Oracle Report ~ Tuesday February 28 2012~ Cloudy

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Oracle Report ~ Tuesday February 28 2012


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February 28, 2012

by Gillian

Oracle Report | First Quarter Moon Phase


The keyword for today’s energy is cloudy. It tells us that we need to transcend difficulties by sailing over them (like an aviator flying above the clouds) and that we will see things from two perspectives (which will cloud our understanding). By knowing that clarity will be hard to come by, we can avoid becoming frustrated by an inability to accomplish, complete, or properly analyse things. There is no point in trying to figure out or decide something because it isn’t really possible to gain a clear picture under this energy.


The Manuscript of survival ~ part 93 An Update~

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The Manuscript of survival ~ part 93

 28 February 2012 |  Aisha North

We have come today to give you all an update as to what will be transpiring in these next few days and weeks. As always, we will refrain from giving you too much details, as this will only serve to confuse you, but we will state the fact that for some, this will be days of confusion, no matter what kind of advance notice we could give you. You see, so much will take a sudden and unexpected turn for so many of you, and later, you will indeed look back on this period as one of the most important – and indeed – transformational ones of your whole existence. We know that so many of you are hankering for details, and you are eagerly awaiting some sort of confirmation of global events. Well, let us just say to you wait and see. For soon, nothing will be like it was before, not only you, but also your surroundings, as the forementioned changes will indeed be on such a scale that no man will be untouched by this in some ways.

~Space Weather Update~ AURORA OUTBURST:

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AURORA OUTBURST: Last night, for the second night in a row, sky watchers around the Arctic Circle witnessed an impressive display of auroras. "I've never seen anything close to this," says Aaro Kukkohovi, who photographed an eruption of light over Lumijoki, Finland:



"What a fantastic burst of energy--like something blew a hole into Earth's magnetic field just above us!"


HIs rhetorical flourish isn't far wrong. The cause of the display was the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) tipping south and opening a 'crack' in Earth's magnetosphere. Solar wind poured in and fueled a G1-class geomagnetic storm. This was a high latitude event; the lights were brightest over Scandinavia, Iceland and Greenland.


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Just from personal observation and knowing what 2012 portends, I can say that this year will be one of emotional ups and downs. Today I woke up with the exact opposite feeling compared to yesterday. Yesterday, my cup was running over. Today, the feeling is more akin to being drained. I suspect this is how it is with many as we go through transformation.

Earth Council Embassy Trust calling upon the 100%

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We have talked with him before many years ago... we thought we would forward this to everyone.... to see if its a possible collaboration or not. Love US


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Be Ing ‪<>

Date: Moht  n, Feb 27, 2012 at 8:56 PM

Subject: Earth Council Embassy Trust

To: MotherGod Amon Ra <>




Dear Sir or Madam,                 

Message from Yeshuwa by judithdagley

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 Message From Yeshuwa

by GLR judithdagley on 2.27.12






Beloved, this is Yeshuwa.


Do you hear, do you FEEL our frequencies as you read these words?  We have been transmitting them to you through the celestial team for over a year of your time. We have asked you to open your heart to them, and have taught you how to do so. To the extent that you do, you become aware of our Presence immediately as a rush of indescribable Love not only around you, but within you.  That is when you becomes YOU.


Kauilapele ~ ”81 Resignations From World Banks” (And 12 From Just Today), From American Kabuki ~ 27 February 2012

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Kauilapele ~ ”81 Resignations From World Banks” (And 12 From Just Today), From American Kabuki ~ 27 February 2012


Well, here’s that broken piggy bank again. This time it’s a big one.

This list from American Kabuki has an extensively documented and categorized list of these resignations. 12 of them are from today’s news. I don’t know who American Kabuki is, but looks they did a great job of putting this list together.

Lots of piggy banks breaking all around the world. Or maybe it’s just the piggies (found at RMN).

[Pardon, but you'll need to copy and paste the links; there's so many of them to fix up I chose not to do it]


Monday, February 27, 2012

A Message To: The Galactic Federation Of Light...Welcome To Earth!

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     Greetings To The Galactic Federation Of Light!



     First, I just want to say, the meer thought of this message reaching you is way beyond thrilling for me. 


     It's been said that it's now time for Light workers to step up to the plate, and that WE, as a collective, are very powerful, and most likely more powerful than WE can possibly imagine.  And, it's also been said that One person can make a difference, like ripples in a pond.  Well, I'm here to manifest a WAVE.  Since our governments won't welcome you, WE WILL!!!



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