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6/9/02 – Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec


Good afternoon, my friend.  It is I, Ceres Anthonious “Toniose” Soltec, come in the Radiant One Light of Father/Mother Source—Creator God.  Be still and allow the message to come.


Much is happening all around your globe with respect to building pressures.  I am speaking here both literally and allegorically.  Your planetary system is, as we have said many times before, entering a high-frequency, low-density area of “space” relative to what you have known in your recent past. This causes rapid changes in your physical environment, as well as in the mental and emotional environments.  This is in essence the mechanism by which the Great Cleansing is facilitated.


Your world is becoming lighter in all senses of the word.  Many ones harbor beliefs that are based in low-frequency fear.  To the extent that you ones hold to your fear-based reality, you will struggle with the evolution that is taking place within you as well as around you.

~The cosmos are swishing and swirling with transformation, personal self-truth, and purification waves ~

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Photo Unknown Photographer

Monday, 13 February, 2012


Unless last week’s Full Moon transformational energies have given you a psychic and emotional hangover, there is no substantial reason why you can’t take a great leap forward and fine tune the changes that are a-comin into your life this week. The cosmos are swishing and swirling with transformation, personal self-truth, and purification waves in order that we enter a point of awareness that is higher than our current fabricated reality. You will be able to work more efficiently if you understand that what turns your world upside down and inside out is merely a model leading to your highest healing.


~Lightworkers are waiting for the TRIGGER event~ View from a Fellow Lightworker

Lia's picture

~Lightworkers are waiting for the TRIGGER event~ View from a Fellow Lightworker


moon glow with blue heart orb  Photo By Dawn Christine~




This is a rather brief post that highlights something that ive been noticing with increasing frequency.


Many of my friends and a number of other people ive encountered have all told me stories about how they are wanting to Move somewhere else, or engage in some kind of project. Maybe they want to hook up with someone they've fallen in love with.

But in each case there is like -1- piece of the puzzle that is still missing, which is forcing them to continue living some limited reality they feel stifled in.


~GALACTIC FREE PRESS~ Happy Love Day~! Special Edition~ This is Love's Year~

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Special Edition~ This is Love's Year~


~HUmanity's Complete Freedom from The Controllers on this Planet is At Hand and the domino's are falling FAST~







Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom~Company of Heaven, from Galactic Central. We Are Your Family of Light from the Stars, The Elohim, The Celestial. WE are the First Contact Ground Crew, Medical Team, at your Service, Highly Trained in Human Consciousness and Human Development. With you In the Present Physical Manifest is Your Real Parents Of Creation [who snuck in the back door so to speak, under the] It is Us, Mother and Father God, To Welcome you Home out of the "dream", and into True Reality, which is Heaven on Earth. Thank you for Celebrating that We are Here with you, as WE Celebrate your Awakening into True Reality. We Love you.


– Valentine All Year Round – 14 February 2012 by Lucas

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by Galactic Love Reporter Lucas

– Valentine All Year Round – 

Posted on February 14, 2012 by  




I never understood Valentine in the way it has been commercialized. If it was only a feast of Love then it would be great. But it has become spread as a feast you have to give a compulsory gift to your loved one ont that day. What about those who would express their love for friends and family without having a boyfriend of girlfriend or a wife or husband or partner? Lots have none or are widowers or are single due to lives choices.


Occupy Draws Strength From the Powerless

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Occupy Draws Strength From the Powerless

2012 February 14
Posted by BZ Riger


Occupy Draws Strength From the Powerless

by Love reporter Chris Hedges February 13, 2012

There is a recipe for breaking popular movements. I watched it play out over five years in the war in El Salvador. I now see these familiar patterns in the assault against the Occupy movement. It goes like this. Physically eradicate the insurgents’ logistical base of operations to disrupt communication and organization. Dry up financial and material support.

Create rival organizations—the group Stand for Oakland seems to be one of these attempts—to discredit and purge the rebel leadership. Infiltrate the movement to foster internal divisions and rivalries, a tactic carried out consciously, or perhaps unconsciously, by an anonymous West Coast group known as OLAASM—Occupy Los Angeles Anti Social Media.

Provoke the movement—or front groups acting in the name of the movement—to carry out actions such as vandalism and physical confrontations with the police that alienate the wider populace from the insurgency. Invent atrocities and repugnant acts supposedly carried out by the movement and plant these stories in the media.

Wake Up To Your Divinity

Ryan's picture


We are much more than this body and mind; we are in essence a soul. This soul, god spark, consciousness, or whatever you would like to call this life force that animates these bones and flesh is who we TRULY are. This 3D world around us is only a projection, and is in fact simply trapped energy. This is all verifiable through modern quantum physics.


Lucas ~ The Domino Effect Is Kicking Hard In As The Stones Need To Fall ~ 14 February 2012

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Lucas ~ The Domino Effect Is Kicking Hard In As The Stones Need To Fall ~ 14 February 2012


In earlier articles of mine I have been talking about the domino effect that will bring down all and there is no stopping the lifeline. All ways that lead to end the system are now seen kicking in fast.


If you follow Ben Fulford’s and David Wilock’s  writings you see that very big things have been brought to light and are happening in front and behind the scenes. I myself see the story develop as I see that the EU is desperate  seeking financiers of the lost cause the Euro Zone is and was. China is now asked to help again. Will they? I think personally not.  For the US Dollar the story is not different, all is imploding to nill.  If monetary systems are built on dishonesty and fraud, embezzlement, enrichment, on domination and power they are not able to survive the ending of this year.



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