The Galactic Federation on Ego Death

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The Galactic Federation on Ego Death


Artwork By Father God Amon Ra


Commentary from the Press~ We would Just like to reinterate that you do not have to take anything for the death of the ego to Awaken. However, there are certain tools you can utilize effectively~


Dear beloved ones, we contact you through a new channel today, as he is very eager to receive messages for the good of all. Today we are going to discuss the inevitability of the loss of ego.


~Space Weather Update~ CME TARGETS EARTH, MARS:

Lia's picture

LOOK WEST AT SUNSET: Venus, Jupiter and the crescent Moon are beaming through the evening twilight, forming a bright triangle visible through city lights and even thin clouds. Try to catch them before the sky fades completely black. The trio surrounded by twilight blue is an especially beautiful sight. Sky maps: Feb. 25, Feb. 26.


CME TARGETS EARTH, MARS: A coronal mass ejection (CME) launched from the sun on Feb. 24th appears set to hit both Earth and Mars. According to analysts at the Goddard Space Weather Lab, the cloud should reach Earth today, Feb. 26th around 1330 UT, followed by Mars two days later. Click to view the CME's animated forecast track:

The cloud's impact could spark a G2-class geomagnetic storm, so high latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


Awakening ~ The SUN sends us information

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Though this may seem difficult to believe, the sun sends us information. Just like data is sent through fiberoptic cables full of light. Light 'carries' consciousness and information. Our ancient ansestors knew this, which is why I believe they were always depicted with the sun. But they do not appear to be 'worshipping' the sun. Take a look and see for yourself! 


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Maybe you haven't noticed, many haven't - yet! But soon it will be unavoidable! As I've been saying, the Lights are coming on all over. Even as the dark in their machinations to hold onto the rudder of the doomed ship of state flail about, the higher verdict has been rendered. The die is cast. As a sovereign representative of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, I proclaim the Day of the Lord. For the workers of iniquity, it is a day of darkness; and for the people, it is a jubilee. Watch as events continue to unfold, as the people continue to awaken, and as the house of cards built on sand by the Illuminati comes crashing down. Indeed, the tide is turning for all humanity.

Former Italian Soldier Saw 13 Feet Tall Alien - New witness Comes Forward !

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Former Italian Soldier Saw 13 Feet Tall Alien - New witness Comes Forward !

The diatribe between ufologists and sceptics has taken a new turn in Italy following a sighting recently occurred at Moregliano, in the Italian North-East, not far from the Slovenian border

It is only a couple of days since the local media in the province of Udine, in the north-eastern corner of the country, published the news of what it could be described as an Alien encounter. Several Italian blogs took the story, giving it strength and credibility, even though there are many who labelled it as Carnival joke in bad taste.

Wes Annac ~ My Collective Guides on Pyramidal Technology, Artificial Timelines & February Cluster of Synchronistic Dates

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Wes Annac ~ My Collective Guides on Pyramidal Technology, Artificial Timelines & February Cluster of Synchronistic Dates ~



Posted by Karma's Helper on February 23, 2012



We feel the pleas and demands from each and every soul on Earth, despite their own level of awakening...The assumption for so long has been that Earth has always, since the fall of Atlantis and Lemuria been harboring only negative energies on Her surface, and this is simply not so...As Earth is at Her very core a planet and soul existing in much more pure realms that what Her surface has been brought down to...In many, many different century and decade time-cycles on your world since the fall of Atlantis, there have been a great many wonderfully-advanced Earth societies


-Channeled through Wes Annac-


Heavenletter #4111 - Catch the Heaven Train

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Catch the Heaven Train




Heavenletter #4111 Published on: February 26, 2012



God said:

Come, sit down with Me. Let Us recall Truth and forget everything else, for all else can only be imagined. You thought of all else. You feared that Truth is a wolf at your door, ready to eat you up. Soon, before you know it, you will not be what you have imagined. You will never be the same, the same as you imagined, for fear will have left your side.

Ah, what you can be when fear has gone out the window! What a bug-a-boo fear has been. You have fallen for a trick of the mind and abolished Truth. You have worked hard at abolishing Truth. Abolish fear now. Open the windows. You have believed in shadows, and you saw not Truth.

Detachment and Being Detached

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Detachment and Being Detached




By Galactic Love Reporter Remez Sasson

posted on february 24, 2012 by GLR Semile 



Detachment is an inner state of calmness and being uninvolved on the emotional and mental planes. It is definitely not indifference. People who are indifferent, do not care about anything, and are not active and initiative. On the other hand, people who possess emotional and mental detachment can be very active and caring, though they accept calmly whatever happens. Such people accept the good and the bad equally, because they enjoy inner balance and peace.


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