Energy and Our Energetic Fields

By Cyndi Dale energy_and_our_energetic_fields
The following is excerpted from Energetic Boundaries: How to Stay Protected and Connected in Work, Love, and Life.
Everything in this world, from sunlight to cupcakes, is made of energy.
Energy is simply information that vibrates or moves. Some energy, such as the energy composing a table or a chair, moves slowly. You can see, touch, discuss, and prove the existence of these slow-energy objects. But most of the energy in this world can’t be seen, heard, or touched through our typical five senses. It moves so fast that we can’t perceive it; usually, we can notice only its effects. Is the energy transmitted by your car radio any less real than the energy that makes up the book on your coffee table? How about the microwaves that zap your food or the satellite transmissions that zip e-mails your way?