Be Kind to Yourself
Message from Ascended Master, Lady Magda
Galactic Love Reporter Julie Miller
January 27, 2012

Hello my splendid children, we are speaking through our dear vessel of late on the subject of Self-Love. How important self-love is to all aspects of your life dear ones. Self-love brings in Self-Forgiveness and Self-Compassion. All three are to not only to be considered but accepted.
You need to have deep self-love in order to know and understand yourself fully and those around you.
Also self-love encourages acknowledgement of Self-Forgiveness. Each of you deserve forgiveness dear ones, just as each of you deserve to love, and to be loved. Start with loving yourself dear ones. Once you are able to go into your self through reflection, quality time alone or creating a special moment that is just for you, you will come to love everything there is about you.