2012 ~ A New Evolution of Consciousness People of the World Unite

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2012 ~ A New Evolution of Consciousness

~People of the World Unite~


People of the world, unite in Divine Love, and let your hearts sing together in the Light of true Peace. The now infamous year of 2012 allows you many new opportunities to be what you came on earth to be. The responsibility you hold as Light Workers means that you are here to bring more Light through you to the Earth, and ground the evolutionary frequencies. Your willingness to work with Divine Light has been one of the powerful ways this new consciousness has been born onto the planet. The new higher frequencies you carry are transforming your very being. As you allow these Spirals of Light-filled Consciousness to be integrated within you a newborn, complete 12 Chakra system is created for your evolution. These energy frequencies radiate through you and out to the planet. Through your agreement to carry new frequencies of Divine Light, you are literally changing the world.


~Expanding Beyond Ancient Belief Patterns~

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"At this time, there are energetic imprints that are becoming incredibly uncomfortable for many. The imprints are related to ancient belief patterns that you have carried for yourself, your families, and your soul groups for centuries. Part of your mission was to initially gather these energetic imprints from those you love to experience the energy with them.

Montague Keen ~ 29 January 2012 The Cabal knows that it has reached the end of the road. They cannot survive beyond 2012.

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Montague Keen ~ 29 January 2012


We are progressing, my dear, though the news of this is being kept from you. This is why more controls are being placed on your television coverage. It will be much more powerful than the TV you now have. The only way to deal with this outrage is to only watch what you know to be trustworthy. Tell your mind that you will not accept subliminal messages. Once you see them and are aware of them, they no longer work. Television acts as your prison warden, right there in pride of place in your home. It is always there in the background, keeping you asleep and under control at all times. The surveillance goes much further than you could possibly imagine. All it would take for people to become fully aware of what is being done, is for you to refuse to comply with it. It is time to take back your power. Refuse to be slaves one moment longer.


The great awakening is happening all over your world. The sense of excitement is spreading. Even countries that were totally controlled from cradle to grave – such as Ireland – are waking up. The Cabal knows that it has reached the end of the road. They cannot survive beyond 2012. They have tried everything that their scientists and supporters from other planets have come up with, but to no avail. They are blocked. Their time is up. Your planet will be restored. All that is dark and destructive will be removed forever.


Our Vibrational Frequency Activates Fifth~Dimensional Timeline~

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Your vibrational frequency is what determines your ability to access and experience fifth-dimensional timelines where unconditional love, limitless abundance, radiant health and boundless creativity are the norm.


There are many different means by which one can raise their vibration. These include diet, exercise, belief system adjustments, meditation, intention, stilling your mind and focusing on unconditional love. Anything you do that liberates you from being overly-enmeshed in physical reality will help you expand your consciousness into higher-dimensional realities.

Higher vs. Lower-Vibrational Frequencies

~Prepare For the Celebration~ I am Sananda

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January 26, 2012
~Prepare For the Celebration~
I am Sananda


Things are not going to be as they have always been. You are about to experience a great change in the evolution of your very soul expression and you are coming now soon to the threshold of that which was the beginnings of all that you came here for and all of that is culminating now at a time where you are ready to be experiencing those changes and those things that are necessary for you to act upon your mission, to complete the mission you have started so long ago. We here in the Galactic Federation, the Ashtar Command and all of the Hierarchy are pleased and proud of your accomplishments and are waiting until the time very soon now, very imminent time now as we find it that you are ready to join us once again as our brothers and sisters alike. Not that we are above you, not that we are to be worshipped, but are to be along side of you as your brothers and sisters.


Twelve Insight ~ How Do We Manage The Thoughts In Our Mind?

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Twelve Insight ~ How Do We Manage The Thoughts In Our Mind?


Twelve Insight | January 29 2012


If the only thoughts you had were the thoughts that are (generated locally) in your mind you wouldn’t have any trouble managing them at all. But your brain is more like a receiver of thought than it is a generator of thought. This is why you have thoughts that seem to come out of nowhere. Your brain, your heart, your whole body, is a sensitive receiver immersed in a vast ocean of thought. And in this sense you are more like a sieve than you are like a shell.


So here you are immersed in a vibrational world that was preceded by thought, is surrounded by thought, and you are taking in as much of it as you can. But they didn’t tell you when you were born that you would be taking in so many more thoughts than most of the people around you. Those who raised you were trained to exclude or ignore much of what they saw or heard or felt with their senses, and even more so to ignore or discount the nonphysical, vibrational aspects that surrounded them. So in order to fit in you began to manage—restrict—your thoughts.

Meredith Murphy ~ Luminous Being: Entry Into 2012 ~ 29 January 2012

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Meredith Murphy ~ Luminous Being: Entry Into 2012 ~ 29 January 2012

By Love Reporter meredith murphy


I am still humming with awe at my entry into this auspicious year of 2012, and astonished by what can be accomplished by forgiveness–especially self-forgiveness–on this journey of remembering and re-assembling as light.

Recently I traveled to Lake Louise in the Canadian Rockies.  I went to gather energies and experience the Archangel Michael vortex there for the dawn of the Lunar New Year.  I was thrilled to be returning–it had been 28 years since my last visit to the Canadian Rockies, and I booked a room with a view of the lake in the beautiful Chateau. 

Visionkeeper ~ Gifting One World Rising

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Visionkeeper ~ Gifting


One World Rising


We talk a great deal about wanting change, waiting for the shift to happen. But what about putting those thoughts and wishes into action while we are waiting?

Time is of the essence and we seem to be squandering it needlessly while we sit and wait for miracles to happen. It is time we move into action and start creating gifting in our communities and awaken our hearts even more through giving and gratitude.

Gifting locally brings our immediate areas of living to life, brings them together and urges the act of feeling gratitude to flourish. It creates a center of being in the community and returns us to that space of once again needing one another that we have lost somewhere on our journey.


The act of not needing anyone is alienating and divisive. If we are to truly be one with all we must return to a give and take society where we all help each other. This, in turn, begins to lessen our dependence on the government and corporate takeover of our way of life. I like the sound of that.



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