Blossom Goodchild ~ Is It W’earth it? ~ 17 February 2012

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Blossom Goodchild ~ Is It W’earth it? ~ 17 February 2012


Hello peoples.

Over the time I have been in the ’public eye’ I have received many emails telling me to be very careful about ‘who’ I am channelling.


(quite a bit lately … hence why I bring it up) All over this web that we weave there is much speculation as to what is and what is not of the Light.Well, first of all EVERYTHING is of DIVINE LIGHT ENERGY.


Now then , before I prattle on … of course what I have to say are MY thoughts on the matter and certainly not set in stone. Others … for sure … FEEL differently to the way I do … but I would just like to clear a few things up … regarding my status if I may.


When in school I did not chat to the careers officer about becoming a messenger for the Star People. I knew that all I desired to do was go on the stage. I had no interest in all this ‘stuff’ what so ever. Fast forwarding … here I find myself at 54 years old delivering messages to many thousands of people from an energy that is ‘beyond me!’

I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service - by Galactic Love Reporter David Brown.

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by Galactic Love Reporter David Brown.
image by Will
Wednesday, 18 January, 2012  at San Jose, Costa Rica  (posted 17 February, 2012) 
Greetings dear ones for I AM Kryon of Magnetic Service.
It’s wonderful to be with you all this night, this very night. There is much love and much change in the air. The new world is coming and there will be a peaceful transition into the new world; many, many changes are going to come to this earth.

SaLuSa 17~February~2012 The dark ones cannot plug the leak..Love is Flowing~

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SaLuSa  17~February~2012


With sufficient faith there is nothing that you cannot do, and you have yet to understand how powerful you are. You are creating all of the time whether you realise it or not. Through many lives it is you who have created all that you experience now and you are probably surprised at how it is. Remember that you have not often exercised those powers to stop the march of the dark Ones. Whilst it is true their actions have been very devious, there has been little resistance to their aims. However, just of recent times you have begun to understand what has been going on around you. Without necessarily realising what you were achieving by focussing on a different outcome, you have created an energy for change that has grown immensely and opened up a powerful time line to Ascension. Now you see more clearly what you need to do to bring this cycle to a successful conclusion.


~Space Weather Update~ Still Flatlined Sun~

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QUIET SUN: With no sunspots actively flaring, the sun's output has flatlined again. NOAA forecasters put the chance of an M-class flare during the next 24 hours at no more than 1%. Solar activity should remain low. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.


AURORA WHIRLPOOL: On Feb. 14-15, Arctic skies erupted with an unexpected display of auroras that veteran observers said was among the best in months. At the height of the event, a US Defense Meteorological Program satellite photographed a whirlpool of Northern Lights over the Bering Sea:



"A number of images from the DMSP F18 satellite captured the dramatic auroral event of the last couple nights," says analyst Paul McCrone, who processed the data at the US Navy's Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center in Monterey, CA.



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Most people, when the court tells them something is final, acquiesce. Not me! I'm not like most people; I will do what it takes to overturn injustice to the extent that I am able. Yes, it's for me in this case; yet in a very real sense, it is for everyone. We must take back our power and stand in truth, otherwise, we have no one to blame but ourselves. As I keep being reminded: We are the ones we have been waiting for all along. I'm playing my role. Are you playing yours?

HEAVEN #4102 ~ THE RULES OF THE GAME ~ 17.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

The Rules of the Game

Heavenletter #4102 Published on: February 17, 2012

God said:

Be sure that you remind yourself that nothing in the world is as important as it seems to be to you. Let go of a sense of importance. Let go of your sense of importance, not only of yourself, but of what goes on around you. It is all fleeting. Today there is one challenge. Tomorrow there is another. Challenges are part of regular life in the world. Are you going to light a fire under every one of them?


You will run out of breath if you think every difficulty that arises is yours to solve. Some difficulties have to be passed by. For some difficulties, you have to say to yourself: "I will just let this finish its run."

Feminine and masculine simply Are One in Love - by Jill Renee

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Feminine and masculine simply Are One in Love





by Galactic Love Reporter Jill Renee

Divine Feminine? Divine Masculine? The more I allow my own expansion the less attached I become to the concept of gender in my experiencing the higher levels of consciousness. In pondering this topic, I asked Gaia ("Mother Earth") this morning if she identifies with both divine masculine and divine feminine energies. Her response? Of course. In my experience presently, the Sun is not "male", the Earth is not "female" they are both, they are whole-ness in their God frequencies at their highest frequencies which is how I choose to experience their consciousness.

Mind bender...


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