~ Lightworker shares their expereince with The Ascension~
By Galactic Love Reporter lightlover1964~
I know that for the most part all of us here always try keeping our energies up and try no to bring lower vibrations in,so therefore there is not much written on the dark side of ascension.
But I think just like there is duality in everything in this 3 d world which we still reside in, there is also duality in ascension.
There is darkness there that needs to be looked at and released as well.
There are days when I feel so connected to Source I wonder if others see me in the sun, is my skin glowing?
Am I as shiny as I feel inside?
Full of love,hope, and peace?
And then I wake up the following day and I feel drained of life.
I weep for no reason it seems.
Really it seems sometimes I wail.
The sadness envelops me with such density that I just sit and wait for it to pass through me.
Some would call it a major depression.
Then it is gone.
Then I am up again.