Energy and Our Energetic Fields

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Energy and Our Energetic Fields


By Cyndi Dale energy_and_our_energetic_fields

The following is excerpted from Energetic Boundaries: How to Stay Protected and Connected in Work, Love, and Life.

Everything in this world, from sunlight to cupcakes, is made of energy.


Energy is simply information that vibrates or moves. Some energy, such as the energy composing a table or a chair, moves slowly. You can see, touch, discuss, and prove the existence of these slow-energy objects. But most of the energy in this world can’t be seen, heard, or touched through our typical five senses. It moves so fast that we can’t perceive it; usually, we can notice only its effects. Is the energy transmitted by your car radio any less real than the energy that makes up the book on your coffee table? How about the microwaves that zap your food or the satellite transmissions that zip e-mails your way?


Where Data Meet Diction: Science and Sci-Fi’s Dialogue

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Where Data Meet Diction: Science and Sci-Fi’s Dialogue

By Ashley Strickland

February 15th, 2012

When the U.S.S. Enterprise or Millennium Falcon glides by the camera, we take an odd comfort in the signature “whoosh” sound that follows.


Our friend, the stickler for scientific fact, usually points out that sound can never be possible in space. But don’t let the same be said for warp drive and tricorders, or even Starfleet Academy and the “Force.” Science and science fiction follow an intricate dance that toes the line between fantasy and fact. It is, in fact, a love story – a partnership full of symbiosis and reciprocity.


~Mother Earths Baby Birth!~

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Mother Earths, baby birth!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic
Take my hand and follow me
There’s this place I want you to see!
It’s this magical world of make believe.
First you have to close your eyes,
Then form a bridge in your mind.
Once you crossover, amazing things
You’ll find!


First you’ll see the many blue shades in the sky,
And the chirping birds that fly by!
The butterflies will land on your nose
and flutter just to say hi!


As you continue your journey down the path,
You’ll feel the warmth of the sun as you swing
from a branch of a tree! As you climb that hill
to the other side, amazing things you’ll see!

~Galactics and Spirits Follow a Divine Plan~

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~Galactics and Spirits Follow a Divine Plan~

2012 February 26

Reposted from Oct. 18, 2010

by Steve Beckow


What is the Divine Plan?


As more and more people awaken to the galactics’ presence around the Earth, the first and most important question they will ask is: why are they here? The galactics have been very patiently telling us for years through channelled messages why they are here. SaLuSa of Sirius gives us the short answer: “As you must know by now we are not here in great numbers by chance. It is to fulfil the Creator’s Plan for this Universe.” (1)

What is that Plan? He tells us:


“Your All-Loving God has plans well beyond your understanding and the goal is to successfully move your Universe into the higher vibrations. That process is well advanced, and you and your Earth are being prepared to be part of that upliftment.” (2)

~Opening to Downloads in Dream States and Waking Consciousness~

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As we move further into the new time on planet Earth, many are receiving new downloads in consciousness. At times, these arrive in dreams and, at other times, in waking consciousness.


During these downloads, you may receive visions of projects you will undertake, or areas of study that will bring you into greater self-realization. Many of you who have been practicing intuitive skills and absorbing knowledge and wisdom from your teachers will now be asked to "step up to the plate" as teachers and leaders for those who are a few steps behind you.


Nancy Detweiler ~ The Story Of Our Soul’s Journey Through The Plane Of Duality ~ Draws To A Close

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Nancy Detweiler ~ The Story Of Our Soul’s Journey Through The Plane Of Duality ~ Draws To A Close



The Way of Love | February 23 2012


As the cycle of duality draws to a close, let us use this Lenten season to ponder:  did I understand the true import of my sacred text?  Am I ready to make the approaching evolutionary leap to the 5th dimensional plane of love and light?


The Bible is one of the sacred texts for the 3rd dimensional plane of duality.  Its writers all lived on the plane of duality and were therefore confronted with good and evil.  Although inspired, they wrote from the perspective of learning to deal with duality in a manner that would allow them and us to awaken to the higher planes of life.  Many pointed the way, but did we comprehend?

In the first chapters of Genesis, we find a symbolic story of the Earth’s creation.  “And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.”  (Genesis 1:31)

Twelve Insight ~ Your Packages Are All Addressed To Here/Now

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Twelve Insight ~ Your Packages Are All Addressed To Here/Now


Posted on


February 26, 2012

by Gillian

Twelve Insight | February 26 2012


Guest: I feel like I’m paddling upstream. It’s like I’ve always been struggling trying to get somewhere. So my question is, if I’m trying to be a conscious creator, how does that work? I want to get somewhere. There are things I want, places I want to be, relationships I want to have and have more of, and … you get the picture.


John Smallman ~ All Shadows Will Have Dissipated As The Clarity Of Reality Surrounds You

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John Smallman ~ All Shadows Will Have Dissipated As The Clarity Of Reality Surrounds You


John Smallman’s Blog | February 26 2012

Many of you are feeling down and depressed as it seems that your awakening is not getting any nearer.  You feel that you have been holding the Light, changing your attitudes, practicing loving behavior and yet nothing is happening that indicates your efforts are in any way effective.  Remember, the illusion is fighting for its existence, it is a collective egoic structure that is maintained by fear, suffering, and violence, and what you see happening, if you focus on the bad news around the planet, are its death throes.  It is making its last desperate efforts to renew itself, but its foundations are crumbling prior to its inevitable collapse.  Continue to have faith in God’s divine plan for you to awaken into the brilliant Light of eternal day where all that has caused you pain and suffering will be gone, leaving only Reality, Love, the absolute bliss of being one with your Father, complete, joyful,and forever at Peace in the enlightened Knowledge of His loving embrace.  Then all will be clear and all shadows will have dissipated as the clarity of Reality surrounds you.


Hilarion's Weekly Message February 26 ~ March 3, 2012

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Hilarion's Weekly Message

February 26 ~ March 3, 2012



Beloved Ones,

As you go through each day in your daily activities, please understand that all that you think, feel and do has its reflection upon the malleable astral plane and this in turn has influence upon the atmosphere surrounding Earth and affects the All through it. This is why we advise you to become cognizant of the need for self discipline and self responsibility. You are walking the Earth now as powerful energetic Beings and everything you do makes a difference. When we say that your Light makes a difference, we mean just that!


The Manuscript of Survival ~ Part 92 Letting go of all Fear

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The Manuscript of Survival ~ Part 92 Letting go of all Fear

26 February 2012 ~ 8:49am |  Aisha North

Let us begin this missive by saying that although many of you have already started to feel the separation growing ever stronger, now this phase will certainly start in earnest. We have just discussed the fact that you will enter the state of separation that also contains certainty, in other words, this feeling of unease that has so far accompanied this feeling of separation will now start to dissipate.



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