How to Dissolve the Egoic Self by Using Non-Identification - Eckhart Tolle - Part 1

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Eckhart talks about how we can dissolve the egoic or story self by using non-identification with form. The formless essence of our being exists in the present moment.

"To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time: the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation." Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle's Findhorn Retreat BK/DVD
"Stillness amidst the World"

~ The Galactic Free Press~ 2~25~12 ~ ~Energy and Event Update~ Pushing Forward~ The Last Call~ Love Steps forward to Transform all the pain and suffering~

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~ The Galactic Free Press~ Daily Update~ 2~25~12



~Bringing Humanity Home~
~Energy and Event Update~ Pushing Forward~ The Last Call~ Love Steps forward to Transform all the pain and suffering~


Artwork by Father God Amon Ra


Greetings Love Beings, Love is now stepping forward within all of Humanity, to assist in the transforming, of the deep pain and suffering that has existed on this Planet for 13,000 years. We are now releasing these dense energies at the deepest core. All of Humanity, must Now step into their roles in these moments of the Transformation, Shift, and This Facet of the Divine Plan, as We spiral towards The Galactic Alignment. Mother Earth=Heart has Already taken her place and will be releasing and transforming alongside with Humanity. All illusionary energy must be transformed NOW!


Update: Documents Uncovered In The 15 Trillion Bond Mystery That Lord Blackheath Brought To Our Attention – 25 February 2012

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Update: Documents Uncovered In The 15 Trillion Bond Mystery That Lord Blackheath Brought To Our Attention – 25 February 2012


A scanned document of the contract between Yohannes Riyadi and The Federal Reserve Board/ Federal Reserve Bank appeared after Lord James of Blackheath speeches at the House of Lords. This document was found on and brought to my attention by

AA Metatron ~ The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse

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AA Metatron ~ The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse

Posted on February 24, 2012 by 

James Tyberonn | Earth Keeper | February 24 2012

Feminine Balancing – The Cosmic Trigger Final Phase 

Greetings Dear Ones, I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! I greet and honor each of you in Unconditional Love, and nurture you within the space vector of this moment .

Fran Zepeda ~ Message from Yeshua ~ Just BE! ~ 24 February 2012

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Fran Zepeda ~ Message from Yeshua ~ Just BE! ~ 24 February 2012


Greetings, beloveds. I come before you today to bring you information on your Ascension. All over your world there is much shift. Many are feeling it as a kind of dropping in energy, but do not worry; this is normal. You are making way for your new upgrades and downloads to go online, so to speak.


Gather yourself often into the Now. By this I mean take yourself into the Present by taking three deep breaths and feel everything with all your senses. Do this often in the day. Feel the love and joy well up in your hearts when you do this, dear ones, and just sit with it. Feel nothing being required of you but this in that moment.

Feel your Light expand out in a pulsing bubble all around you and out into your surrounding Aura and then imagine, if you will, everyone around you bathing in it, out ad infinitum. You may want to ground yourself while doing this and don’t forget to give Gaia a good dose while she supports you!


Nimble Mammals ~ 1; Brainless Dinosaurs ~ 0 2012 February 25

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Nimble Mammals ~ 1; Brainless Dinosaurs ~ 0

2012 February 25

Reposted from Sept. 5, 2011

by Steve Beckow


Looking over David DeGraw’s article, “Full-Blown Civil War Erupts On Wall Street: As Reality Finally Hits The Financial Elite,” which Pat published yesterday, (1) I’m struck by two things.

In discussing them, I have to acknowledge that I don’t claim deep understanding or awareness of financial matters or indeed some of the other matters that I’ll refer to tangentially. What I wish to relay more is just my sense of things.


The more I read about the cabal’s forward motion in any area – finances, police, military, UFO cover-up, pharmaceuticals, pandemics, whatever – a few things seem to leap out at me.


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