequency, you instinctively knew how to tap this source of truth. In your awakening to your true High Self, you have cleared lifetimes of karma in preparation for this moment. Give yourself some time to assimilate this news.

Feel Like You're Losing Your Mind? ~ by Ornesha De Paoli

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Feel Like You're Losing Your Mind?

 26 February 2012  
by Galactic Love Reporter Orneaha De Paoli

For the purposes of understanding why our memories may not be functioning the way they used to, and to help halt the worries that are surfacing of Alzheimer’s setting in, I want to share a little about the side-effects of balancing, neutralizing or clearing old dense emotions out of the body.



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