~The Shimmering One's~

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~The Shimmering One's~
Photo courtesy apogeepoet.blogspot.com

Greetings dear ones and we are here for all of you as you now undergo the mass transformation of EGO and allow that which is YOU to stand forward. We are the Shimmering Ones and we are here for each one of you as you now go through the mass cleansing of the soul. For many of you have decided to release the karmic debt that has amassed over the timelines and dimensions in which you reside. The clearing is done in this timeline and this dimension through the vehicle you have chosen for this incarnation your human body.


Evolving Beyond Our Five Senses to Be the New Human

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In this most recent time phase of human experience, we have been very outwardly focused, relying almost entirely on our five senses.

Our higher awareness never left us.


The patterns we've developed over the past ten thousand years are quite rigid yet they must be broken to evolve humanity, starting with ourselves. The higher frequencies now returning into/onto this planet at this time actually help us to re-member; re-member who we Are, why we are here and what we can we be. Our higher (we would say inner) awareness is a vital component to creating and residing in a reality beyond the 3D.


End of the Rope: Magnetic Re~Alignment

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End of the Rope: Magnetic Re~Alignment



Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ FYI: No matter what any information says about the ego, you cannot balance ego, you cannot do anything with it, but release it, its unconsciousness and its a program. The ego cannot enter in this energy, its impossible~ The GFP Staff


The Group | Channeled through Steve Rother

February 15, 2012



Greetings from Home


Sekhmet: Journey to The New Jerusalem Mission Room Ashtar Teleconference

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Sekhmet: Journey to The New Jerusalem Mission Room




Ashtar Teleconference, Feb 7, 2012



"Ahhh, what a story! What a story! [Referring to the Star Wars theme song.] Do you recall that? There’s Truth in that series of movies. Of course there was war and it came to Peace but we want to emphasize what really, really is important, and that is the return to Love. Yes, there were some dark times but in the end it was Love that shone forth. Remember, Ashtar gave that assignment a while back, and for those of you who might remember it, the assignment was to love that little boy all the way through, and then at the very end he returned to Love, even after he had been such a dark evil being. He understood that what was really important was Love.



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Hi, Folks -

Thanks to Reader R. for the pointers and footwork on this. :)

Available as video:

Oracle Report ~ Friday February 17 2012 ~ by Gillian ~ Third Quarter Moon Phase

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Oracle Report ~ Friday February 17 2012
Posted on February 17, 2012 by Gillian
Oracle Report
Third Quarter Moon Phase
The keywords for today are emergence, transformation, and metamorphosis. In some way, something new is emerging from within us. This can be anything: a new way to look at something, a new plan, resolution of an issue that has plagued you, a long-forgotten talent, a change of heart, a leap of faith, etc.
The energy is that of a butterfly emerging from a chrysalis. When a butterfly emerges from its cocoon, it turns into something that we would say is more beautiful. It goes from being all wrapped up inside of itself to unbounded freedom. So, today we have a wonderful opportunity to come out of something that no longer serves us, especially feelings of hopelessness, powerlessness, and sadness, which are rampant now. You can do this by embracing the unknown instead of fighting against it today. This is hard for many of us, but it is a skill that must be acquired in order to effectively ride the waves of chaos and breakdown that are underway.

As Above ~ So Below

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As Above ~ So Below~



Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas


I remember last year, spirit said many times that in 2012 “much will be asked of you.” (all of us, not just me.) I think so many of us have been in such a lull for the last few years, we looked forward to being asked to do anything. I know I was excited!

I have been excited every day this year. Everything gets fuller, richer, and there is so much more to understand now. But I don’t feel any longer that is what spirit was really staying… the universe is so tricky!!


Ansaluia - by Galactic Love Reporter Shelly Dressel

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image by Dawn Christine
by Galactic Love Reporter Shelly Dressel
Sunday, 15 January, 2012 
This channel is actually a little shorter than others are, but man is it packed with a powerful energy!! The Goddess took some time at the beginning to have everyone align with their physical body while they were still grounded. I wasn’t sure why at first, then it became clear.

The Collective Evolution II: The Human Experience : Director: Joe Martino, Mark DeNicola, Matthew Christodoulou | Producer: Collective Evolution

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The Collective Evolution II: The Human Experience  

Joe Martino, Mark DeNicola, Matthew Christodoulou 


by Galactic Love Reporter Lily 

Shala Mata ~ The Whales and Dolphins work ~ Sunday, 12 February, 2012

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Shala Mata ~ The Whales and Dolphins work
Sunday, 12 February, 2012  (posted 17 February, 2012) 
Dearest Light Family, 
Welcome to my February 2012 Whale and Dolphin Cosmic Pulse.  Today during my review of the energy for February we discussed the current energy trends for this month and the ebbs and flows of our collective journey.
February opened brighter and somewhat lighter than expected.  The deep inner review of January culminated in a sense of adventure and openness ( even in the smallest of increments ) as February dawned a frequency that felt welcoming.


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