~Radio Ann With A Message from The Council of 12~ Just Do It~

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~Radio Ann With A Message from The Council of 12~ Just Do It~
[Hello. This is Ann. Would someone like to chat with me today?]

Yes. Hello, Ann. This is the Council of Twelve. We are here to say hello to you this fine day. We always enjoy our little talks. Thank you for inviting us in to your life today.

[Thank you! You are always welcome to visit me.]

Good! What would you like to discuss?

[There is an article today in The New York Times about the search for ETs. Is this part of a trickle of information about disclosure?]

Oh, yes. Most certainly. The public is being prepared for this history-making event. You will see more and more references to off-planet life as the days go on - various articles about other planets, the components of life, what ET life might look like - none of these reports will be terribly accurate, but that's not their purpose. We are seeding the idea in broad swaths that we are here. Don't forget that you are on the cutting edge of thought. Although you and your friends take our existence for granted (and by "us" we mean any being not human or incarnate), big segments of the world population think such a thing is bunk. So there is work to do, and the work is being done.

Sananda ~ The Time Is Now

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January 29, 2012
Sananda ~ The Time Is Now


Soon you will be hearing announcements that will be both shocking and wonderful. To some, it will be as if their world is falling apart and to others it will be as a ray of sunshine peaking through the clouds for the first time. For those of you reading this however, it is your call to action to awaken from your slumber and proceed with what you know deep down you came here to do. “Now is the time” to prepare for the next phase of your mission and the ultimate knowing that you are nearing completion of that mission. All eyes will soon be to the heavens both physically and spiritually wondering if this is indeed the end times as spoken of in the bible. You each one will know that these are those times. You each have made it known to us here in the Spiritual Hierarchy and various factions of Brotherhoods all over the galaxy that you are ready to proceed with your mission. The only question now is are you ready?


SaLuSa 30~January~2012 Your Wishes for Change are Coming True

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SaLuSa  30~January~2012 Your Wishes for Change are Coming True


Have no fears because much can happen from just one week to another, and the plan for your release from the dark Ones is progressing along very nicely. As we have already suggested, keep aware of the developments around the world as your wishes for change are coming true. It is a matter of finding a reliable news sources from which you can get a feel of what is taking place. You know that time is racing by, and that is welcome as you have waited long for the end times to get underway. Believe us they are just as we would have them, with our allies succeeding in creating the conditions that will enable us to come closer to you. All that has been promised will come to you, even if it is not quite as you would have imagined, and in fact in some ways it well may prove to be more exciting and fulfilling.

Ann Albers ~ Faith ~ 30 January 2012

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 Galactic Love Reporter Ann Albers ~ Faith ~ 30 January 2012



My dear friends, we love you so very much.

You are upon the planet earth dear ones because at one point in your existence you doubted your connection with God. You began to feel separate and by the very nature of that feeling of separation, you entered into a reality in which the all present, all loving God is hidden in a myriad of different forms and face. In reality, all that you see is God’s love made manifest. You are here to recognize that love, in yourself and in others.


At a very practical level, this means that when you want or need some help in your life, it makes sense to pray and ask God for assistance, because the all loving spirit that created you is present in over seven billion people and a multitude of other forms on your planet. God can move the hearts of those who are even a tiny bit awake to assist you. God can move your heart to talk with someone and ask for assistance. God can direct all of you, dear one,s in a beautifully cooperative and synchronized dance of love if you will only stop, breathe, receive that love, and listen to the sweet and small urgings in your heart. By the very nature of your existence, you are not and can never be alone.


Large EarthQuake Peru 6.3 mag 30th January 2012

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A large EarthQuake has been reported in the region of central coastal Peru of 6.3 mag , 30th January 2012.. No reports as yet .... Thank you for being here...Love is shared... NAMASTE ....the list of links are below and i am grateful for their service.
http://www.emsc-csem.org/Earthquake and http://www.geonet.org.nz/earthquake/quakes/recent_quakes


Update since this video was made, we are getting reports of deaths reported~

~Space Weather Update~ Quiet

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CHANCE OF AURORAS: NOAA forecasters estimate a 30% chance of minor geomagnetic storms on Jan. 30th in response to a possible glancing blow from a coronal mass ejection (CME). The CME is from last Friday's off-center X-flare. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.


On Jan. 28th, pilot Brian Whittaker was flying 34,000 feet over Greenland when he saw the Moon shining down on a vibrant blanket of auroras:



"Jupiter, Venus, and the Moon were lined up just above the auroras," says Whittaker. "It was a very pretty scene."

more images: from Peter Rosen of Abisko, Sweden; from Dionys Moser of Tromsö, Norway; from Arild Heitmann of Sandstrand, Troms, Norway

HEAVEN #4084 ~ ALL ARE ONE, AND ALL ARE WORTHY ~ 30.01.2012 ~ by Gloria Wendroff

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Galactic Love Reporter Gloria Wendroff

All Are One, and All Are Worthy

Heavenletter #4084 Published on: January 30, 2012

God said:

Be a friend first. There is no need to wait for others to extend their hands to you first. When you greet another, you are greeting yourself. By all means, greet yourself. No ands, ifs, and or buts.


For easy understanding, you have made yourself into an I and so have many others, and I give a lesson in grammar that you and I are a We. We like to be We. You like to be We. You like to be We with Me, and you like to be We with others.



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I know it is my tendency to see myself and others as I/we have been in the past. That is not an uncommon tendency, I'm sure. Nevertheless, as we move into the energies of transformation, it is essential for all of us, or as many as are willing, to get beyond how we have viewed and judged ourselves and each other. The way we have done it has produced cycles of repetition. If we can only see where the future is beckoning us to go, we can break that pattern and move into the world that has only existed in our best dreams of a world that works for everyone.

NEW UPDATE! David Wilcock “Financial Tyranny” Section 5 is Here!!… “THE MASS ARRESTS HAVE ALREADY STARTED”

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NEW UPDATE! David Wilcock “Financial Tyranny” Section 5 is Here!!… “THE MASS ARRESTS HAVE ALREADY STARTED”


Posted on January 28, 2012

This is a most important update (well, which one of David’s articles is not important). Full of information, new photos, etc. Wow, is all I can say.

David writes this update statement.


“[UPDATE SATURDAY 1/28: Section Five has now been released. It is massive -- and highly fascinating, with a great deal of extremely sensitive information that may be very surprising to a lot of people.


"I hope that Section Six will follow very soon afterwards, but I wanted to get this out now -- because we've had so many people eagerly awaiting it, and the mass arrests have already started.

"And yes... in response to many concerns, I have been working way, way too many hours per day on this and have not had enough sleep -- but I will soon.]“


12 Stages of Lightbody Ascension

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12 Stages of Lightbody Ascension


1. FIRST LEVEL – when the body drops density it commonly displays mutational symptoms of flu, headaches, diarrhea, rashes, muscle and joint aches.

Most flu epidemics are actually Light epidemics! Brain chemistry changes, right and left brain functions blend and the pituitary and pineal glands begin to change in size.


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