Prilon And God – An Update On Manifesting Ascension – The Power Of OM –Suzanne Poulson Spooner

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Prilon And God – An Update On Manifesting Ascension – The Power Of OM – 13 February 2012
ba Galactic Love Reporter Suzanne Poulson Spooner 
[Hi Prilon & God!] Hi Suzy, we would like to give an update on manifesting ascension for the planet and her inhabitants. [Sounds great, I am ready.]
Being in the Now is the prerequisite for ascension. This concept only needs to be imagined as morphing your future and your past with your present, all timelines occurring in a singular experience. This is how you will raise your vibration to ascend.
Universally you will be in the frequency of light and love when you are in the Now.

~Archangel Metatron on Earth Ascension ~

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~Archangel Metatron on Earth Ascension ~

through Beth Trutwin This Information was originally posted on 12/1/10

Photo By Will Harader


Greetings. This is Lord Metatron. All of you reading this are Members of the Ground Crew of the Ashtar Command or others. You are witnessing the vast wide sweeping Ascension of Planet Earth. It is unfolding before your eyes.


Each One of you are experiencing that which you call to yourself to expand with the Ascension. Your Guides work closely with you. They watch your conversations, your choices and where you repeatedly place your energy. You may receive a nudge that you should move in a different direction. If you are asking for Guidance everyday, you will receive more than a nudge, maybe a situation which seems like a coincidence or a long waited for dream comes true. These are signs you are listening, have right relationships and are following your Guidance. There is a Divine Law which is working on you at all times, whether you are aware of it or not. If you do not use the gifts, the nudges, your talent, as it has been shared by the Universe, then it will all be taken away from you. As you focus bliss into your energy, creativity, and generosity to the World, so the same and more is returned to you.


~Stop Waiting and Start Leading~

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~Stop Waiting and Start Leading~


~Original Post October 24, 2011~ Very Relevant to Our Current Moments~


~Photo by Will Harader~

There is a constant heightened state of alert being felt these days, as if something big is just about to happen. Forums are buzzing with various angles on what this something will be. Imagining your best impression of the guy from Who wants to be a Millionaire?, the million dollar question is will this something be: a) A massive earthquake that sends the whole world into literal wobble b) Offical disclosure from governments, confirming that they’ve been in contact with other-planetary beings for a long time c) The culmination of the Mayan Calendar on October 28 triggering everything from Zero Point, a Pole Shift and three days of darkness or d) A blast of light that sends everyone into an instant awakened enlightened state.

From Starship Athabantian: ~Everything about You, Humanity, and The Earth is Changing~

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From Starship Athabantian: ~Everything about You, Humanity, and The Earth is Changing~



~Picture of Actual Cloud Ships in the Sky~ By Will Harader~



How many times do you have to be told that things will not continue as they are? How many times do we have to say that all will change? How often do we have to say that you will not just float through the transformation without being affected by it? Things will not continue as they are. All will change. You will not float through the shift without being affected. You will change. Others will change. All about you will change.


There will be a transition time — “Interim Time” — as Earth and all who choose will shift to higher frequencies. After Interim Time all will be vastly different on Earth. The only way to the new Earth is to change yourself. Learn to vibrate at a higher frequency, see all in Oneness, and think from your heart.


Now is the moment of your transformation.

COMPTE DE SAINT GERMAIN ~ Clearing Contractions to Anchor More Light ~ 13.02.12 ~ by Aruna

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by Galactic Love reporter Aruna Byers
Clearing Contractions to Anchor More Light
13 February 2012 
Children of God need to become their own teachers. Never before have as many conscious beings lived as mentors and guides. Never before have the Masters and Angels been as available. But neither of these conditions is what we want. We want each of those asking to be guided, to lighten up their need, and discover that ample awareness is available within themselves.

~Galactic Love Reporter Ellion Responds to Donna~ It is No longer US VS Them, WE are ALL ONE~

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~Galactic Love Reporter Ellion Responds to Donna~ It is No longer US VS Them, WE are ALL ONE~



I've always wanted to get a license plate that said "UR1Iam2", but in this dualistic world, the connotation would probably be misinterpretted as "rank", (fueling superiority),  when they are really meant to express that We are One in the same place called Now, so I never registered the quirk...


Yes, when you see the world as a "field of dreams", you can see yourself and all others as equal players, only the goal line is not at the opposite ends of the field, but in the Center of the field aka, humaan heart of each player.  They need only realize they are a part of the Human Team and it is but a simple choice and realization... 


Yes, choosing sides, agendas and all the old world chaos, only churns the waters of the sea.  Infusing the energies of Peace and Love calms them.  Self examination tells us, which one we generate and which world we support.


Love and Peace,



2 messages about the terrestrial poles

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The Most Important words in this message are not to fear. We are in these changes and they are unstoppable and inevitable, We are with you Always~ Love Mother and Father God and The GFP Staff



2 messages about the terrestrial poles


Message # 1 - The Intergalactic Council of Elders for Peace Unity.

May your hearts, dear Earthlings, rejoice and expanse, and may no fear or torment encumber the way.


The announced resolution is endorsed: there is an expected reversal of the magnetic poles and subtle axis of the Earth. We know that you knew, and fear it considerably in regard of your bodies configuration and their usual environment’s.


~The Grammy's 2012 My Valentine~Paul McCartney -

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~We stayed up and Watched the Grammy's Last Night. We will be sharing more about this in Our Newly Upcoming Daily Energy Report.~ Love Mother and Father God and The Galactic Free Press Staff


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