Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ A Message To Humanity From God~
[Hi God.] Hi Suzy, let’s begin a message for the masses. [Sounds great, I am ready.]
To Humanity,
I Am. In this statement is My energy of One. God, or however you wish to label me, is a concept of One. One is only an instrument of My being-ness.
The perfection of you is the allowance that you are One, as am I. I Am.
Holographic lives of every parallel choice exist simultaneously. This is how complex our universe is. In the complexity is the simple origin of ‘I Am’.
Picturing the outcome of all your choices is a third dimensional experience. This serves your soul’s experience as many lessons are being learned in this manner. The finality of 3-D, for those who choose it, will usher in a new understanding.