Neale Donald Walsch – Are You A Spiritual Scrooge? – 9 February 2012

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Galactic Love Reporter Neale Donald Walsch

Are You A Spiritual Scrooge?

 9 February 2012

My dear friends…

We are embarked in this space on a year-long exploration of The Holy Experience. I hope and trust that you are enjoying it as much as I am.

The Holy Experience is just like any other form of wealth. You cannot fully experience it until you share it with others. What good does it do you to have inherited a million dollars if you never spend so much as a nickel of it?

Like the Walt Disney comic book character Uncle Scrooge McDuck sitting there ogling his pile of gold, you’ll find that there’s not much joy in holding onto it. Yet if you grab a handful of it and give it to others–go on a “spending spree”–suddenly you know experientially what having that money is all about.

~St. Germain~ "The Great Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection

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~Beloved Saint Germain~

"The Great Ascended Masters of Love, Light, and Perfection ...who have guided the expansion of the Light in humanity on this planet from the beginning are no fragment of anyone's imagination. They are real, visible, tangible, glorious, living, breathing Beings of such Love, Wisdom and Power that the human mind gasps at the immensity of it. They work everywhere in the universe with complete freedom and limitless power to do naturally all that the average individual considers supernatural.


"They are wielders of such power and manipulators of such force as to stagger the imagination of the person in the outer world. They are the Guardians of the race; and as in the world of physical education, various grades of teachers are provided to guide the development of the individual's growth from childhood to maturity and then beyond, preparing him for special work, so do the Ascended Masters of Perfection exist to educate and help the individual, that he too may expand his consciousness beyond ordinary human expression. Thus he develops his superhuman attributes, until like the student graduating from college, the one under the care and instruction of an Ascended Master graduates out of his humanity into the full, continuous expression of his Divinity.


Our Changing Field ~ The Morphing! Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas

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Our Changing Field ~ The Morphing! Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas


Art by:


This sharing is going to end up being done in three parts not two.  I suppose for every ending and beginning there has to be a middle!


As soon as I finished my blog this morning I got up to feed the birds and bunnies and got the surprise of my life.  There was a animal standing just outside the circle of rocks looking straight into the cabin at me.  At first I thought it was a dog until I heard “I Am a wolf.”  Really?  I was so excited.  I got up and moved to the door and he ran off into the field on the right side.  I whistled to him, he stopped, turned around and looked at me.  I should say, pierced my soul.  And another wolf came out of the bushes to join up with him. They both had very similar markings, silver and brown fur… their energy still takes my breath away.


A Narration on Health ~ From Interview With An Angel

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A Narration on Health ~ From Interview With An Angel


Medicine is necessary for our bodies in disease only because our bodies have learned the art of not getting well without medicines. Even so, one sees often that the moment Nature chooses for recovery is that in which the life is abandoned as hopeless by the doctors.

It should take long for self-cure to replace medicine, because of the fear, self-distrust and unnatural physical reliance on drugs which Medical Science has taught to our minds and bodies and made our second nature.

Sri Aurobindo

Health - From the book, Interview With An Angel by Steven J Thayer and Linda Sue Nathanson.

Linda:   Do people get sick because they are not going according to the universe's plan for them?

~A.D. 2012: Is Something Big Coming?~

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~A.D. 2012: Is Something Big Coming?~

"A birthing planet vibrating at a lower tone than evolving Earth is preparing itself to receive beings who prefer to embrace greed and power, those who desire to control, possess and destroy that which is not rightfully theirs. The awaiting planet is far from Earth, but it is not altogether unlike Earth." ------ Arcturian Songs of the Masters of Light, Patricia L. Pereira

There have been many prophesies for us to think about over the ages. Some have materialized while others have not.

All prophecy is fluid and changeable. The future is not set in stone. The reason is simple. We create our own reality through our collective thinking (mass consciousness). What a prophet "sees" is one of the probable outcomes of our future. If we don't like what the prophet has to say, we have the power to change it.

Cosmic cycles are nothing new to our ancestors and are a part of the lore and history of many ancient civilizations. For example, the Mayans studied them with a passion and they formed the basis of their sky religion.

Follow Your Heart, it is Smarter Than You Think By Rebecca Cherry

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Follow Your Heart, it is Smarter Than You Think

By Rebecca Cherry



Your Heart is an amazing organ, unique for both its physical functions and energetic properties, and therefore needs some extra special attention, and definitely some tender loving care.

Aside from the well-known fact that the heart is the first major organ to develop in the fetus after conception, it is also impossible to live without one beating brightly within each of our bodies. In addition, the heart's ability to tell us when we fall in Love, experience Joy, feel Gratitude, and appreciate Beauty, is without question, the tour de force for our passions in the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment throughout our lives.



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