Lucas ~ The Fearmongering Goes On…. After YU55 Now 433 Eros Asteroid Is Next To Presumingly Hit Earth ~ 28 January 2012

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Lucas ~ The Fearmongering Goes On…. After YU55 Now 433 Eros Asteroid Is Next To Presumingly Hit Earth ~ 28 January 2012


As Europe is announcing the building of its own Asteroid shield project, called Neo shield as a new celestial body is presumed to hit Earth. When does the fear mongering stop. After Niburu, Elenin and YU55 – Eros 433 is the new kid to put fear to the humans on earth’s  talking again about destruction and catastrophes. This will be followed by the Bx 2012 double bus sized asteroid. Also predicted at NASA’s Asteroid Watch Program.


Every time such announcement takes place all hens are on deck to put the fear messages out of  a possible catastrophe for Earth. In an interview this week on Project Camelot became also clear that hoax or ghost trajectories were put out about YU55 as its real trajectory was not the same as a signature that was not YU55.  Let us see what will be next announced. I for myself say, I will sleep well and will not be scared by all this. I say follow the example skip the fear.

Love and Light,



Gods/Goddesses - In-Training, On-The-Ryse and AWAKENYNG

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GODS/GODDESSES -- In-Training, On-The-Ryse and AWAKENYNGi

By Love Reporter Sephora



Thyse Title Myghte LOOKE and SOUNDE A Little STRANGE To You IF You Are Not On YOUR PERSONAL Path To/Of ASCENSION. The ABSOLUTE TRUTH Of Our Situatyon Is That WE ARE ALL GODS AND GODDESSES - Yes, WE ARE ALL DIVINE My Brothers and SyStars!!!

The Wisdom of Surrender ~ Resistance Equals Persistence

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The Wisdom of Surrender
Resistance Equals Persistence



Resistance tends to strengthen the energies it attempts to oppose by giving them power and energy to work against.

We all know the feeling of being repeatedly haunted by the same issue, no matter how we try to ignore it, avoid it, or run away from it. Sometimes it seems that we can get rid of something we don’t want by simply pushing it away. Most of the time, the more we push away, the more we get pushed back. There are laws of physics and metaphysics that explain this phenomenon, which is often summed up in this pithy phrase: That which you resist persists.


DL Zeta ~ Basking In The Eternal Sunshine Of Our Infinite Mind ~ 28 January 2012

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DL Zeta ~ Basking In The Eternal Sunshine Of Our Infinite Mind ~ 28 January 2012




Beauty and perfection exist all around us. They are contained within every breath and within every moment. The only imperfection we encounter is the incomplete nature of a physical-based consciousness that limits our ability to see all that is before us.


When our vision is limited, we tend to project our own incompletion and need for healing onto the present moment. If there’s anything we perceive as missing within our present reality, this is a tip-off that we’re projecting the template of our own consciousness onto the moment. This projection is actually beneficial because it provides us the opportunity to stop and observe and define for ourselves just what appears imperfect in our reality.


By doing so, we receive clues as to changes we can make to transform our own consciousness so we are able to perceive the divine perfection present within every moment.

Gods/Goddesses - In-Training, On-The-Ryse and AWAKENYNG

Sephora FyreByrd's picture

GODS/GODDESSES -- In-Training, On-The-Ryse and AWAKENYNGi

By Love Reporter Sephora



Thyse Title Myghte LOOKE and SOUNDE A Little STRANGE To You IF You Are Not On YOUR PERSONAL Path To/Of ASCENSION. The ABSOLUTE TRUTH Of Our Situatyon Is That WE ARE ALL GODS AND GODDESSES - Yes, WE ARE ALL DIVINE My Brothers and SyStars!!!


Here Are Some Thynges To Thynke About:



Be Kind to Yourself ~ Ascended Master, Lady Magda ~ Julie Miller ~ January 27, 2012

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Be Kind to Yourself
Message from Ascended Master, Lady Magda
  Galactic Love Reporter Julie Miller
January 27, 2012





Hello my splendid children, we are speaking through our dear vessel of late on the subject of Self-Love. How important self-love is to all aspects of your life dear ones. Self-love brings in Self-Forgiveness and Self-Compassion. All three are to not only to be considered but accepted.

You need to have deep self-love in order to know and understand yourself fully and those around you.


Also self-love encourages acknowledgement of Self-Forgiveness. Each of you deserve forgiveness dear ones, just as each of you deserve to love, and to be loved. Start with loving yourself dear ones. Once you are able to go into your self through reflection, quality time alone or creating a special moment that is just for you, you will come to love everything there is about you.

~Preparing for the Great Shift - Russell Boulding~

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~Preparing for the Great Shift~

Russell Boulding



How Can I Participate?

Declaration of Intent/Vow of Masterhood
Watch Spiritual Cinema
Spiritual and Mind-Expanding Cinema Film List

This page is for those who already know deep down inside that a shift in human consciousness is happening and would like suggestions for possible ways to consciously and actively participate.


Below I have reproduced a few sections from Chapter 11 of the Great Shift manuscript (How Can I Participate in the Shift?) containing some relatively simple suggestions.


Lisa Gawlas~ ~Passion of the Christ~ A Message from The Guardians:

Lia's picture
~Passion of the Christ~

A Message from The Guardians:

The Christ is the pure essence of your Life Force. The part of every one of you who is not injured or traumatized by the human condition, but is Alive thru it.


The Christ is a collective energy not given to any one individual, not ever. In your recent past there was a group of people who called themselves the Essene's. They loved as this energy - The Christed Ones.



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