The Creator of Your Life Plan ~ by Love Reporter Veronica

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 ~ The Creator of Your Life Plan ~
foto by ANdReA
by Galactic Love Reporter Veronica
“In each life there is a plan that all wish to complete. It may be a carry over from another lifetime or a new endeavor. Each soul has a direction it feels is important to its evolution. Upon entering physical reality, the element of free will enters into the mix.

Back To The Light - Aramda

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Back To The Light - Aramda
image by dawn christine
by Glactic Love Reporter James McConnell
I am one you have known as Aramda of the Galactic Federation of Light and I am pleased and honored to be able to speak with you, the Light Workers at this time, to help you understand how deeply we appreciate all you have done and the great sacrifices you have made.
For it seems to you, that we are the higher ones and we are not. We look to you, for the changes you have brought to this planet are unfathomable in many ways. Many of those things you have been listening to and reading from many different sources about the coming changes to the world are certainly true and there will be many changes, but what I wish to speak with you about is not so much what is in the future, but what has been in the past and the connection we have had previously.

~Your bodies are adjusting, what’s next?~

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This is the time where many things will start to happen at once.

As your physical body is adjusting you will see more and more spiritual connection within yourself and this connection is to be used for the process that is coming closer at this time.


As you have followed many of the channeling and the different scenarios you will understand that many plans have been offered and many plans are possible at this time.


~We are Human Too~ ~Christina Lunden~

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~We are Human Too~
~Christina Lunden~

Wednesday, 15 February, 2012  


As aspiring Lightworkers, we are used to constantly looking within, correcting ourselves and stomping down our ego. This served us well in the 3rd Dimension. Since 2003, when we were blessed with the new energy of the 4th Dimension, this was no longer helpful.


Lightworkers are people who are conscious of remembering who they are as a spiritual being and are working to bring about change for everyone by being the light. We tend to be great at sacrificing ourselves. This is another thing that has changed since the coming of the 4th Dimension. We have not been asked to continue to sacrifice for anything or anyone. It is not needed in this higher spiritual energy. In fact, we have been asked to elevate ourselves in our own eyes to learn how to love ourselves. It’s easy to love most people but to love ourselves is quite the challenge.


Aluna Joy ~ Warriors Of The Sun ~ Missionaries Of A New World ~ Reclaiming The Sacred Matrix

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Aluna Joy ~ Warriors Of The Sun ~ Missionaries Of A New World ~ Reclaiming The Sacred Matrix


Aluna Joy and the Star Elders | December 10-11-12, 2011


K’aan Sacbe Yucatan Pilgrimage – Chichen Itza, Ek Balam and Uxmal, Yucatan Mexico (Our group Mayan Astrology was 11 Chuen (Yucatec) and 7 Noj (Kiche))


The following is the second group of messages that we received in the Yucatan this past December. You can find our other messages on our website at under the “Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation” link. It might be a good idea to read them in order as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well. The Star Elders assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites.


~Choices Points and the Garden of Shambhala.~

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Choices Points and the Garden of Shambhala.



Artwork By Father God


~Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas~


These days are changing so rapidly, energetically at least.  Granted, to the human walking thru the moments of each day, it appears like not much has changed in their life, but indeed, it has all changed.  We just need to know where to look.  We need to be much more purposeful in our days. (Said as much to myself as to anyone else reading…smile.)


The day of readings yesterday, took an interesting turn.  A turn I didn’t even really get until just now as I sit and feel what and how to share.

First let me share the field itself.  Within a 3 hour span it changed rapidly in the landscape of readings.  Which also means, we the human, are changing that rapidly too.



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