HEAVEN #4098 ~ THIS IS THE TRUTH ~ 13.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff


This Is the Truth

Heavenletter #4098 Published on: February 13, 2012

God said:


Are you feeling subdued today?

That is fine. You don't have to be elated every day. Your happiness does not always have to be escalated. If it were, you would be at a pitch of excitement that you could not endure. The relative world cannot sustain you. Nothing in the relative can sustain you for long.

Enter that quiet stream within you. It sustains you no matter what the surface is up to. It is nice here. It always is. There is a Do Not Disturb sign here that keeps noise away.


Quick Update 2 from The Press~The Strange Metal Boxes Real or a Hoax? It Does Not Matter~

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~The Galactic Free Press~



~Quick Update~2



~ We released a news story that we found, about some strange metal boxes showing up along the west coast. We have been attempting to verify this information, since we are not physically there, we have not been able to accomplish this, and are unable to verify them but.... Whether these boxes are physically here or not, does not matter. We know the Energy of Something Big is here [and so do all of you] and is shifting Everyone In Huge Ways.

~Setting The Stage ~

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The higher frequencies coming to the planet are causing massive realignments with individuals and their life plan. As part of this realignment, each of us is being asked to move and change in particular ways, so that we enter the "final act" of this long play called the Human Experience the way we agreed

Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/12/12 We are Nearing the completion Your Assignments

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Message from the Galactic Federation of Light 2/12/12 We are Nearing the completion of your Assignments~

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Greg's Messages of late of have Been Right ON~ Way To Go Greg, We Stand With You in The Love and The Truth. Shine ON! Love Mother and Father God and The Entire Galactic Free Press Staff


~The Cosmic Definition of Belonging~

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“The bravest souls on earth at this time are the ones who volunteer to go first with their light into the darkest corners.

 As you offered to carry your lantern and hold it out in front of you, with each careful step you were met with shadows, fears, darkness and wounds. These were not the aspects of yourself you were hoping to find nor were these the experiences you desired to have. After holding the lantern during these times of deep personal doubts, you came to believe that it was all a mistake, a wrong turn, a circular path in the dark that only led back to the same starting point again and again. As you stand holding a lantern with aching arms, you face your fears of not belonging, of missing out on the true light, and of living a life of solitude. You may have doubted everything about yourself at times on this path.

The Pleiadian High Council: You have Always Decided the Events that Manifest on Earth

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Galactic Love Reporter  Wes Annac


~Photo By Dawn Christine~


We listen to your calls to us, for us to show you ways and give you guidance as to how you can make your difficult ventures in the lower vibrations a little bit easier. Every thought is a prayer, and is itself an energetic transmission that we receive as soon as it is directed at us. We receive your thoughts and prayers for a better Life and for an easier ride in the lower dimensions, and as we feel your pleas, we make the call for you to view all events that occur in your Lives from a Loving, detached perspective. When you see a date dropped or hear of a miraculous event said to manifest, allow the scenario presented to anchor itself into your personal energetic field, which will help make you a vessel for the scenario’s energies of Creation to come through.


Earth's Spin gets FASTER... New Scientist

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by Love Reporter Catherine Brahic
New Scientist



© Corbis


It sometimes feels as though some months go by faster than others, but November 2009 really did. Events in the Southern Ocean conspired to make the Earth spin ever-so-slightly faster, shortening half of the days in the month by 0.1 milliseconds each.

Montague Keen ~ Love will return to your world...~ 12.2.2012

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Galactic Love Reporters Veronica & Montague Keen – 12 February 2012

Veronica, my dear, the time has come when those who are awake and aware of all that is happening in your world must stand together and do whatever is necessary to reclaim your world. Those with missions to complete will be given signs to indicate when it is time to step forward. This is your opportunity to rescue your fellow man from the slaughter that the Cabal is demanding to satisfy their lust for blood — though, of course, not their own blood — that, they protect above all else. Only those they see as lesser mortals are required to spill their blood to satisfy the cabal’s lust for total control of your world.

2012-02-12 ~ by Owen Waters 2 ~ The Conscious Universe

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by Galactic Love Reporter Owen Waters

2 - The Conscious Universe

In Part 1, Spiritual Metaphysics was defined as the study of the nature of reality based upon the all-pervasive consciousness which is behind Creation and all of its manifestations.

Everything in existence is composed of 100% consciousness. It may seem like a solid, physical world. It certainly acts like one. Once in a while, I am reminded of just how solid it is when I bump into something!

However, if you consult a book on general physics, it will point out that matter is actually composed of energy particles. That doesn’t sound so solid after all. It also raises the question, “What is energy?” To find the answer to that, you have to go beyond today’s physics and into the realm of spiritual metaphysics.

Energy is compressed consciousness.

Just like everything in the universe, energy is 100% consciousness. It has to be, because the Creator had nothing else to work with besides consciousness. Therefore, the material world, with its apparent solidity, was created from compressed consciousness.

Going back to the very beginning of the universe, Infinite Being was stirred by its initial motivation to go into action and create a way to see itself from an infinite number of viewpoints.

Infinite Being – the perfect, unchanging Absolute or Godhead – then formed an aspect of itself that we call the Creator. This aspect was charged with a mission to take action and create what we now know as the universe. The problem was, how to achieve Creation using nothing but consciousness.

Renowned Geophysicist Says Strange Sky Sounds Are Real

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Renowned Geophysicist Says Strange Sky Sounds Are Real ~Thanks to BZ Riger~


Mr. Khalilov, what is the nature of the unusual very low-pitched sounds reported by a great number of people in different parts of the planet since the summer of 2011? Many call them “The Sound of the Apocalypse”. Information about that comes from all over the world: US, UK, Costa Rica, Russia, Czech Republic, Australia, etc.

We have analyzed records of these sounds and found that most of their spectrum lies within the infrasound range, i.e. is not audible to humans. What people hear is only a small fraction of the actual power of these sounds.


They are low-frequency acoustic emissions in the range between 20 and 100 Hz modulated by ultra-low infrasonic waves from 0.1 to 15 Hz. In geophysics, they are called acoustic-gravity waves; they are formed in the upper atmosphere, at the atmosphere-ionosphere boundary in particular.



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