FINANCIAL TYRANNY: The Final Sections ~Written by David Wilcock Thursday, 09 February 2012 03:33

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FINANCIAL TYRANNY: The Final Sections ~Written by David Wilcock Thursday, 09 February 2012 03:33


At last -- the final four sections of our epic investigation into Financial Tyranny. Get the overview of what we have learned, with stunning new information that paves the way for an end to Financial Tyranny -- once and for all.
[Note: You may quote excerpts from this investigation and republish them in your blog, but please do not re-post the entire investigation, as additional updates and 'tweaks' may be necessary. Instead, please link your readers back to the original. Thanks!]
SECTION SEVEN: The Evidence is Irrefutable


Selacia’s Council Of 12 Message ~ 9 February 2012 This is a year of revolution on a big scale

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Selacia’s Council Of 12 Message ~ 9 February 2012



This is a year of revolution on a big scale – impacting you and everyone on the planet. A common theme you will see repeatedly is the need for humanity to come together as one family. This need has never been more important than right now.   The new Earth you want cannot come into being alongside centuries-old patterns of bickering, complaining, conquering, and killing.    A very long time ago people understood and valued the concept of community. People of those times knew about the power of unity and helping one another. In some cultures, threatened by droughts and other climatic shifts, people learned that they could survive through collective ideas, support, and actions.     Rather than fighting each other over dwindling resources, they used their joint creativity to adapt. They understood the power of a cohesive group; they valued the natural world and learned to work with nature.   

Lisa Renee ~ Self Definition ~ 9 February 2012

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Lisa Renee ~ Self Definition ~ 9 February 2012



How can I go forward if I don’t know which way I am facing? How can I go forward if I don’t know which way to turn? How can I have feelings if I don’t know what I am feeling? – John Lennon


Dear Family,

“During these last months and leading into 2012, our life circumstances have been pushing us to pay attention to participate with our inner selves and those closest to us, especially those that are sharing our living or working space. Unfinished or unresolved family dynamics and their ancestral patterns have been coming out of the woodworks – left, right and center! Every direction leads you back to squarely face that hidden place where you start getting squirmy. It is okay to get squirmy or not know where you are going, despite the declaration of insanity by some of those around you.

Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast! ~ Releasing Pain ~ 9 February 2012

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Jamye Price ~ Weekly Lightblast! ~ Releasing Pain ~ 9 February 2012



Pain is an indicator of imbalance.  We are in a gauntlet of swift balancing – welcome 2012!  This time now is for Ascension and that means rapid evolution into living as a Divine Human with an activated Lightbody.  To accommodate these frequencies, the emotional, mental and physical frequency must be compatible with the frequency of Spiritual Masterhood.  This is accomplished through many different paths, but all require awareness, practice, patience and diligence.  All experience within the physical world; be it a health condition, an emotional or mental state or an experience with another, is a reflection of your inner world, for you are the creator of your experience.  It is time to become the Master of your destiny.  You do this by focusing your powerful attention on imbalance within and integrating the catalyst of Love into everything you are.  As you become aligned with the power to shift your reality that is less than Love into an experience of the shared joy that is Life, you are releasing the pain of separation from your Divine Self.  To do this, you become Well with what-is and infuse it with healing Love.


Ann Anderson ~ Aka Radio Ann ~ The Council Of Twelve ~ 9 February 2012

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Ann Anderson ~ Aka Radio Ann ~ The Council Of Twelve ~ 9 February 2012


[Hello. This is Ann. Anybody here?]

Yes. We are here. We are the Council of Twelve. We are here to say hello to you this fine day and how are you?

[I am fine. How are you?]


We are fine and dandy. We like that expression. It suits us fine and dandy. What would you like to talk about?


[Well, how about new age craziness? The tendency to buy into any theory no matter how preposterous.]


Yes, there’s a lot of that going around. People are mistrustful, so they believe nothing and everything. It’s hard to have discernment when there’s no solid touchstone for the truth. Truth is not entirely relative. There are some things that are beyond dispute, but we’ve noticed that even baseline reality is up for discussion.

Vina ~ Staying Out Of Judgement ~ 9 February 2012

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Vina ~ Staying Out Of Judgement ~ 9 February 2012


Staying out of Judgment

As we move out of the 3D paradigm of duality,  we’re reminded to navigate through our own internal shifts and re-calibrations with love and compassion.

This includes distinguishing between judgment and discerning observation.

Judgment can often an emotional or energetic charge which usually hints at a disagreement or perceived ‘wrong’. Discerning observation, on the other hand is distinctly different and applies a non-attached and neutral impression of the situation.

If you judge people, you have no time to love them. ~ Mother Teresa


We know there are always more than one side to any given situation – so to cast judgment from an initial and personal perspective without the full picture can be premature, not to mention failing to take into consideration prior contracts / agreements with our soul that may have have necessitated a situation to unfold in the manner it did.


Nancy Tate ~ Horus ~ Wake Up Call ~ 9 February 2012 A Wonderful Transition~

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Nancy Tate ~ Horus ~ Wake Up Call ~ 9 February 2012 A Wonderful Transition~




I am here today to give you a lowdown on many things that will be part of your world when the time comes for the changes that will be taking place on the planet. As the sturdy bridges, mountains and valleys all collapse into themselves they will rebuild in new formations and bring about a new way of living. They will represent how you can surmount obstacles that have come into being in the time on earth and how easily they can be taken down and reformed to be advantages for living in a pristine world, one that harmonizes with your every moment.   As these mountains and bridges to other factions of the earth body are seen to be in rapid evolution there will be sanctuary within the earth and on ships above the planet.


~Angel Wisdom with Sharon Taphorn ~ Time to Go~ See the beauty within each sunset

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See the beauty within each sunset

Know that the sun will rise again tomorrow. As you pass through this time of transition, the angels wish to remind you that endings are merely the signal that new beginnings are coming your way. Embrace the change and trust that it will bring better and brighter tomorrows. Ask your angels to be by your side, supporting and guiding you as you release that which is no longer in your best interest.


~ Lightworker shares their expereince with The Ascension~

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~ Lightworker shares their expereince with The Ascension~

By Galactic Love Reporter lightlover1964~


I know that for the most part all of us here always try keeping our energies up and try no to bring lower vibrations in,so therefore there is not much written on the dark side of ascension.
But I think just like there is duality in everything in this 3 d world which we still reside in, there is also duality in ascension.
There is darkness there that needs to be looked at and released as well.

There are days when I feel so connected to Source I wonder if others see me in the sun, is my skin glowing?

Am I as shiny as I feel inside?
Full of love,hope, and peace?

And then I wake up the following day and I feel drained of life.

I weep for no reason it seems.
Really it seems sometimes I wail.
The sadness envelops me with such density that I just sit and wait for it to pass through me.
Some would call it a major depression.
Then it is gone.
Then I am up again.


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