Robert Stanley: It’s Time to Land This Flying Saucer and Let Me Out!

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Robert Stanley: It’s Time to Land This Flying Saucer and Let Me Out!


It’s Time to Land This Flying Saucer and Let Me Out!


You probably don’t know me but, after spending the last 20 years of my life professionally researching and reporting on UFOs and extraterrestrials, I am announcing my retirement. During the past two decades, I attempted to work with the media to inform the public about this topic. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts to educate the masses about aliens, there has been very-little progress.

Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ A Message To Humanity From God~

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Suzanne Poulson Spooner ~ A Message To Humanity From God~




[Hi God.] Hi Suzy, let’s begin a message for the masses. [Sounds great, I am ready.]

To Humanity,

I Am. In this statement is My energy of One. God, or however you wish to label me, is a concept of One. One is only an instrument of My being-ness.


The perfection of you is the allowance that you are One, as am I. I Am.


Holographic lives of every parallel choice exist simultaneously. This is how complex our universe is. In the complexity is the simple origin of ‘I Am’.


Picturing the outcome of all your choices is a third dimensional experience. This serves your soul’s experience as many lessons are being learned in this manner. The finality of 3-D, for those who choose it, will usher in a new understanding.


Angela Peregoff ~ Let It Be

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Angela Peregoff ~ Let It Be




Rev. Angela Peregoff | The Morning Blessing | Feb 8 2012


These words are found in Genesis. They are not some magical syllables that God waved through the Universe. They are a key to using the Law of Cause and Effect successfully. “Let there be …” reveals a state of mind, an attitude we can adopt as we participate in the natural process of resolving issues in our lives. These words serve as a reminder not to force an issue, but to realize that Law responds to us naturally as we provide It with the consciousness we are seeking. Students often have a hard time letting go and trusting in their own consciousness. What they don’t realize is that they are always trusting, it just hasn’t occurred to them that they are trusting their fears and doubts.


We may trust what we call “God,” “Higher Power,” “life,” etc. Or we may trust our reason, our misgivings, our worst expectations. Once we recognize that we’re always in a state of trusting something, we may find it easier to shift from trusting something we don’t want to trusting something we do. Always initiate constructive action by thinking constructively, and then let it be. Release all struggle tied to what you desire to manifest. This trusting brings us the relief, peace, and efficiency of an aligned consciousness with the Natural flow of a Creative Process that has been responding to your consciousness all along. And this aligned consciousness is a real Presence and Power in the world.


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Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, copyright© 2012

Listen to  this message on YouTube

Dear Ones, I AM Sananda!

To all who read this message, to all who strive to open their hearts and ever more so, to all who desire to participate in the ascension process, I have one single message:
Trust and prepare yourself with the help of the ever growing incoming light and love energy from the Divine Abode.

Message from the Ashtar Command 2/8/12 ~ SURRENDER OF THE CABAL!

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Message from the Ashtar Command 2/8/12;  SURRENDER OF THE CABAL!


by Galactic Love Reporter Greg Giles

One thing your universal group needs to achieve here at this time is the reconciliation of past relationships with other universal groups. This is one area of this endeavor that is rarely discussed, but we feel this is very important for you to become aware of. We see how well so many of you are working together, and wish to thank you for your efforts in this regard.

THE CHANGING FIELD ~ Lisa Gawlas ~ February 9, 2012

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The Changing Field 

by Galactic Love Reporter Lisa Gawlas

February 9, 2012



The last reading I had on Tuesday, the Birthday girl, I had asked her if she had any questions, before I got the last word out of my mouth I heard her team and the field instantly say “It doesn’t matter because everything is changing so rapidly starting tomorrow (Feb 8, 2012).”  That would be my yesterday.


 I really looked forward to doing the readings, to see what is changing rapidly.  All these years and I still have some “expectations.”


Altho the field itself did change, or maybe just became clearer in my own understandings of “layout” not much really seemed to change.  Except maybe, within me.

~Space Weather Update~ A Medium Solar Wind Stream~ 377 Wind Speed

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THE MOON AND MARS: Mars is approaching Earth for a close encounter in March. Start looking for the Red Planet now: Tonight it is shining brighter than a 1st-magnitude star beside the waning full Moon. The view through a backyard telescope is dynamite: sky map.


AURORA WATCH: A medium-speed solar wind stream is blowing past Earth and sparking auroras around the Arctic Circle. Last night in Muonio, Finnland, tour guide Antti Pietikäinen made a snow angel--then hopped up and took this picture:



I took a group 20 km from Hotel Harriniva to find a clear sky," says Pietikäinen. "As soon as we reached a nearby lake, the show was on! Auroras mixed with full moonlight gives some really unique photos."


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by Galactic Love Reporter Predrag 


Yes, I call myself teacher without subject... So, am I realy a teacher, even if I have nothing to teach You?... Am I paid enough for my continuous talking’s, writings, ratings?...

Am I ready to accept that I cannot teach anyone anything?... well... let me think about this for a minute?...


[60 galactic seconds later....] You can just imagine me still sitting and thinking like a Roden's 'The Thinker' sculpture... [maybe with a bit more clothing on my back... as here in Athens is around zero right now...]



HEAVEN #4094 ~ LOVE AND RELEASE ~ 9.02.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff


Love and Release

Heavenletter #4094 Published on: February 9, 2012

God said:

From the corridors of your heart, love engages. Love flows beautifully, naturally, and only starts and stops when there is blockage to it. What can a blockage be? What can interrupt love other than an interference from the mind?


Love is not meant to be like putting your finger on a hot stove. You are not meant to hurt yourself when you give love. Your love unrequited is not to be interpreted as a reprimand to your love. You misunderstood what happened. You told yourself an incorrect story.


Amato Ratzinger... [Beloved Ratzinger...]

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Amato Ratzinger... [Beloved Ratzinger...]


By Galactic Love Reporter and First Contact Team Member Andrea Sartori





My Beloved Ratzinger,

yes, I know, you still don't want to come Home.
I understand.
You just spent so much out there, playing, that even the slightest concept of time got missing while you were playing. You got lost, and when this happens sometimes one gets so exited that he completely forgets Who He IS.

However, my Beloved, the dawn is approaching and the night will be dark and cold out there. So please my Dear do come Home and embrace your Mother who's waiting for You.



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